
Psychotherapy novel "When Nietzsche Wept": Why Nietzsche despaired

author:Linglin Jiujiu

At the end of "Detective Chinatown 2", Song Yi said: "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you!"

"Be your being."

"Anything that didn't kill me made me stronger."

These widely circulated and well-known sentences, do you know who the original author is?

He was the German nineteenth-century philosopher and thinker Friedrich Nietzsche. That's right! He is Mr. Nietzsche, whom many people say combine genius and madness.

Psychotherapy novel "When Nietzsche Wept": Why Nietzsche despaired

Nietzsche was a genius, and reading Nietzsche's works from linguistics, literature, philosophy, aesthetics, and psychology can be learned.

In recent years, owen Yaron's psychotherapeutic novel "When Nietzsche Weeps" is a novel written with Nietzsche as the protagonist, and the author tries to use his own existential philosophy to resolve psychological crises, which is a very interesting novel.

However, if you do not understand Nietzsche's life, then reading "When Nietzsche Weeps" will be confusing. The most immediate question is: Why is Nietzsche desperate?

Psychotherapy novel "When Nietzsche Wept": Why Nietzsche despaired

In When Nietzsche Wept, Nietzsche first met Brehr and said, "Three times I reached out and tried to build a bridge to other people, and I was betrayed many times. (P77) What do the three betrayals point to?

In When Nietzsche Wept, when Breyer rushed to the inn to rescue Nietzsche, Nietzsche repeated twice: "There is no seat." There is no seat. (P161) What does this mean?

The time point of "When Nietzsche Wept" is stuck in 1882, because this year was a turning point in Nietzsche's life. To know the reason for Nietzsche's despair, it is necessary to understand the psychological trauma he suffered before 1882.

In November 1888, Nietzsche, who was already mentally tortured, wrote in his own legend: "The comfort of those lives that remain in my memory is the most memorable thing for me is the interaction with Wagner, a friendship that lasted and was profound." Soon after, Nietzsche completely lost his normal intellect and fell into a state of long-term chaos.

Nietzsche's friendship with Wagner lasted for a decade, between 1868 and 1878.

In 1866, Richard Wagner's tristan and Isolde deeply impressed Nietzsche, writing to a friend: "Wagner is a man who cannot be easily understood. ”

At the end of 1868, Nietzsche listened to Wagner's Music Society, and he was firmly grasped by this peculiar art, saying: "His music is so powerful that every nerve in my body is trembling." ”

Psychotherapy novel "When Nietzsche Wept": Why Nietzsche despaired

In the same year, at the recommendation of Wagner's sister, Nietzsche was invited to Wagner's home. That night, when Nietzsche and Wagner talked about Schopenhauer, their opinions were so similar that the hero saw the same thing. Before leaving, Wagner asked Nietzsche to explain his music to his sister and parents, because Wagner thought Nietzsche understood the essence of his music.

Fate arranged for them to meet, Nietzsche went to Basel to teach, and the Wagner family happened to live in seclusion nearby Tribsen.

Nietzsche had always wanted to find someone to love, to worship, to listen to, and finally the man worthy of his teacher came to him. He was Wagner, and Nietzsche was willing to fight for him, and Nietzsche bowed down to Wagner's feet.

Nietzsche and Wagner spent the first three years of their relationship, understanding the depth of each other's work, but this friendship soon became Nietzsche's mental torture, and they had three main points of disagreement:

Psychotherapy novel "When Nietzsche Wept": Why Nietzsche despaired

1) Initially, both Nietzsche and Wagner agreed that art was the land of hope for the gentleness of the aristocracy, and what the masses needed was patriotism and religion as an illusion. But with the outbreak of the Prussian and French wars in 1870, Nietzsche discovered that Wagner's music had something vulgar to add. Nietzsche began to doubt Wagner's musical value.

2) Nietzsche was a man very sensitive to his own power, while Wagner was born a suspicious and arbitrary man. Wagner's followers, again, were mostly obedient to him, and he began to issue brief instructions, speaking to people in a commanding tone, as well as Nietzsche.

When Wagner wanted Nietzsche to publish a speech and to use The Future of Our Educational Institutions, Nietzsche refused, and Wagner was furious. Nietzsche asked rhetorically, "Don't I have the right to be respected?" Am I not free, in fact, I have to obey the instructions of others? ”

3. Nietzsche was born into a family of priests, but he was the antichrist. At first, he and Wagner agreed on religion. In 1875, however, Nietzsche knew that Wagner was going to create a Christ mystery play, Parsifal. In 1876, Wagner declared his conversion to Christianity. These acts, in Nietzsche's view, were a betrayal of their friendship.

