
1 for 4, Cui Yongxi's transaction may be finalized, Zhu Fangyu "reported" Zhou Qi, and Guo Allen gave a big gift

author:Nine clouds

In the vast world of basketball, every player has the pursuit and love of their dreams. However, this road to chasing dreams has not been smooth sailing, and it is full of challenges and hardships. Today, I would like to talk to you about the stories of several basketball players who have been working hard and struggling on their respective paths.

First, let's focus on the young Choi Young-hee. As a rising basketball star at just 19 years old, Choi Young-hee has shown outstanding talent and potential in the Development League training camp. However, the opportunity to try out at Chicago United was extremely precious, with only four spots available. In this fierce competition, Choi Yong-hee failed to get his wish, but he did not give up because of this. Instead, he chose to move forward more resolutely and decided to participate in a team individual trial to get more opportunities for himself.

1 for 4, Cui Yongxi's transaction may be finalized, Zhu Fangyu "reported" Zhou Qi, and Guo Allen gave a big gift

It is understood that Cui Yongxi's agent Li Qun revealed that for this individual trial, Cui Yongxi and his team need to bear all the transportation, accommodation and other expenses. This is undoubtedly a huge expense, but Choi Yong-hee has not flinched. He knows that only through continuous hard work and dedication can he go further on the road of basketball. It is reported that the cost of this individual trial is as high as tens of thousands of dollars, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for a young player. However, with his perseverance and perseverance, Choi Yong-hee managed to get through this difficult time.

Although Choi Yong-hee's NBA career is still uncertain, he has attracted much attention in the CBA league. According to Inspector Zhao of the famous ball circle, there is a CBA local tyrant team that is full of expectations for Cui Yongxi. This team is none other than Beijing Shougang, which is in the rebuilding period. In order to bring in Cui Yongxi, Beijing Shougang proposed a very tempting trading chip: Fan Ziming + two young players + some cash. This transaction plan is undoubtedly a huge asset for the Guangzhou men's basketball team. The return of Fan Ziming can solve the problems of the Guangzhou men's basketball team, and the cash of up to 10 million can solve the team's financial problems. Therefore, there is a good chance that this deal will materialize in the future.

1 for 4, Cui Yongxi's transaction may be finalized, Zhu Fangyu "reported" Zhou Qi, and Guo Allen gave a big gift

Next, let's take a look at Zhou Qi and Zhu Fangyu, the "old rivals" on the basketball court. Although the two competed fiercely in the arena, they maintained a good relationship in private. Recently, the video of Zhou Qi banqueting Zhu Fangyu to eat barbecue has caused heated discussions on the Internet. In the video, we can hear Zhou Qi's voice: "Don't shoot, professional players can't eat junk food." However, facing the camera, Zhou Qi still made a gesture of V, showing his humor and open-mindedness. From this video, we can see that the relationship between Zhou Qi and Zhu Fangyu is very harmonious, and they are not alienated from each other because of the competition on the field.

In fact, both Zhou Qi and Zhu Fangyu have experienced many twists and turns in their careers. Zhou Qi once faced a situation where he had no ball to play, but with his own hard work and persistence, he finally returned to the CBA league. Zhu Fangyu suffered injuries at the end of his career, but he still insisted on paying for the team. The stories of these two players show us that no matter how difficult it is, as long as we maintain faith and courage, we will be able to overcome anything.

1 for 4, Cui Yongxi's transaction may be finalized, Zhu Fangyu "reported" Zhou Qi, and Guo Allen gave a big gift

Finally, let's talk about Allen Guo, a basketball star who has attracted much attention. As a powerful player, Allen Guo can always show amazing strength on the field. However, he has not been idle in the recent days when he has been unable to play due to injury. On the contrary, he has become a fan fan, often interacting with fans and sharing the details of his life. When Liaoning basketball media people ushered in their birthdays, Guo Allen even gave a signed jersey as a birthday gift. He mischievously wrote the words "Happy birthday, the longer it gets, the uglier it gets" on his jersey, showing his humor and whims. This intimate relationship with fans has not only allowed Allen Guo to gain more popularity and support, but also made him more stable in his career.

Through the stories of the above players, we can see the charm and challenges of basketball. On the road to chasing dreams, every player needs to put in a lot of effort and sacrifice. However, it is these efforts and sacrifices that have made them stronger and more mature. At the same time, these players also interpret the spirit of basketball with their own practical actions: unity, hard work, and never say die.

1 for 4, Cui Yongxi's transaction may be finalized, Zhu Fangyu "reported" Zhou Qi, and Guo Allen gave a big gift

In this competitive and challenging basketball world, we need to be brave enough to pursue our dreams like Choi Yong-hee, stick to our beliefs like Zhou Qi and Zhu Fangyu, and interact with fans like Allen Guo. Only in this way can we go further and more steadily on the road of basketball.

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