
Liu Bocheng founded the Nanjing Military Academy at the time when he was the most suitable: Only Liu Ziyun, the director of the training department of the senior department, was the most suitable

author:Spring and autumn in the palm of the hand

General Liu Ziyun, who was awarded the rank of founding major general in 1955, has many admirable experiences:

Participated in the 1931 Red Army military parade celebrating the establishment of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic;

Defeated malaria on the Long March, he returned from the army and brought back more than a hundred red army troops who had been scattered;

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he participated in the ambush battle of Yanmen Pass, and was seriously wounded and could not get out of the line of fire; in the War of Liberation, he led his troops to retake the 101 heights in the Black Mountain Blockade Battle, showing his heroic nature;

Xie Wendong, the leader of the bandits, was captured alive in the northeast; the bandits in western Hunan were like bamboo;

In the New China National Day military parade, he served as the leader of the square five times, and was the first general to be paraded through Tiananmen Square in the first position. This also became the shining point of his military career...

Liu Bocheng founded the Nanjing Military Academy at the time when he was the most suitable: Only Liu Ziyun, the director of the training department of the senior department, was the most suitable

General Liu Ziyun recalled in his later years that he first participated in the Red Army military parade in November 1931 when he was the squad leader of the fourth class of the first phase of the Red Army University. On November 7, Jiangxi Ruijin held a military parade of the "Founding Ceremony" in Yeping Village, 6 kilometers outside Ruijin City, to celebrate the establishment of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic.

Liu Ziyun recalled Ruijin in Jiangxi in the early winter: "There was frost in the morning, and the students of the Red Army school who attended the ceremony wore gray military uniforms, belts and leggings, wore straw shoes, and the shoe supports were a red ribbon, and the queue stood neatly on the left side of the rostrum, and the sound of firecrackers and gongs and drums and slogans resounded through the clouds. Chairman Mao and other Leaders of the Red Army reviewed the representative units of the Red Army. ”

This is the first military parade in the history of our army, and in a certain sense, it declares that the first new type of people's army in modern China has appeared on the stage of history.

Liu Ziyun has always been unforgettable about participating in this military parade, and he feels that he has no honor.

Just two months after Liu Ziyun participated in the Red Army military parade in Ruijin, Marshal Liu Bocheng came from the Yangtze River Bureau of the CPC to Ruijin, the capital of the Central Soviet Region, to serve as the principal and political commissar of the Central Military and Political School, and soon became the chief of the general staff of the Red Army.

Liu Ziyun thus became a subordinate of Liu Bocheng. During the Long March, Liu Bocheng served as the president of the Red Army University of the Red Fourth Front, and Liu Ziyun was also one of the students.

After graduating from the Red Army University, Liu Ziyun stayed on as a political teacher and still worked under Liu Bocheng.

In 1936, Liu Bocheng resumed his post as chief of the general staff of the Red Army and returned to the General Headquarters of the Red Army, and he took Liu Ziyun with him and arranged for him to serve as a combat staff officer at the General Headquarters. After the three main victories of the Red Army's Long March, Liu Ziyun went to the Command Section of the Red Army University to study, and after completing his studies, he still served as a combat staff officer of the headquarters.

Liu Ziyun was handsome and capable when he was young, and his military and political qualities were outstanding, which also made Liu Bocheng deeply remember him.

In 1951, at the beginning of the founding of New China, Marshal Liu Bocheng was ordered to establish the People's Liberation Army Military Academy in Nanjing. When selecting the management talents of the college, he specially instructed that Liu Ziyun must be transferred and made the director of the training department of the senior department.

At that time, some people reported that Liu Ziyun was leading troops to suppress bandits in western Hunan Province, and he was afraid that he would not be able to leave.

Liu Shuai said uncompromisingly: "There are so many generals in our army who can eliminate bandits, but only Liu Ziyun, the director of the training department of the senior department, is the most suitable." ”

At the insistence of President Liu Bocheng, Liu Ziyun was ordered to come to Nanjing from the front line of the bandits in western Hunan and report to Liu Bocheng, the old chief of the Red Army.

Speaking of which, this is the fourth time that Liu Ziyun has come to work with Liu Bocheng.

This time, he is a student of the "Advanced Accelerated Department" and the director of the Training Department of the Senior Department of the College, studying and working at the same time, participating in the formulation and implementation of the teaching plan.

Liu Ziyun's descendants recounted in an article: Not long after his father arrived in Nanjing, Liu Shuai and Chen Bojun's education chief sought him out and asked him to do both the school's politics and training work.

