
The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

Egg meat floss with toast bread, fast breakfast, can't get tired of eating!

By wyj30

Toast bread 2 slices

Meat floss to taste

Tomato sauce to taste

1 egg

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

1. Prepare the ingredients. Seaweed and white sesame seeds can be added to the meat pine for a richer taste.

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

2. Toasted bread slices (toaster or pan can be)

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

3, fry eggs in a pan over low heat (it is recommended that oil-free healthier Oh)

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

4. Flip the surface

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

5: After frying, remove and set aside

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

6: Baked slices of bread

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

7: Take a slice and squeeze on the tomato sauce.

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

8: Spread the pork floss

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

9: Add the omelette

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

10: Squeeze in a layer of tomato sauce

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

11: Add a second slice of bread

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

12: Cut off the four sides

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

13. Diagonally cut

The preparation of the egg meat floss sandwich

14, fold up, with a glass of milk, OK!


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