
Hongyuan Express! Hu Mingxuan was hospitalized for allergies, Zhu Fangyu will sign a spare tire, and new foreign aid is also on the way

author:Dort Sports

On November 19, Beijing time, the news that Hongyuan defender Hu Mingxuan was hospitalized for severe allergy symptoms has become a hot topic on the CBA forum. Fans who have previously paid attention to Hu Mingxuan and Hongyuan know that Hu Mingxuan, who has been plagued by allergies, did not perform well in the first stage, and even lost the Chinese men's basketball training list, but no one could think that the allergies were as fierce as tigers, directly let Hu Mingxuan be hospitalized, and whether he could play in the second stage of the game has not yet been determined. After Xiao Hu was hospitalized, Hongyuan also took some measures. First of all, Zhu Fangyu accelerated the signing action with fourth guard Tang Jie, hoping that the man who ran faster than the wind could represent Hongyuan in the second stage. Secondly, Zhu Fangyu also increased the intensity of looking for new foreign aid, in the case of Ma Shang's return and Hu Mingxuan's inability to determine whether he can play in the second stage of the game, there is a suitable foreign aid with the ball to share the pressure of Weems and Zhao Rui and Xu Jie.

Hongyuan Express! Hu Mingxuan was hospitalized for allergies, Zhu Fangyu will sign a spare tire, and new foreign aid is also on the way

After Hu Mingxuan played a very bright CBA season and took advantage of dongfeng's performance in the national team, the new season was unable to concentrate on training and playing because of allergy symptoms in the body, and the performance and data on the field could be described as plummeting. But no one will think that Hu Mingxuan's allergies are so serious, according to Hongyuan and the team reporter Guan Xin reported, after returning to Dongguan, Hu Mingxuan was arranged by Hongyuan to the best hospital in Guangzhou for examination and treatment, the result is that the doctor believes that Hu Mingxuan's condition is more serious, need to be hospitalized for treatment, and Hu Mingxuan also listened to the doctor's advice, and has been officially hospitalized for further examination and treatment. We all hope that Xiao Hu can rest well and recover as soon as possible, after all, he has almost no time to rest this year, take advantage of this period to recover from illness and return to the field with full blood as soon as possible!

Hongyuan Express! Hu Mingxuan was hospitalized for allergies, Zhu Fangyu will sign a spare tire, and new foreign aid is also on the way

In the case of not being sure when Hu Mingxuan will recover and return, Zhu Fangyu is also making preparations. On the one hand, he accelerated the signing of the contract with Tang Jie, on the other hand, he worked harder to find suitable new foreign aid. Tang Jie has won the trust of Hongyuan through trial training in the off-season, and has been training with the team since then, and has a good performance, basically has been determined to stay in the team. Hu Mingxuan's hospitalization made Hongyuan further realize the importance of signing a suitable fourth defender. Although Tang Jie's strength is far from Hu Mingxuan's, he is still a good defender and should be able to be reused under Du Feng. I hope that Zhu Fangyu can sign Tang Jie as soon as possible, so that Tang Jie can play for Hongyuan in the second stage.

Hongyuan Express! Hu Mingxuan was hospitalized for allergies, Zhu Fangyu will sign a spare tire, and new foreign aid is also on the way

In addition to Tang Jie, Zhu Fangyu is also looking for suitable new foreign aid. Although Wims has confirmed his return, Marshon Brooks' injury still needs to be recovered, and the state needs to be recovered, all of which will have to wait until January or February next year to have a more certain result. Before that, Hongyuan could not fight with foreign aid alone, after all, other teams should be equipped with double foreign aid, in such an environment, looking for a suitable substitute foreign aid, is the wisest choice. Hongyuan signed a foreign aid, and he always did not have any wind and movement, so he immediately started, weems, And so did Marshon and Beasley. I just hope that Zhu Fangyu can speed up the action and grab a suitable new signing before other teams.

Hongyuan Express! Hu Mingxuan was hospitalized for allergies, Zhu Fangyu will sign a spare tire, and new foreign aid is also on the way

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