
Obviously still very young, but his face is dull and his skin is rough, what does it have to do with it? What to do?

author:Dermatology TCM Huang Ma

In general, people are old, collagen loss, skin will appear dull, rough, long wrinkles and other manifestations, for young people, the skin state is generally better. But there are many women in life who find that they are still very young, and even in college, but the whole person feels that it does not match the actual age, looks relatively large, not old, the face has begun to yellow, the skin has become rough, why is this? What to do? Next, let's talk about it specifically with you, maybe some reasons are in their own body, change it in time, and the skin condition will improve.

At a young age, the face is dull and the skin is rough, what does it have to do with it?

For many young women, the skin state is not good, largely related to their daily habits, if you have the following habits, you may have to adjust it earlier, so as not to accelerate skin aging:

Do you stay up late often?

Obviously still very young, but his face is dull and his skin is rough, what does it have to do with it? What to do?

After staying up late, waking up the next day, I believe that many women will find that their faces are hung with dark circles, the skin color will darken, if they rest at 12 o'clock or even later every day, the metabolism of the skin will be disordered, and they will not be repaired, and over time, it will be easy to become dull, yellow, and may also be prone to acne.

Do you eat staple foods every day?

Many women pay attention to their own body management, weight loss has never been broken, do not eat staple food is one of their methods of weight loss, usually only eat some vegetable salad, meat is rarely eaten. But in fact, this is not a healthy method, not only is it not conducive to health, but also easy to accelerate skin aging. Long-term single dietary pattern, easy to malnutrition, the face is naturally prone to yellowing and darkening.

Did you use the right cleanser?

Although the cleanser helps to clean the face, but the choice of their own is not easy to hurt the skin, if you only look at its price or brand, feel that the more expensive the better, often change back and forth, not suitable for their own skin type, may not help, but easy to cause water and oil imbalance, affecting the normal metabolism of the skin, causing rough skin, dull yellow, long closure and other issues.

If you have these habits, it may not be surprising that the skin is yellow and rough, it is recommended to change it early, develop correct living and cleaning habits, and give the following suggestions to everyone here:

Obviously still very young, but his face is dull and his skin is rough, what does it have to do with it? What to do?

Often eat foods rich in water and vitamins: such as tomatoes, cucumbers, kiwifruit, etc., to add moisture to the skin, but also to absorb nutrients, which vitamin C content is relatively rich, good antioxidants, help to resist free radical damage to the skin.

Correct face washing: In addition to choosing the right toiletries for yourself, it is recommended that you should also pay attention to the water temperature when washing your face, washing with warm water is better, it should not be too hot, too cold, and it is not suitable for alternating hot and cold water washing, so it is easy to stimulate the skin of the face and destroy the skin state.

In addition, a dull yellow face may also be related to health problems in the following two organs:

One: Spleen

It is the foundation of the day after tomorrow, if the transportation function is not good, it has a great impact on health, which will cause a series of physical manifestations, and the yellow face is one of them. Especially for many women, the use of the wrong diet method to lose weight, intake of nutrients is unreasonable, easy to reduce its function, spleen deficiency, body water metabolism disorders, easy to cause yellow face. Not only that, spleen deficiency is also easy to cause puffiness, may not only be easy to yellow, but also easy to "fat", here is the fat, especially in the eyelid performance is more obvious.

Two: liver

Obviously still very young, but his face is dull and his skin is rough, what does it have to do with it? What to do?

For people with liver disease, the face that is prone to liver disease, the face is dull, rough and dry is a common manifestation. For people with liver damage, its detoxification ability will decline, endocrine is also easily affected, some pigments can not be discharged in time, deposited in the skin, will make the skin worse.

If it is related to these two health problems, it is more important to pay attention to, so as not to delay for a long time and affect the health of other organs, so how to deal with it?

If it is a spleen problem, the daily diet must be adjusted in time, easy to hurt the spleen food as little as possible or not to touch, such as too cold, greasy food, it is recommended that you can usually eat some yellow food, such as pumpkin, millet, into the spleen, to improve its function is helpful.

If it is related to the liver, it is recommended that women usually pay attention to regular work and rest, adequate sleep is conducive to rest, and also pay attention to maintaining a good mood, if it is usually always angry, it will hinder the normal operation of liver qi, and then easily affect the qi and blood, a good mood is conducive to preventing liver qi depression. The liver is slowly getting better, the metabolic detoxification is gradually normal, and the impact on the skin is positive and helps to improve the condition of the skin.

Obviously still very young, but his face is dull and his skin is rough, what does it have to do with it? What to do?

In summary, still very young, but the face is dull, rough skin, or related to the above reasons, want to improve, it is recommended that female friends should change bad living habits in time, if it is a health problem, then actively intervene, in addition to paying attention to the spleen and liver protection in life, the above suggestions may wish to accept and do.


[1] What should I do if my face is dull? Try Osmanthus Flower. Beiqing.2021.05.21

[2] "These "faces" must be seen! These 9 changes may be sick →". Morning News.2021.10.05

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