
"Prose" ice heart

author:Iceberg Snowy Peak Anthology

Author: Iceberg Snow Peak

"Prose" ice heart

"I once quietly told my mother that in my dreams I was also looking for him, and my life and my youth belonged to a crystal heart... Don't show your affection, don't boast of your loyalty, if you want to get the warmth of love, may you have a crystal heart. Whew..... La....."Pick up a moment of tranquility in the cracks of busy life and work, pick up an old song that is pleasant and pleasant, but suddenly it is deeply intoxicated.

Zhuang Zi said: "Between the heavens and the earth, if the white colt crosses the gap, it is suddenly enough." "Busy for decades, every time I have time to relax, I always feel a lot of feelings. I often lament that the pace of time is not passing, but flying by. Suddenly, you will also think of the very classic idiom "white colt crossing the gap" invented and excavated by the predecessors, which is really exquisite and appropriate. "Spring is late, and the wood is shining. Cang Geng tweeted, Cai Xuan Qi Qi. "Today, it's a rare good time of spring. The spring sun is warm and warm, although the grass has not yet revealed its tender green, but I think she has long been in the dark soil, after a winter of dormancy, is eager to try, to show the beauty of life. At this moment, somewhere in the depths of my heart, there seemed to be a faint wisp of loneliness and loneliness, very light, very soft, but my breath could be felt. With this illusory artistic conception, bathed in this silky spring wind, let this lonely and lonely slowly dissipate with the wisps of spring wind and disappear on its own. Suddenly, the words popped into my head: "Be happy when you are alive, because we will die for a long time." "This is a sentence I came across by chance in recent days. Seen, shallow smile, in the heart.

In the spring, the grass is green, and there are sometimes flowers and trees. The new spring has passed, the footsteps of the season have once again stepped into the sequence of spring, although it is still late to the kind of idle to know the east wind, Wan Zi Qianhong is always the vigorous state of spring, but it can also make people feel the breath of spring through the gentle spring wind. Recently, I have been busy with the acquisition of a state-owned enterprise. I am always meticulous, maybe I was born with a hard life. Although I have been retired to the second line for more than two years, it is supposed to be a leisure time at home to entertain my grandchildren and raise my children, but I am not willing to be mediocre, but I have once again devoted myself to the enterprise and worked hard in the business sea. In this short period of more than a year, there have been countless major and small things undertaken by my hands, but as far as the company is concerned, it has acquired several enterprises through negotiation and discussion, and there are also real estate matters in the middle. It is a private enterprise, there are no holidays, no rest days, and every day is spent in a busy and busy way. Although I often drive as close as tens of miles and as far as hundreds of miles to negotiate and handle various matters, sometimes I feel so tired and tired! I also had years of wanting to retreat, but I was not convinced by nature, and I was rigorous and meticulous in my work, when this fleeting thought flashed in an instant, I could not help but snicker and laugh at myself: Am I old? Are you really old?

Driving between home and company every day, the scenery along the way is never time to take care of. When I sat down at my desk, everything went on in a step-by-step and orderly manner. My office sits on the street, and every time I stand by the window, through the glass window, I am greeted by shuttle cars and hurried crowds, all of whom are hurrying to rush their way. Sometimes after a busy day, an anxious heart always wants to find a tranquility in the hustle and bustle. Often at this time, you will brew a cup of green tea and hold it in your palm, try to make your mood calmer and calmer... "Time is like an arrow urging people to grow old, and the sun and moon are like moving more and more teenagers." "Living in this earthly world where reality is too realistic to be realistic, I have passed the destiny of heaven and am sprinting towards the flower armor, I never expected myself to have a wonderful life, a rich life, but I just learned to use my own mind to save myself in time when I encounter unpleasant times, or when I am irritable." 」 The golden year does not come again, it is difficult to get a day and morning, it is advisable to encourage yourself in time, and the years do not treat people. In fact, the rich and the poor, the great and the small, and so on, are not completely opposites, and under certain conditions they will also be transformed into each other. There is already a gap between people in this world, so why let yourself care and be angry?

