
Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province: Saiwai noodles incense

author:Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

#2021 I endorse Hebei Cultural Tourism##Passionate Winter Olympics Meet Hebei##2021 Headlines Take You To See Hebei ##奋进新时代魅力张家口 #

Wang Changling's "Plugged Song" wrote: "Cicadas singing in the air, Xiao Guan Dao in August." Stuffed in and out of the cold, everywhere yellow reed grass. "Saiwai, on the Zhangjiakou Dam, located in the transition zone between the North China Plain and the Inner Mongolia Plateau, the frost-free period is 100 days, the vast area is cold and cold, and the plateau cold land at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters is the most suitable for the growth of quinoa.

Folk tales say that in ancient times, Emperor Yan was the ancestor of the cultivation of grain, he tasted the grass and trees, found the degree to which plants adapted to the cold and warm climate, so he gave plant fiefs: Jiangnan Water Town let rice go, the Central Plains let wheat go, and the Loess Plateau let the grain go. Unfortunately, the plants in the alpine areas did not go, and the Yan Emperor draped the wheat with cold wheat and gave three cups of Zhuangxing wine, and from then on, the wheat took root outside the plug and became a major staple food, ranking among the "three treasures outside the mouth" - noodles, yam and large leather jackets.

The ability of quinoa to resist drought, cold and barrenness is strong, and under the condition of lack of fertilizer and water, it can produce more nutrients, containing protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which can be described as "the dignity of nine grains". Eating noodles can prevent diabetes, coronary heart disease and other diseases, it is also rich in linoleic acid, which has obvious effects on promoting human metabolism.

In the past, farmers on the dam planted noodles and first mixed seeds with sesame oil and high liquor. Oil adds nutrients to the seeds and adds bottom fertilizer; wine disinfects the seeds to prevent pests and diseases. In September, the fields are covered in golden color, the bulging grains are drooping, and the farmers are harvesting them with sickles. After peeling, the wheat grains are processed into noodles after three ripening. The washed wheat grains are fried in a large pot and then ground into noodles; when cooking, the noodles are blanched with boiling water, and then the fish are rubbed in the nest. The nest slices should be thin and even, and the edges should be neat, placed in a steamer basket, and stacked into a honeycomb shape. After that, the noodle nests and fish that are put in the cage drawer are steamed in a large pot. As soon as the cage drawer is opened, a wisp of rich fragrance wafts out of the steaming noodles, and people use chopsticks to pick up soft and trembling noodles, fish, nests, and dip vegetables to eat.

Saiwai local drama "duo tai" sang: "The soup of lamb soup in the nest of noodles, the soup of yam fish and fish mushrooms, the soup of cold mixed noodle soup, the soup of the noodles, the fragrant and fragrant dumplings of the noodles..." The Zhang family eats dishes dipped in noodles, and each has its own way of eating in all seasons. In the spring, use bitter vegetables, spinach, and leeks to make a cold soup dipped in it. In summer, shredded cucumbers and small radish are dipped in vinegar, soy sauce and pepper oil with cold vegetables. In autumn, boil cabbage, potatoes, and tofu into a large stew. In winter, it is dipped in lamb mushroom soup, pork stew, minced meat, yam strips and steamed green onions. There is a local saying: yam boiled eggplant, fragrant dead old man. Eat it with yam boiled eggplant dipped in noodles. The soft and tender rice is particularly refreshing to eat.

The noodles are pushed by hand on the porcelain plate into a nest of noodles, which shanxi people call "莜面栲栳栳栳", and can also be pressed into dumplings, kneaded into fish, made into rolls, steamed dumplings, cakes and cat ears. Lamb and carrot stuffed dumplings with noodles, with unique flavor; noodles and pancakes with sweet noodle sauce, green onions and bean sprouts to eat, more refreshing; noodles with green onions, sesame oil, salty salt and stir-fried with bitter tiredness; butter and sugar can be fried in oil; noodles can also be made into many special dishes, so that people can never get tired of eating.

Eating noodles, resistant to hunger, there is a saying of "forty miles of noodles, thirty miles of cake, ten miles of soba noodles hungry waist". To this end, the Cypriots regard the noodles as a treasure, relying on the heat converted by the noodles in the body to fight the cold, graze cattle and sheep, and work in the fields. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the merchants from Zhangjiakou who traveled to Kulun (present-day Ulaanbaatar), pulled camel caravans, drove ox carts, chicken sound mao shops, and wore stars and moons, walked in three thousand miles of desolation and blockage, and traveled fifty or sixty miles a day. Along the way, the camel people eat the noodles and cakes, the roe of the noodles dipped in salt water, or the noodle cakes made of noodles, buckwheat noodles and white noodles, resisting the wind, frost, rain and snow, and walking on Zhangku Avenue.

At present, noodle foods such as noodle dumplings and colorful fishing noodles have also been selected for the "Chongli Menu" of the 2022 Winter Olympics. As a "treasure on the dam", The wheat will inherit the snow passion of the Winter Olympics and shape a unique saiwai cuisine with its unique fragrance.

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