On January 3, 1879, Wagner sent Nietzsche the poem Parsifal.

Subsequently, Nietzsche sent Wagner a copy of his own work, Human Nature, Too Human.

Since then, the two have announced a break.

Nietzsche lost his father at the age of five, and Wagner, who was more than thirty years older than him, was his spiritual father, and once Nietzsche pinned his hopes on Wagner to save European culture. However, the two drifted apart, and Wagner's transformation was a major loss.

In the lonely and lonely years that followed, Nietzsche often missed the warmth given by Wagner.

In April 1882, after being introduced by a friend, Nietzsche met Lu Salome for the first time in Rome.

Nietzsche fell in love with Lu Salome at first sight, saying to his friend, "In a short breath, she can visualize my soul." ”

Nietzsche liked Lu Salome, but he was afraid to confess to his face. So, he asked his friend Paul Ray to show his heart in his own name. Soon after, Nietzsche received a reply from Lu Salome, saying that it was possible to have a friendship and a spiritual relationship, but not to get married.

Psychotherapy novel "When Nietzsche Wept": Why Nietzsche despaired

However, a few months later, Nietzsche's friendship with Lu Salome was declared broken.

His friend Paul Ray was always with Lu Salome, and Nietzsche suspected that they loved each other, but deceived him.

Nietzsche had two followers in his lifetime, one paul Ray and the other Peter Gast.

Lu Salome was an intellectually superior woman, whom Nietzsche called a twin intellectual. She just wanted a spiritual marriage, a part-time marriage. At the age of thirty, she married Mr. Andrefst in the same kind of marriage, without the union and pleasure of the flesh.

Psychotherapy novel "When Nietzsche Wept": Why Nietzsche despaired

Nietzsche was madly in love with Luxe Salome while she spent all day with her friend Paul Ray, and Nietzsche felt a double betrayal, just as Wagner betrayed him.

This is what Nietzsche called the triple betrayal.

One day in 1868, the teacher Rilkie asked him, "Would you rather become a professor at the University of Basel?" ”

Nietzsche was so surprised that Rilkes had to explain that the University of Basel had sent him a letter, and they had seen Nietzsche's paper published in the Rhine Museum, which was very good, could he be qualified for the task of teaching linguistics at the university?

Nietzsche was only twenty-four years old and had not yet received his diploma. However, the University of Basel considered him a very talented young man and hoped that he would join the workforce.

In this way, Nietzsche began his career as a professor.

Nietzsche's first lecture at the University of Basel was a great success and was appreciated by the middle class. However, in his second speech, Nietzsche's sneer at the beliefs established by Socrates and the morality that underpins them caused outrage. Although the school did not say anything on the surface, the students no longer walked into Nietzsche's classroom.

Although Wagner advised Nietzsche not to include these shocking remarks in the book The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche refused.

At the end of 1871, The Birth of Tragedy was published.

Psychotherapy novel "When Nietzsche Wept": Why Nietzsche despaired

Basically no one noticed the book except a few friends who understood it, and Nietzsche's college teacher Rilkesi did not express an opinion, writing a reply to Nietzsche full of harsh criticism and accusations. Worse still, the linguistic and philosophical communities resisted Nietzsche's books at the same time, as well as the angry masses.

In 1878, due to Nietzsche's poor health, it was proposed that the school consider letting him retire, but to give him a sufficient annual salary, Nietzsche accepted.

Nietzsche was furious when Nietzsche received a message in "When Nietzsche Wept" that Lu Salome might suggest that the University of Basel abolish his annual salary. Because, this is his only income. Ostracized by his peers, nietzsche could hardly find a professorship.

In 1882 Nietzsche, Nietzsche lost almost the whole world, and he could only wander around, looking everywhere for a place suitable for his convalescence. He had almost nothing, and living in seclusion in the mountains to write was the most appropriate and his favorite way out. Because, in the traditional circles of education, ideology, philosophy, marriage and family, there is really no place for him.

In "When Nietzsche Weeps", Nietzsche finally chooses the love of his destiny and goes down the path of a lonely explorer. Nietzsche suffered many setbacks in his life in the pursuit of truth, and he was once desperate, but his outstanding insight made his works both a reminder of the diseases of the human mind and a sense of power to heal the heart.

[References] [Fa] Harlevi: The Biography of Nietzsche, Enterprise Management Press, 2012 edition.

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