
Extreme Wildlife Photography: Blackwater Art Photography (1)

author:Gibberish Wally and Eva

#Tech News##科技大佬语录 #

Blackwater photography is an extreme type of wildlife photography that refers to free-floating marine life (generally smaller) photographed while diving into the open ocean at night in the deep sea. Generally after dark, these seafood creatures and their predators migrate to the surface of the ocean.

Extreme Wildlife Photography: Blackwater Art Photography (1)

Photographers now use light to attract marine or deep-sea creatures and take photos in their natural environment. This requires photographers to compose and take photos while drifting in the deep sea, which is extremely challenging. However, the rewards are also enormous: not only do photographers often leave with attractive photos, but they are also contributing to the scientific community.

Blackwater photography originated in Hawaii but is now popular around the world, including the southeast coast of Florida, where the narrow continental shelf, deep waters and the mighty Gulf Stream provide suitable food for large numbers of marine animals.

Extreme Wildlife Photography: Blackwater Art Photography (1)

This is a juvenile lionfish that swims a bit like a jellyfish, with its fins sometimes open and sometimes closed. It's the size of a coin and can grow up to be bigger than a football.

Increasingly, Blackwater photographers are able to photograph species that have almost never been seen before, contributing to scientific research. And, they were able to photograph the animals in their entirety, which is important for the researchers. In this regard, one of the more well-known books is the Hawaii Blackwater Diving Field Guide, which contains photographs of more than 300 deep-sea animals, accompanied by a complete description.

Extreme Wildlife Photography: Blackwater Art Photography (1)

It was an unidentified ocean crab about the size of a coin. The egg under her stomach was clearly visible.

At the same time, many Blackwater photographers are very focused on taking beautiful photos of ordinary animals. In the Blackwater photo community, most people are making beautiful photos. The contrast between color bodies or unusual anatomical features and a clean, aesthetic black background is a more natural combination. Our eyes are naturally drawn to the brightest parts of the photo, while the black water eliminates any distracting background.

Extreme Wildlife Photography: Blackwater Art Photography (1)

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