
Haruki Murakami's 4 short stories and 1 long interview 丨 Treasurer Book List (2)

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Haruki Murakami's 4 short stories and 1 long interview 丨 Treasurer Book List (2)

(Current Issue Treasurer / Mathilda)

Haruki Murakami's 4 short stories and 1 long interview

Article | current issue treasurer Mathilda

☘ Haruki Murakami "Sleep"

The plot of this book is very simple. A housewife, whose husband is a dentist, has no financial troubles, lives a dull life, and does not care about happiness or unhappiness. Then, suddenly, she fell into a massive insomnia, not closing her eyes for 17 days and nights, and she was not sleepy. She suddenly had a third more time, and she used it to eat chocolate, drink brandy, read Anna Karenina, and drive out for a ride. Then she encountered a crisis of reality.

The book was carefully illustrated by the famous German painter Carter Manschke.

☘ Haruki Murakami "Attack on the Bakery"

Don't you think the cover of "Raid on the Bakery" is very similar to the style of "Sleep"? You're so clever, because it was designed by the famous German painter Carter Manschke. The German painter followed up on Sleep and again painted 20 surreal illustrations for Haruki Murakami's work.

The book contains two stories, "Attack on the Bakery" and "Raid on the Bakery".

The two young men were so hungry that they decided to "attack the bakery". The two of them were ready to go, but the boss said that as long as he listened to a Wagner song, the bread could be eaten casually. So the two robbers sat down to listen to the music and ate two stomachs of bread. The owner also happily invited them to come back tomorrow to listen to music.

Later, one of the two attempted robbers got married. One day in the middle of the night, he and his wife were hungry again. He told his wife about the attack on the bakery, and she suggested "raiding the bakery again." The two drove around for a long time, but they didn't find a bakery still open, so they had to retreat and attack McDonald's. The two men robbed 30 Big Mac burgers, asked for two more Cokes, and insisted on paying for Coke because their principle was to grab only bread and nothing but bread.

☘ Haruki Murakami's "Library Talk"

"Library Talk" is the same series as "Sleep" and "Attack on the Bakery", and is still the work of Haruki Murakami and the famous German painter Carter Manschke.

A teenager went to the library to find out how the Ottoman Turkish Empire was taxed. He followed the instructions to Room 107, which was located underground, only to find that he had fallen into a trap where he would be imprisoned forever.

The 3 books in this series are short, and each book can be read in half an hour to an hour. I've seen controversy over the prices of these books (and the newly released Furry) on various platforms, but I think that the value of a book should not only be based on the number of words, otherwise the poetry collection and picture books would not have to be sold; specific to this book, Carter's illustration style is unique, the whole book is over-oiled, full of coated paper printing, and it is exquisite.

☘ Haruki Murakami "Furry"

Murakami loves cats is well known, in this book, he recalls an old cat that grew up with him when he was a child; six or seven-year-old Murakami, an elderly big female cat, think about this combination is not quite cute? The book is illustrated by Ansai Mizumaru. Ansai's paintings are often very simple but particularly evocative, outlining the essence with three strokes and two strokes; it is said that some people recognize Murakami Jun on the road with the caricature portrait drawn by Ansai Laobo, saying: "Because of Mr. Murakami's face, I often see Mr. Mizumaru's paintings." This puzzled Murakami Jun, who said, "My face, no matter how simple the structure is, right?" Although most of our readers know Ansai through Murakami, in Murakami's heart, Ansai Laobo is a more remarkable artist than himself, he said: "It is really very happy that my article can be accompanied by an Ansai Water Pill's painting." He also wrote an article called "Ansai Water Pills Can Only Be Praised." In 2014, Ansi died of cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 71. Now, let's enjoy the charm of Ansi paintings again in "Furry".

☘ Inaugural issue of Dafang

It's not a book, it's a magazine. The inaugural issue of Dafang in 2011 is now out of print. The magazine has a total of 208 pages, the first 101 pages are long interviews with Haruki Murakami, which also contains a large number of precious photos. Murakami carefully answered many of the reporter's questions in this unprecedented three-day, two-night long interview, which was very informative, not only related to the description of the work, but also related to life, childhood, love and sex, and many other aspects. If you're a loyal reader of Haruki Murakami like me, I think you really should collect a copy. Murakami naga interview, you deserve it.

Submission email: [email protected]

Treasurer Profile

Mathilda, translator and writer, has published 8 translations (co-translations). A small pawn in the literary and art circles, he is currently the leader of the story solitaire column of the Forest Book Club, and this is also the biggest official he has ever done in his life.

WeChat: Mathilda144477

Treasurer's message

Bishu Yin Circle,

The green steps are full.

Jin Bo piled up Yao Cups.

Welcome to the Library.

I hope that there are more friends in my circle of friends who love to read, and I hope that the book reviews I write with my heart can arouse my friends' interest in these books, as for where to buy these books after interest, I don't care much. Welcome to The Forest Workshop Green Order Bookstore, Welcome to other branches of the Forest Workshop, Welcome to the Forest Workshop Main Store, Welcome to Xinhua Bookstore, Welcome to the Island Bookstore, Welcome to any bookstore in the world.

Mathilda's shop

--Forest Book Club--

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