
Some words from my friend at the soybean oil factory surprised me



Some words from my friend at the soybean oil factory surprised me

Low temperature pressing

听到这些,我惊讶了,心想:你‬说的能是真的吗? 溶剂‬残留真‬的不能‬‬去除‬干净‬? 吃了这些‬年,我‬的‬身体‬也‬没‬发现‬有‬什么‬问题‬啊‬! 再说‬,食用油‬GB标准‬可是‬国家‬发布‬的,这么‬权威‬的标准‬肯定‬是‬安全‬的‬,你‬只‬选择‬压榨‬,是不是‬以‬点‬概‬面‬、以‬偏‬‬概‬全‬了‬!

Some words from my friend at the soybean oil factory surprised me

GB Standard

可是‬又‬一想‬,不对‬啊‬,朋友‬有必要‬夸大‬事实‬吗‬? 如果‬是真‬的,岂不是‬无知‬害‬了我‬! 于是,‬经过一系列学习后,得出结论,它的成分是正己烷和环己烷,属烷烃类有机化合物,有毒(毒性根据浓度判定),新标准GB/T 1535-2017《大豆油》规定,合格的浸出一级成品大豆油不得检出溶剂残留量,二级、三级应小于20mg/kg(旧标准≤50mg/kg),一般来讲,合格的浸出大豆油须遵循溶剂残留量规定,即使油中有极微量的容剂残留 , also does not hinder human health. However, if the amount of solvent residue in the edible oil is too high, long-term exposure will damage the human nervous system and hematopoietic system.

Some words from my friend at the soybean oil factory surprised me

N-hexane is lowly toxic and cyclohexane evaporation is toxic

当‬看到这里时,脑袋懵懵的,原来‬认为有GB标准放在那呢! 选择‬大品牌是‬没问题‬的‬,结果网上一查,大品牌也出现‬过‬超标‬问题‬‬,于是,我又仔细学习了一下‬,发现‬‬:




However, if you dig deeper, you will find that, first, after high-temperature pressing and high-temperature gas extraction during processing, how much nutrients are retained? Second, in the process of high temperature, do trans fatty acids are produced? 第三,在加工的其它环节比如脱色工艺,采用的‬脱色剂‬,经过处理后是否还有微量残余? Fourth, the brand of soybean oil has exceeded the standard problem, will the small workshop oil meet the standard?

Therefore, soybean oil is eaten every day, not necessarily you understand it, or that sentence, from different angles to comprehensively and objectively look at the problem, multi-faceted trade-offs!

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