"The jasper is dressed as a tree high, and ten thousand green silk threads hang down. I don't know who cut it out, and the spring breeze in February is like scissors. Inadvertently, a spring breeze playfully blew in from the window and gently scratched my cheek, it was so comfortable. I couldn't help but smile faintly, accepting its attempt to make me happy, maybe it should be like this in life! For this reason, the epiphany in my heart is also much clearer. In fact, in the vast dust, the difference between the big things and the big things of sesame green beans only exists between your thoughts. No matter how big the matter is, if you can disagree in your heart, then he will be insignificant, on the contrary, no matter how small things, if you don't think about it, if you don't want to eat, you may really want your life! There was a movie, I don't remember the name, and there was a line in it that was deeply imprinted in my heart: "Either live well, or hurry up and die." "Wow, how cool!

Following these words, I unconsciously reminded me of a real thing that a friend once said to me. In a middle school, the school from the protection of the teacher's health, organized the teachers to conduct a physical examination, of which two male teachers, one was detected suspected of cancerous lesions, one was diagnosed as a cancer patient. The mentality of these two teachers when they returned determined their fate. The male teacher who was suspected of becoming cancerous was always entangled in the two words "suspected" in his heart, worried about the aggravation of his illness, a look of trepidation, all day tea did not think about food, the mood was extremely melancholy, and people were quickly haggard and thin. Even though his family did everything in their power, they could not change his worries and anxieties. As a result, the condition really worsened, and after a week of bitter torment and anxiety, it finally gave up. In fact, he was frightened by himself, and after suffering the mental torture he inflicted, he died of a complete mental breakdown. Then there is the male teacher who was diagnosed with cancer, born with an optimistic team. When he learned that his time in the world was short, he instead put his heart wider, did what he should do as always, ate what he should eat without scruples, and lived happily and happily every day, enjoying the gifts of limited life, and bathing in the warmth of family and friendship. Perhaps it was his optimistic and open-minded psychology, his condition did not worsen at all, and the cancer cells gradually disappeared. When I went to the hospital for a follow-up consultation half a year later, even the doctor was very surprised and thought that this was indeed a miracle on earth. In fact, this is two different mentalities that lead to two different life endings.

"When the hundred rivers go east to the sea, when will they return to the west?" Time is quietly passing, and now, in the late autumn, I still can't say what I like the most? What do you hate the most? People often say: The heart of harming people must not be there, and the heart of preventing people must not be without. Maybe it is their own good nature; perhaps, whenever they encounter people and things, they always like to think about the positive side, and for this reason, they especially yearn to communicate with people in harmony and integrate with each other. Because there are no bad people in my eyes, there is no vigilance. The life I aspire to is simple and clear, bitter without feeling bitter, tired without feeling tired. Life has been full of ups and downs for decades, in fact, I have experienced a lot of things, and I can be regarded as a person who has experienced experience, but so far I am still not mature enough, not enough to have a city government. Of course, I am not worldly, not a beggar, and I have not wronged myself for pandering to anything. For this reason, as long as I have leisure time, I must swim in the sea of literature, experience in the text, collect the wind in the ink, and absorb nutrients in the fragrance of books. I just want to celebrate the beauty of life, the beauty of love, and the beauty of life with a commendable sincerity and kindness in my more than half century. Although sometimes the view of the problem is inevitably a little superficial, and I do not have the understanding to see through the red dust, I feel that I live a very real self, a free and calm mentality, and a childlike heart that yearns for free flight...

A philosopher once said, "Those who can be busy with the world's busyness, let go of the idleness of the world's leisure." Through more than a year of life and work experience in the enterprise, I have a deeper understanding of this sentence and a deeper understanding. Busyness is not terrible, it will make people feel the fullness of life, the fullness of life. If a person is idle all day long and idle, isn't it empty to wear a skin bag, which is the same as the walking dead, what is the meaning of such a life?

