
Gorbachev spoke out: The US invasion of Afghanistan was doomed from the start

Source: World Wide Web

Gorbachev spoke out: The US invasion of Afghanistan was doomed from the start

Screenshot of the RT report

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev spoke out about the recent situation in Afghanistan, which ended the war in Afghanistan 32 years ago during his rule over the Soviet Union. Gorbachev said the United States should have admitted defeat earlier in Afghanistan, and now it is time to learn its lesson and stop making such mistakes.

According to the "Russia Today" website reported on the 17th, Gorbachev said in an interview with the Russian news agency that the US invasion of Afghanistan was "a bad idea from the beginning", and he also believed that this was doomed to failure from the beginning. Gorbachev also said that "like many similar projects, it is based on exaggeration of a certain threat, the geopolitical intentions are not clear", and [the US] unrealistically tries to democratize a multi-tribal society.

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