
Extreme Wildlife Photography: Blackwater Art Photography (2)

author:Gibberish Wally and Eva

Recently, Blackwater photography is now reaching a fever pitch among underwater photographers around the world. In the beginning, only a few dared to venture into the high seas at night. Now, underwater photography is quickly becoming a big hit.

Blackwater photography is photography taken in the open ocean. This is not an ordinary night dive shot in the dark. Blackwater diving photography generally refers to the use of diving lights and lights in bottomless oceans, in very deep waters, to attract marine larvae and pelagic creatures.

Extreme Wildlife Photography: Blackwater Art Photography (2)

This article briefly introduces some of the technical equipment requirements of Blackwater photography.

Diving techniques are essential to capturing better images, especially when diving in blackwater. Hand and body movements must be light: because the pressure waves of the water cause your subject to rotate, drift or disappear. When diving, control your buoyancy, because the better your buoyancy, the better your dive and the better the photos you take. Therefore, in this dark environment under the sea, it is important to master diving skills.

Extreme Wildlife Photography: Blackwater Art Photography (2)

Using a sturdy waterproof handheld flashlight, first it should be able to produce a dazzling light and be brighter. Second, it should have light gathering and astigmatism functions: that is, it should be able to produce high-brightness linear light, and it should also be able to produce scattered light that illuminates a wide range. Because this lamp needs to have two functions: to find small animals (astigmatism) and to help your camera focus (focus). Good astigmatism can make it easy for you to look for reflective objects or anything else that might catch your eye in dark water. Once discovered, you can use the focused beam to drift with the subject you want to photograph and shoot it as best you can.

In addition, the strobe lights that can be moved and other positions are also important for taking a good blackwater art photography photo.

Extreme Wildlife Photography: Blackwater Art Photography (2)

When doing Blackwater Art Photography, the camera recommends the following settings:

• Higher ISO (SLR 360-600)

• Higher f-gear - (f/18-f/25)

• Shutter speed: 1/200 sec

The biggest difficulty for novices in blackwater photography is diving. The sensors of ordinary small cameras have a hard time maintaining and capturing sharp focus in low-contrast scenes. So, for newbies, the best thing to do is usually to capture a still picture in the field of view. Or turn on video mode while the camera is looking for focus. Hopefully you'll find one or two clear images in the chaotic currents. The same goes for other sports-specific cameras, but due to the wide lens and small subject, you have to be very close to what you're shooting.

Intermediate photographers can usually set the manual focus, usually adjusted to the vicinity of the minimum focal length. Sure, this will limit the range and depth of animals you can shoot, but the upside is that you'll have a higher chance of getting a good Blackwater photography photo. Because at least something is on the focal plane. After that, all you have to do is move the camera and put the object you want to shoot into the frame. So, setting the camera to the smallest focal length will force you to follow the first rule of shooting underwater: approach slowly, and then slowly approach again!

Advanced photographers will shoot with a SLR camera with a 60mm macro autofocus lens. As for the camera settings, it is generally set to manual exposure mode, starting from about 1/200 second, f/11, iso is 250, and the exposure is adjusted according to the subject.

Extreme Wildlife Photography: Blackwater Art Photography (2)

Map of the World Dive Sites, from the website

Many photography locations require a boat ride to the far deep sea, and photographers can generally rent a boat to go with them to save money. If there is good first aid and diving equipment, general fishing boats can also be used.

Dive sites for Blackwater Photography can be found online.

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