
6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

author:Global People Magazine
6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

New York mafia boss Cali was shot and killed, and right in front of his home, he was shot 6 times in a row.

Author: Trumpchi

New York police are doing everything they can to pry Open Anthony Comeillo's mouth.

The 24-year-old, handsome-looking Resident of Staten Island, New York, is now the suspect in the murder of the mafia "Godfather" Cali, which has caused a sensation across the Country.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

△ On the left is the victim Kali, and on the right is the suspect Komilo.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

Killing people for the sake of bubble girls?

On March 13, Francisco Cali, the boss of the New York mafia Gambino family, was shot and killed, and right in front of his home, he was shot six times in a row.

Comillo's fingerprints appeared in Cali's car. Police said There may also be Camelot's fingerprints elsewhere at the scene.

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New Jersey court records show that Camelot has not been previously charged with criminal charges and has only two traffic violations. New York police said That Camelot also had some irregularities in New York, and that he had received a parking ticket the day before cali was shot. Police are investigating his relationship with the gang.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

△ Comillo

On March 18, Comillo appeared in a New Jersey court without any "stage fright."

Facing the reporter, he smiled, opened the palm of his left hand, drew a circle in the palm of his hand, and wrote many words: "Unity and stand up", "Patriots in Action", "USA", and "MAGA Forever". At first, some people thought that "MAGA" was the name of a beautiful woman, but later realized that it was an abbreviation for US President Trump's famous slogan" "Make America Great Again".

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?
6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

At trial, Comillo was charged with shooting Cali on March 13 in a neighborhood of gang bosses on Staten Island, New York.

Police investigated and found that a blue pickup truck had reversed and crashed into Cali's Cadillac RVS parked in front of his home. Cali walked out of the house to talk to the pickup driver, and about a minute later, the other party suddenly drew his gun and shot. After the gunshot, Cali also tried to run to the back of the car to avoid it, but the killer fired more than a dozen shots, 6 shots hit Cali in the chest, which was also a fatal 6 shots. The gunman then fled in a car.

When Cali was shot, his wife and children were at home.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

△ After the shooting, the scene was blocked.

Comillo is a graduate of Totonville High School on Staten Island. New York police say he has several residences, one of which is on Staten Island.

On March 16, Comillo was arrested at his home in New Jersey and subsequently indicted on charges of murder.

As for why Cali was shot, there is a theory that Comillo wanted to fall in love with Cali's niece, probably for the sake of killing people. But more people believe that the reasons are much more complex.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

A Game of Thrones?

Cali's tragic death is reminiscent of the fate of Castellano, the "godfather" of the Gambino family, 34 years ago.

The Gambino family was founded by the mafia Carlo Gambino. He smuggled himself into the United States in the 1920s and joined a gang called the "Young Turks", stealing, robbing, gambling, and selling alcohol.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

△ Carlo Gambino

In 1957, Carlo Gambino became the boss and renamed the gang the "Gambino Family". He took control of the dock unions in New York, smuggling, collecting protection fees, and extorting money. By 1962, the family had 30 leaders, more than 1,000 members, and an annual income of more than $500 million, becoming a "black empire."

In 1976, Carlo Gambino died of a heart attack, passing the throne to his cousin Castellano. The latter held the position of "godfather" for 9 years.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

Carlo Gambino (first from left) and cousin Castellano (center)

Gambino also promoted a man named John Gauty that year. This person has "different political views" from Castellano. Castellano strictly followed his cousin's instructions to forbid anyone in the family to buy and sell drugs; Gauti had been trying to make a fortune from drug trafficking. The contradictions between the two are getting bigger and bigger.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

△ Gaudy (middle white-haired person)

In 1985, the FBI seized a large number of criminal facts about the Mafia by eavesdropping on Castellano. After Gauti learned of this, a secret meeting was held, and representatives of the major mafia families reached a tacit agreement to get rid of Castellano in case he confessed after his arrest and implicated all parties.

On December 16 of that year, Castellano was killed with semi-automatic rifles by three killers in front of a steakhouse in Manhattan.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

△ Castellano was killed at the scene.

Gauti then took over. He ran a huge criminal business ranging from gambling and money laundering to prostitution, and was eventually brought to justice and jailed in December 1992. In 2002, he died of throat cancer in prison.

After Gauty was imprisoned, the "Godfather" throne was contested several times.

In 2015, Cali took over the throne from the 68-year-old Sylphalo and became the actual controller of the gang.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

△ Cali

Cali, 54, was born in New York to his father, who runs a video store in Brooklyn. He married the niece of The Gambino magnate John Gambino and formed an alliance with the Mafia family in Sicily, Italy, through marriage.

Cali is much more low-key than Gauty, an "old-school behind-the-scenes boss.". But he actively brought in gangs of new immigrants from Italy and made the heroin business bigger.

In 2008, Cali was indicted on suspicion of a crime involving more than 20 members of the Gambino family. Later, Cali pleaded guilty to extortion during the construction of the Nascar Circuit on Staten Island and was sentenced to 16 months in prison for it. The project was eventually abandoned. Police have also been monitoring Cali since his release from prison.

6 shots killed the New York gang boss, where did this 24-year-old hairy boy come from?

△ Cali previously arrested picture.

Cali's death was the first time a gangster had been killed in New York since Castellano was killed in 1985.

Interestingly, recently, one of Gauty's younger brothers was released from prison after serving a 29-year sentence for drug trafficking. Therefore, the police are also investigating whether cali's murder involves a power struggle within the mafia.

In the words of the head of the New York police force, the investigation is far from over.

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