
Haibo Maibu, a new domestic drug that inhibits cholesterol absorption, is coming!

For patients with cardiovascular disease, for patients with atherosclerosis and high cholesterol, it is necessary to lower blood lipids and reduce "bad cholesterol" - LDL cholesterol, which is no stranger to everyone; cholesterol-lowering preferred to eat "statin" drugs, many people eat it.

However, the cholesterol in some people's blood lipids is too high, and taking "statin" drugs alone cannot reduce the required indicators, but they cannot increase the dose casually. Because the doctor said that increasing the dose will increase the adverse reactions of the drug, what liver damage, muscle damage. But what if the blood cholesterol is not up to standard?

There are also people who start to eat "statin" drugs that work very well, but when they eat and eat, how come the cholesterol level has risen back?

Haibo Maibu, a new domestic drug that inhibits cholesterol absorption, is coming!

Eating "statin" alone does not meet the standard of lipid reduction, and eating "statin" for a long time has reduced the effect, these situations are very real, and there is a reason behind it.

"Statin" drugs are the preferred drug for lowering cholesterol and can inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol in the body. And the cholesterol in the body, about 3/4 is synthesized by itself. "Statin" drugs inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol, which plays a major cholesterol-lowering effect. But there is a rule for "statins" that if the normal dose is doubled, the amplitude of cholesterol lowering can only increase by 6%. Therefore, the increase in lipid-lowering effect after doubling the dose of the drug is not obvious, but the adverse reactions will increase significantly. In this way, the little benefit of drug dosage is gone.

Haibo Maibu, a new domestic drug that inhibits cholesterol absorption, is coming!

Moreover, "statin" drugs mainly inhibit cholesterol synthesis, but the human body has its own regulation. You suppress the synthesis, I will absorb it vigorously, "the loss of the embankment outside the embankment to make up", the synthesis is less to find the compensation from the absorption. Therefore, some patients took "statin" drugs for a period of time and began to lower their cholesterol, but as soon as the intestinal absorption increased, blood cholesterol rose back.

Haibo Maibu, a new domestic drug that inhibits cholesterol absorption, is coming!

In this way, when the effect of "statin" drugs to inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol is not good, it is necessary to find another way to inhibit the absorption of intestinal cholesterol.

As a result, drugs such as "intestinal cholesterol absorption inhibitors" were developed.

The cholesterol we eat is absorbed in the small intestine; and the cholesterol synthesized by the liver is excreted into the intestine through bile and absorbed through the epithelial cells of the small intestine. Therefore, to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol, it is necessary to play a role in the epithelium of the small intestine.

Haibo Maibu, a new domestic drug that inhibits cholesterol absorption, is coming!

Intestinal cholesterol absorption inhibitors are brush-shaped margins that act on the cells of the small intestine epithelium responsible for absorbing cholesterol, blocking the absorption of cholesterol in this area. Less cholesterol is absorbed, and less cholesterol is lowered in the blood.

There was originally only one such drug, called "Yizhi Maibu" (Yi Shi Chun), which was developed abroad and has been used for many years.

Now, another product has been added, China's independent research and development of the product "Haibo Maibu" (Saismei).

The mode of action of HaiboMaibu is similar to that of Yizhimabu, but the concentration in the body after the absorption of the drug is higher, and the peak time and the onset time are faster.

Haibo Maibu, a new domestic drug that inhibits cholesterol absorption, is coming!

The research and development of Haibo Maibu lasted 15 years, 13 clinical studies were carried out in the Chinese group, and the phase III clinical studies were all participated by Chinese people, which is very different from the results of some other drug clinical trials, mainly foreigners. Since the efficacy and safety of Haibomaibub are verified in the Chinese group, it will be more in line with the situation of the Chinese people. The results of the Phase III clinical trial showed that taking 20 mg of hyperbomab per day could reduce MDL cholesterol by 16%. In this way, the combination of hyperbomerbub and "statin" drugs can achieve the cholesterol-lowering effect of large doses of statins, and do not increase the adverse drug reactions on the basis of "statins".

Haibo Maibu, a new domestic drug that inhibits cholesterol absorption, is coming!

The tablets of Haibomebu are 10mg and 20mg. Clinical application can also be 10 mg or 20 mg per day.

Haibo Maibu is a national class of new drugs, has been listed, and entered the national medical insurance directory, and will be put into clinical use in January next year. In this way, for patients who need to take drugs to lower cholesterol, there is another choice.

(All rights reserved, may not be reproduced without my authorization!) )

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