
Three gunshots rang out, the Soviet leader was assassinated, was the blind Kaplan really the murderer of the assassination?

"Oh, huh, huh," Lenin fell in a pool of blood after three gunshots.

Then a woman is desperately running forward, followed by sailors and workers shouting "Grab her, don't let her run", and when the angry people grab her, they shout "It's her!" It was her shot!" I wonder if anyone remembers this familiar and unfamiliar picture? And is this woman really Lenin's murderer?

Three gunshots rang out, the Soviet leader was assassinated, was the blind Kaplan really the murderer of the assassination?

Lenin, whose original name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, was the main founder of the world's first socialist state, the founder of the Bolshevik Party, the main leader of the October Revolution in the SOVIET Union, and the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

Lenin was his pseudonym after joining the communist movement, he inherited Marxism, combined with the Russian Revolution to form Leninism, recognized by communists all over the world as "the great teacher and spiritual leader of the international proletarian revolution", and he was also one of the most influential and controversial figures of the 20th century.

Three gunshots rang out, the Soviet leader was assassinated, was the blind Kaplan really the murderer of the assassination?

On August 30, 1918, Lenin gave a speech to the workers at the Mikherson factory on the outskirts of the capital Moscow.

After the speech, Lenin was answering a question posed to him by a lady when suddenly a Browning pistol came out, followed by three gunshots.

The first bullet hit Lenin in the left shoulder, the second hit his left chest and passed through his neck, the third hit the lady who was talking to him, and Lenin immediately collapsed in a pool of blood. After regaining consciousness, Lenin thought that there might be another assassination waiting for him, so he refused to go to the hospital for treatment and quickly returned to the Kremlin.

Three gunshots rang out, the Soviet leader was assassinated, was the blind Kaplan really the murderer of the assassination?

The position of the second bullet that Lenin was hit was dangerous, and with the medical conditions at the time, it was impossible to remove it safely, so the bullet remained in his neck.

On April 24, 1922, a German doctor performed a series of surgeries on Lenin to remove the bullet, but Lenin's health deteriorated sharply. After that, Lenin was forced to stop political activities, he handed over power to Stalin, and remained bedridden until his death, on January 21, 1924, at 18:50 Moscow time, Lenin died in the village of Gorky at the age of 53.

Three gunshots rang out, the Soviet leader was assassinated, was the blind Kaplan really the murderer of the assassination?

As the founder of the nascent Bolsheviks, Lenin's assassination was not the first time for him.

As early as January 14, 1918, after Lenin had completed a speech in Petrograd, he and the Swiss communist Fritz Platin were riding in a car, and while passing a bridge, they were suddenly shot by 12 unidentified gunmen.

In the face of the fierce fire of the 12 gunmen, Fritz Platin hurriedly pressed Lenin's head under the seat and covered Lenin with his own body, while he himself was shot several times. After the incident, the Cheka (the All-Russian Purge Committee, renamed the State Security Council in 1954, the well-known Soviet intelligence organization KGB) failed to capture the shooters and identify the killers.

Fanny Kaplan is known for her attempted assassination of Lenin on August 30, 1918.

Kaplan's full name is Fanny Yefimovna Kaplan, born in 1890 in a Jewish family in The Warren Province of Ukraine, Kaplan's father was a man of great piety and loyalty to the regime at that time, but his youngest daughter Kaplan, who became the sworn enemy of the nascent Soviet regime, went so far as to assassinate its leader, Lenin.

When the Russian Revolution broke out in 1905, Kaplan began to approach the anarchists and began to participate in their activities, and she assumed the pseudonym "Dora" in anarchist circles.

Three gunshots rang out, the Soviet leader was assassinated, was the blind Kaplan really the murderer of the assassination?

Kaplan's first assassination was in 1906, when she was only 16 years old.

She participated in the assassination of the chief executive of Kiev on that occasion, but without success, and the military court in Kiev sentenced her to death, but because her assassination was unsuccessful, she was sentenced to lifelong hard labor.

According to Russian data that has been lifted, the young Kaplan began to taste the iron curtain at an early age, and the harsh living environment of the prison made her almost completely blind, although she was later taken to the hospital for treatment, but her eyesight was still not restored.

Three gunshots rang out, the Soviet leader was assassinated, was the blind Kaplan really the murderer of the assassination?

Therefore, with regard to lenin's murderer, many people believe that the real murderer is not Kaplan but someone else.

According to the Russian State Archives and the relevant archives of the Soviet security intelligence agencies of that year, Kaplan was not captured by the workers and sailors after firing three shots at Lenin in a row and rushing outside the factory area, as in the movie "Lenin in 1918", but was arrested on a street far from the factory area.

Kaplan was shot three days after her arrest, inside the Kremlin, and her body was not buried, but was stuffed into an iron barrel and burned with gasoline.

The Cheka crew, who was on the execution mission, recorded the process of the shooting: "This time, we did not take her anywhere, but shot her in the same place."

The blind female killer Fanny Kaplan was thus shot, and she took to the grave the truth and secret of Lenin's assassination. And history also entered the annals of history of this woman, because her name was not only written into all the textbooks of the Soviet Union, but also made into the movie "Lenin in 1918", so that everyone in the world knew that "it is her!" It was her shot!"

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