"All day long wrong and broken dreams, overheard the spring to climb the mountain." Because of the words of the monks in the bamboo courtyard, he stole half a day of idleness. "This is a Tang Dynasty poet Li Shi's "Inscription Helin Temple Wall", this poem has scenery and emotion, written realistically, the scene blends, and the chest is directly expressed, and I appreciate these poems. What a "stealing half-day idle" ah! When the great mortals are depressed and bored in their hearts, or when the eunuch sea is frustrated and in a bad mood, if they can come to such a quiet and elegant environment, they will definitely be infected by the elegant scenery in front of them, and they will get some comfort from the natural landscape. During the reign of Emperor Xianzong of Tang, Li Shi (李涉), during the reign of Emperor Xianzong of Tang, was given the title of Crown Prince of Tongshi Sheren (通事舍人), and was later demoted to the ranks of Sicang of Shaanxi Province. During the reign of Emperor Wenzong, he was summoned as a doctor of Taixue and exiled to the south. During his exile, he forcibly ascended the jiangnan mountain of the town, and from the small talk with the monks, opened the gate of bitterness, fell into the fresh air, and strengthened his feelings and understanding of reality, in order to add a lot of joy to his numb soul. If he stays at home all day, sits at home, sighs for a long time, and complains to himself, why does he have such a quiet and leisurely interest as "stealing half a day's leisure"? No wonder Su Dongpo, a Northern Song Dynasty writer and calligrapher, also liked Li Shi's poems very much! The place where the "bamboo courtyard meets the monks" has become the place where he most nostalgically loves in Nanshan, and at the same time, he built the "Sugong Bamboo Courtyard" to enjoy the fun of Li Shi and the monks chatting with the monks! "Travel is a mirror." This is a famous saying of the Spaniards. Mr. Hu Yuzhi commented specifically on this famous saying: "Man can never see himself, but only when compared with people elsewhere can he see his true face." ”

The modern developed scientific and technological network has shortened the distance between people, and there is a poem that is the most true portrayal of this: "The sea has a confidant, and the end of the world is like a neighbor." "One side of the screen, one line, shorten the distance between each other, even if it is far away from the ocean, as if it is right in front of you, it is really the end of the world, the end of the world." Stop in front of the screen, although we are still, our hearts can fly over thousands of rivers and mountains, form friendships, and connect hearts. Whenever this happens, we always ignore time, ignore space. Some people say that the Internet is virtual, but it is sincere, every night when people are quiet, peel off their hearts layer by layer, and pull out their hearts one by one, at this time, you will definitely see that those joys and sorrows are real, even if they are modified with gorgeous words, you can also read the pain and joy in your heart. It is precisely because of this sincerity that we can find something that moves us from words, and all this has nothing to do with who wrote it. Let's continue to be virtual in the text, just like the song sings: You are the stranger I know best...

"Jinser unprovoked fifty strings, one string and one pillar Sihua Nian." Zhuang Sheng Xiao dreamed of butterflies, and wangdi chunxin trusted the cuckoo. There are tears in the pearls of the sea and the moon, and the warm jade smoke of the blue field. This can be a memory, but it was already confused at the time. "Time is a piece of sandpaper, polishing memories to no corners but shiny. Perhaps the replacement of the rings reflects the mentality of the old, or perhaps the grinding of the years has gone away from the sharp edges and corners, and I, after a busy work, in the quiet midnight of the night, always love to look over the old past in the memory and look for the traces of the old days. In fact, people need to learn to get along with their future in their memories. Because any path of life is a path of active choice or passive choice. People are easily injured on the road, and they will definitely experience a little wind and rain in their lives. One must regard every path of abandonment, betrayal, deception, and snubbed fate as a path of stoic spiritual practice. If you have a calm and tenacious heart, you can hold up a brilliant face. After experiencing vicissitudes, people go from being happy and ashamed to being proud, and then they have a state of enlightenment. The wise man is a good glass of wine, but since ancient times, how many people have been able to brew themselves into a light and light noble? For this reason, the world also has a similar flower from year to year, and different sighs from year to year.

"The sky is wide and cloudy, there is nowhere to find the sound of Xiao, carrying wine to buy flowers and young things, not like, old mood." Leaving aside the trivialities of daydreaming, after work, drive alone on the way home. From a distance, the lights of the city are brilliant, but they can't hide the desolation of Xiao Suo in the depths of memory, and with the help of the light of the last heart, they cater to the dream to look back at the story. Yes also, passing also! In a trance, Li Bai's poem jumped out of his mind again: "Jun is gone, the water of the Yellow River is coming down from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning." Jun is not seen, Gao Tang Mingjing sad white hair, towards the green silk twilight into snow. "Yes! Time is passing mercilessly, but people's emotions are increasing day by day, it is a bath of family affection, it is the nourishment of a love, it is the continuation of a piece of friendship, so that an indifferent ice heart is moistened and clear...

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