
This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week

author:Kitchen with sweet fruit
This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week

This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week. In home cooking, soup and water are indispensable, drink soup before meals, warm the stomach and help digestion. My family often stews this soup, the milk white rich ingredients are ordinary, which is more convenient and affordable than beef and mutton soup.

It's cold, everyone loves to stew lamb soup, beef soup, and the price of beef and mutton has been rising, like the lunch of our family two, a fast soup is also good, the method is simple and convenient, the ingredients are fried after frying, add mushrooms and tofu to stew, delicious and nutritious.

This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week

Meat, fish, eggs, etc., are common ingredients on our daily table, rich in protein, amino acids, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients, can provide us with calories, fat, let us enhance our physique, cold resistance, cold resistance, not easy to catch a cold. And the daily diet to do a reasonable combination of vegetables and meat, this soup, there are fish, soy products, mushrooms, three kinds of ingredients with the same roast, soup milk white rich taste delicious, and the real material is ordinary and affordable, two fish 15 yuan, tofu 2 yuan, mushrooms 2 yuan, to meet three to four people, is not very affordable.

This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week

Ang thorn fish, also known as yellow bone fish, its meat is tender, delicious taste, can be braised, steamed, made soup, or boiled porridge, shabu-shabu are good, nutritious for all ages. Fry the fish and add the tofu to make it easier to absorb its calcium, and then add the mushrooms to add fresh flavor, and never leave it until it is served. Tofu oyster mushroom spear fish soup, detailed preparation is presented, thank you for your support.

Tofu oyster mushroom fish soup: 2 pieces of ang thorn fish, 1 piece of tofu, an appropriate amount of oyster mushrooms, 3 slices of ginger, a suitable amount of chives, a little pepper, a suitable amount of refined salt, and an appropriate amount of soybean oil.

This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week

Step 1: Prepare the fish, scrub the outer layer with fine salt, if the accidental layer part, can be blanched with boiling water; fine salt smeared on the surface layer can also be removed from the fishy, and then rinsed, drained, the surface water is dried, which is conducive to frying in the pot;

This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week

Step 2: Prepared oyster mushrooms and tofu, tofu stewed fish soup, has always been a classic, and mushroom soup can also make the soup delicious, and the ingredients are rich and more nutritious, you can use oyster mushrooms, enoki mushrooms or seafood mushrooms;

This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week

The cleaning of oyster mushrooms can be washed with fine salt, there are vegetable and fruit purification guards at home, eliminating fine salt and water, no need to repeatedly soak, nor blanch water, soak in water with oyster mushrooms, let it purify bacteria in vegetables, residual pesticides, etc., soup taste beautiful, but also eat more assured;

This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week

Step 3: hot pan cold oil, the Ang Thorn fish into the pot, fry a fry, turn over to continue frying, fry the fish, to wipe off the surface of the water, can wipe a little flour, hot pan cold oil into the pan, so as to prevent cooking oil splashing, fried fish is not sticky to the pan;

This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week

Step 4: Add boiling water, tofu, bring to a boil over high heat, then add ginger slices and green onions after boiling, at this time, add ginger and shallots, it is the easiest to remove fishy; simmer for about 10 minutes and then add mushrooms, pepper, fine salt, cook for three or four minutes to get out of the pot.

This soup is never left on the table, the ingredients are fried with mushrooms and tofu, and it is not enough to drink three times a week

Home-cooked fish soup taste delicious, the ingredients are affordable and cheap, simpler and more convenient than beef and mutton, and rich in nutrition, protein, vitamins, amino acids and minerals, drink three times a week is not greasy, every time on the table is never left, like to do it.

Tips: 1, home-cooked fish, before entering the pot can be used with fine salt to remove fishy, can be pickled or used for cleaning; 2, the fish in the pot before wiping the water, to prevent cooking oil splashing; 2, after frying to add boiling water, not cold water, and simmer with a high heat, the amount of water once added to the full.

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