
disorderly! New York gangsters are busy shooting and killing people, and mayors, police chiefs and unions are busy tearing each other apart

author:Overseas Instant Pass

The New York Post reported on July 16 that New York Police Chief Shea slammed anti-police sentiment: "We have gone too far and handcuffed the police. ”

disorderly! New York gangsters are busy shooting and killing people, and mayors, police chiefs and unions are busy tearing each other apart

New York Police Chief Shea

He said lawmakers "went too far," using the anti-police sentiment sparked by the death of Black Floyd to "handcuff" the NYPD to advance their own long-standing political agenda.

"I think there is definitely a legitimate reason for the people's protest over the death of Floyd in Minneapolis, but I think someone is using that legitimate reason to advance the agenda that was already there before the incident," he said. ”

"I think we've crossed a tipping point on many levels, and it's a toxic environment in terms of taking away the tools of law enforcement from the police."

The police officer "first brother" added, "There are laws that handcuff police officers. I think we've gone too far. ”

The day before he issued the strong statement, New York City Mayor Deshow signed a package of police reforms, including a ban on "strangulation," while acknowledging that the law would make police work more difficult.

Tuesday's demonstration on the Brooklyn Bridge turned violent, injuring a number of police officers, including Chief Sheriff Monaghan. Still, they began work again Thursday to try to suppress gun violence in Brooklyn.

disorderly! New York gangsters are busy shooting and killing people, and mayors, police chiefs and unions are busy tearing each other apart

"I just left a meeting where the commissioner, and the lieutenant, two of the four wounded, were sitting downstairs discussing the Brooklyn shooting and how we could keep dangerous people from committing murder," Shay said. ”

Amid the surge in shootings across the city, Shay urged people to forget politics and focus on public safety.

On the same day, Chief Sheriff Monaghan said "a lot of gang activity" had led to a recent upsurge in shootings across the city.

"Yes, there's a lot of gang activity going on right now. That's what we see. Different gangs attack areas of other gangs. So we're trying to deal with these hot spots, to deal with these people, we're arresting people outside, and we're going to keep making arrests. ”

He said the police department would "have to adapt" to the impact of the anti-crime unit being disbanded last month. The dissolution of the unit responsible for curbing violent gun crime had a "huge impact" on policing in New York.

disorderly! New York gangsters are busy shooting and killing people, and mayors, police chiefs and unions are busy tearing each other apart

Chief Sheriff Monaghan

Meanwhile, New York Mayor S. Deshow said he had "no respect" for the NYPD's most outspoken union president, calling him a "disgrace" and a "liar" and that "the police union has only practiced division, they have incited hatred, and they have not tried to help us move forward." They don't try to create anything good. I can't respect their leadership. ”

disorderly! New York gangsters are busy shooting and killing people, and mayors, police chiefs and unions are busy tearing each other apart

Mayor Desshow

Police union chairman leader Ed Mullins has repeatedly slammed the mayor on social media during his tenure, including declaring war on city hall, which has brought him under investigation.

disorderly! New York gangsters are busy shooting and killing people, and mayors, police chiefs and unions are busy tearing each other apart

New York police protest against Mayor Blasio

More recently, Mullins has attacked Deshow for his response to the Floyd protests and the rising crime rate over the past few weeks. "The truth is, you're a liar, you allowed multiple murals, statues and government buildings to be vandalized, and stopped the police from making arrests," Mullins wrote on Twitter. You're not governing, you're just executing your own agenda. As mayor, you are a disgrace to humanity. ”

#New York Violence,#纽约警察 #

Translator: Sails

Editor-in-Charge: Sails

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