
Lukashenko said: Gorbachev and Yeltsin were the sinners of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

author:Mud-legged spectators

There are not many heads of state with personalities in the world, and Lukashenko counts as one. In 2020, he can withstand the West's subversion of the Belarusian regime, which is enough to see that Lukashenko's ability is not ordinary. Now that the integration of the Russian-Belarusian alliance has begun to be implemented, and integration has been realized in 28 aspects, it can be seen that the old Lu Ting can play. And Lukashenko is a daring fuehrer who accuses the West of leaving no face. Of course, the old Lu also has a good way to clean up the West, and now Belarus has opened its borders, allowing many Middle Eastern refugees stranded in Belarus to run to the European Union. It's hard for EU countries. We'll talk about that later.

Lukashenko said: Gorbachev and Yeltsin were the sinners of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The elder Lou was a cadre trained within the Soviet system and had been a Soviet soldier. Although it has been 30 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, as a cadre who grew up in the Soviet system, what is the old Lu's view of the collapse of the Soviet Union?

This year, a big V who wrote about former Soviet union countries posted a micro-headline, saying that Lukashenko talked about the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union in a Documentary in Russia, and Lukashenko said: "Gorbachev and Yeltsin are the sinners of the collapse of the Soviet Union." Lukashenko also said that "the collapse of the Soviet Union proved the incompetence of the Soviet Union".

This was the first time that the leaders of the former Soviet republics had spoken out after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Lukashenko's remarks were both plausible and thought-provoking.

Lukashenko said: Gorbachev and Yeltsin were the sinners of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Lukashenko said this, he has his own feelings. Because after the collapse of the Soviet Union, although the Belarusian system has changed, Lukashenko became president and prevented some reforms in Belarus in time. This is a wise choice, if White Russia had been as hasty as Russia to reform, White Russia would not have survived until now.

Belarus basically follows the Soviet system, which is also an important factor in the long-term stability of Belarus. As for the "color revolution" in Belarus in the later period, it was also caused by the fact that the old Lu did not operate clearly on a whim. Belarus believes that by making good relations with the United States, it can balance relations with Russia and get cheap russian crude oil. But I didn't expect that his wave of operations would lure wolves into the house and bring americans in.

The Americans are ostensibly friendly to Belarus, but in fact the Americans do not want a country like Belarus to exist. The first is that Lukashenko's long reign has displeased the United States, which considers Belarus to be an authoritarian state. The second is the friendship between Belarus and Russia, which the United States does not want to see. The third is that the Belarusian system still follows the Soviet system, and the United States does not want such a country to exist.

Lukashenko said: Gorbachev and Yeltsin were the sinners of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The West has taken a stand on Belarus, and last year, judging from the situation in Belarus, the regime was almost subverted. This is a big blow to Lukashenko. As a result, Lukashenko hated the manipulation behind the West. Therefore, he must have a strong affection for the Soviet Union.

Of course, Lukashenko, who has experienced the Soviet Union from prosperity to decline, sees the causes and consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union very clearly. As a person who had feelings for the Soviet Union and experienced the suffering of the country after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Lukashenko was very sympathetic to the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is true that the Leadership of the Soviet Union is too poor.

Lukashenko was a man with deep feelings for the Soviet Union, and of all the Soviet unions, few of the current leaders spoke of the collapse of the Soviet Union, or even blamed Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Even Putin, in order to take care of pro-American politicians at home, rarely mentioned the collapse of the Soviet Union and did not accuse Yeltsin and Gorbachev.

Lukashenko said: Gorbachev and Yeltsin were the sinners of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

But Lukashenko was also telling the truth, and at that time, both Gorbachev and Yeltsin were actually the object of western co-optation, and both were committed to changing the Soviet system. When it comes to governance, Gorbachev's ability to govern is indeed average.

Lukashenko said that the meaning of this statement also has a longing for the Soviet Union, after all, Belarus and Russia are closely integrated, as early as the Russian Empire, White Russia was Russia's territory. Belarus is also a country that lacks energy, why is it now engaged in the Russian-Belarusian Union. Belarus realized that it would be difficult for Belarus alone to fight alone in the world. If it had been in the Soviet era, Belarus would not have faced the same threat as it is now.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was caused by a series of manipulations by Gorbachev and the push behind Yeltsin and others. Few people now realize this kind of mistake, and even if they do, they will not admit it. For example, Gorbachev has always denied that the collapse of the Soviet Union is his responsibility, and in his interviews with the media, he sometimes claims that It is Yeltsin's responsibility, and sometimes says that it is inevitable. Gorbachev shirked responsibility and left Russia unhappy. Some Russian Duma deputies even demanded that Gorbachev be held accountable.

After Russia's independence, Yeltsin actually realized the dangers of the collapse of the Soviet Union, but Yeltsin could not take the initiative to take the initiative. Faced with a mess in Russia, he chose to hand over power to Putin.

The Goyes were too incompetent, but they were able to overthrow the Soviet Union.

Lukashenko said: Gorbachev and Yeltsin were the sinners of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Lukashenko's assessment of the causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union and his dissatisfaction with Gorbachev and Yeltsin were both nostalgia and a revelation that Belarus wanted to further strengthen the Russian-Belarusian alliance. In 2020, the civil unrest in Belarus can be said to have changed direction and promoted the pace of the Russian-Belarusian Alliance.

Although before Lukashenko in the Russian-Belarusian alliance did not relax, wanted to seek power. Now it seems that the Russian-Belarusian alliance has to advance, and if it does not advance, Lukashenko's life and safety are threatened.

Lukashenko's pointing to Gorbachev and Yeltsin's responsibilities is a signal of a close alliance with Russia.

Lukashenko said: Gorbachev and Yeltsin were the sinners of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Now that the integration of the Russian-Belarusian Union has begun to be implemented, it is not excluded that it will be merged into one country. Putin's strategy is long-term, and he seldom talks about the collapse of the Soviet Union on the surface, but Putin is also reviving some Soviet traditions. As one Duma congressman put it, the collapse of the Soviet Union, which has not yet passed through the Duma, is therefore illegal. This is not a simple statement, if Putin is not possible to restore the original Soviet Union, but there is a good reason to go back.

Belarus is now sober and will not get any closer to the West. I also understand that only by clinging to Russia is the way for Belarus to survive.

Image source network, copyright belongs to the original author.

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