
Professor Guo Jun, Department of Andrology, Xiyuan Hospital: Does masturbation deplete the yang of the human body?

author:Sohu Health

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Produced by | Sohu Health

Author | Zhou Yichuan

Edit | Wu Shi Nan

Some people think that masturbation consumes a lot of yang in the body, especially in autumn and winter, masturbation can easily lead to colds and diarrhea, is this true?

Zhang Jiwei, attending physician of the Department of Andrology of Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, explained that the semen discharged by masturbation is the essence of reproduction, which is filled with the essence of the internal organs, and finally belongs to the kidneys. Kidney essence is precious, but the so-called "one drop of essence, ten drops of blood" is too exaggerated. If a man is in a happy mood after masturbating, there is no psychological pressure, and this normal masturbation has no effect on the human body.

But if someone is tired and weak for a long time after masturbating, it is excessive masturbation. Excessive masturbation will lead to a deficiency of sperm and blood, which will act on the heart and brain, causing emotional anxiety and depression. After the heart and brain problems, it will gradually affect the kidney essence, and a series of symptoms such as waist acidity and fatigue and erection are not firm.

Professor Guo Jun of the Department of Andrology of Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences added that some people masturbate once or twice a week, which belongs to the normal range, but he will have a sense of anxiety and inferiority in his heart, which is also a manifestation of masturbation affecting the spirit of the heart and brain, gradually affecting the kidney essence, forming a vicious circle.

Therefore, we do not support or oppose masturbation. The so-called "one drop of fine ten drops of blood" is a very exaggerated statement, a time sperm evacuation of about 3, 5 ml, can not be equal to blood loss of 30 ml. Occasional masturbation is harmless to health, but excessive masturbation may disturb the balance of the whole body, resulting in insomnia, anxiety, listlessness and other manifestations of insufficient yang. Of course, excessive masturbation and anxiety caused by masturbation can also be treated through systematic conditioning, without excessive inferiority and dare not go to the doctor, resulting in a vicious circle.

Professor Guo Jun, Department of Andrology, Xiyuan Hospital: Does masturbation deplete the yang of the human body?

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