
Two military commanders, one in and one retreat, dwarfed! A commander is commanded by another

As two generals of the Kuomintang, Gu Zhutong and Liu Zhi, were known as the Five Tiger Generals.

In fact, during the Northern Expedition, Gu Zhutong and Liu Zhi were both division commanders to military commanders, which can be said to be promoted simultaneously. However, later Liu Zhi surpassed Gu Zhutong.

Two military commanders, one in and one retreat, dwarfed! A commander is commanded by another

What's going on?

This is a very interesting story.

In the Battle of Longtan, Gu Zhutong led the 3rd Division to counterattack Longtan, recapturing Longtan Station, annihilating 30,000 enemies and forcing the remnants of Sun Chuanfang to flee. After the war, Gu Zhutong was promoted to commander of the 9th Army, and had three divisions under his command- the 3rd Division, the 14th Division, and the 21st Division.

At this time, Liu Zhi was the commander of the 1st Army.

However, Gu Zhutong was surpassed by Liu Zhi in the next battle and became Liu Zhi's subordinate!

Two military commanders, one in and one retreat, dwarfed! A commander is commanded by another

On December 4, the National Revolutionary Army began the Second Northern Expedition.

Gu Zhutong commanded the 9th Army to attack all the way, defeated Sun Chuanfang's defenders, occupied Fengyang, Anhui, and then advanced along the left flank of the Jinpu Railway. Liu Zhi led the 1st Army north along the front of the railway. After the two armies captured Linhuai Pass, because the situation between the enemy and us was unknown, their command was chaotic for a while, and they did not know where to go. The commander-in-chief He Yingqin ordered the troops to retreat backwards. After Gu Zhutong received the order, he was afraid that his situation would be outstanding and he would suffer losses, so he did not think about it, so he ordered him to retreat. The officers and men at the lower levels were puzzled by the victory in the battle and retreat, and the three division commanders also called to inquire about the reasons for the retreat. Gu Zhutong had to explain:

"We acted in accordance with the orders, and I am afraid that what will happen to Nanjing may not be certain."

Two military commanders, one in and one retreat, dwarfed! A commander is commanded by another

In this way, the whole army kept retreating and lost its advantageous fighter.

However, the 1st Army led by Liu Zhi did not receive He Yingqin's order to retreat, and continued to advance, encountering Sun Jun at Changhuaiwei, and as a result, he won the battle and occupied Bengbu.

At this time, Gu Zhutong's troops had retreated 60 kilometers, and Liu Zhi's army only advanced about 20 kilometers, and the two army commanders, one advancing and one retreating, dwarfed. He Yingqin had planned to let Gu Zhutong command the 1st and 9th armies in a unified manner, so he changed his mind and ordered Liu Zhi to unify the command of the two armies, and Gu Zhutong became Liu Zhi's subordinate. Under the command of Liu Zhi, the two armies defeated zhang Zongchang's defenders, Yanjiashan and other fortified positions west of Xuzhou, and occupied Xuzhou on the 16th.

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