As soon as Liu Ziyun heard this, he immediately resigned and said, "Dean, I'm not going to do it!" Liu Shuai smiled and encouraged, "If you can, I can still help you." ”

Since then, whether it is to make a plan and write a summary and training report, it is Liu Ziyun who writes it first, asks Chen Bojun to revise it, and then sends it to Dean Liu Bocheng for review after the change.

Liu Shuai looked at it very carefully, and asked questions while looking at it, until he was not assured after verifying it accurately a little bit.

After graduating from the "Senior Accelerated Department", Liu Ziyun stayed at the Nanjing Military Academy and was appointed deputy director of the basic department and the second class teacher.

Liu Bocheng founded the Nanjing Military Academy at the time when he was the most suitable: Only Liu Ziyun, the director of the training department of the senior department, was the most suitable

Liu Shuai and the college leaders attach great importance to the basic department. Because most of the cadets of the basic department are outstanding cadres at the regimental level, they are young and energetic, study hard, and full of revolutionary vitality, and they are the future stars of the people's army. Liu Shuai even called the basic department "the heart of the college", poured a lot of effort, and also made Liu Ziyun feel that he had a heavy responsibility.

From 1952 to 1956, during the New China National Day military parade, the superiors instructed the Nanjing Military Academy of the People's Liberation Army to be the first party in the National Day parade, and the basic department was the main member of the square.

Therefore, Marshal Liu Bocheng entrusted the task of leading the military parade to Liu Ziyun, who was the leader of the basic department at that time.

Cadets participating in the military parade, while completing the study plan, generally have to undergo up to six months of rigorous queue training as an important political task.

Liu Ziyun also served as the leader of the parade team of the Nanjing Military Academy for five consecutive years, and was the first to stride through Tiananmen Square with his head held high for review.

Liu Bocheng founded the Nanjing Military Academy at the time when he was the most suitable: Only Liu Ziyun, the director of the training department of the senior department, was the most suitable

Flipping through the resume of General Liu Ziyun, you will see many shining points.

He is a native of Yongxin County, an old district of Jiangxi. Born in 1914. He joined the regiment at the age of 15, joined the Red Army at the age of 16, and joined the Party at the age of 19.

Soon after joining the Red Army, he became a correspondent of the Three Red Armies, responsible for passing on information to the commander Huang Gongluo and the political commissar Cai Huiwen. He participated in the first anti-encirclement and suppression battle to capture Zhang Huizhen alive.

Liu Ziyun, who had only been in the army for 100 days, was baptized by the flames of war and promoted to squad leader of the Special Agent Regiment of the Red Third Army. Later, he served as a platoon commander of the 19th Regiment of the Seventh Division of the Red Third Army, a company commander of the Engineer Company of the Special Service Regiment of the Fifth Red Army, a deputy commander of the Corps Communications Team, a political instructor at the Red Army University of the Red Fourth Front, and an operational staff officer of the General Headquarters of the Red Army.

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Eighth Route Army ambushed the Japanese at Yanmen Pass, and Liu Ziyun, then chief of the regimental staff, was shot in the chest during the battle, becoming the first regimental cadre of the division to be wounded on the battlefield.

During the Liberation War, Liu Ziyun successively served as chief of staff of the 359th Brigade of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army, chief of staff of the Independent 1st Division, deputy division commander and chief of staff of the 28th Division of the 10th Column of the Northeast Field Army, deputy chief of staff of the 47th Army of the Siye Army, and commander of the 140th Division.

During this period, when he was the chief of staff of the Independent 1st Brigade of the Jihei Military Region, he led his troops to suppress the bandits, and the 2nd Battalion of the 718th Regiment under his command captured the bandit leader Xie Wendong in the deep mountains of Yilan County, and executed him in public trial, which had a great deterrent effect. In April 1946, the independent 1st Brigade of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army was ordered to serve as the main force in the capture of Harbin after the withdrawal of the Soviet army. Liu Ziyun, the brigade commander and political commissar made meticulous plans and completed the task of capturing the occupation with distinction.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Ziyun was promoted to chief of staff of the 47th Army, and soon served as the chief of staff of the Xiangxi Military Region, organizing the launch of the bandit suppression operation. A total of more than 120,000 bandits in western Hunan were suppressed, which not only eliminated the century-old bandit plague in western Hunan province, but also completely smashed Chiang Kai-shek's dream of establishing an "anti-communist guerrilla base" in western Hunan Province.

In 1955, Liu Ziyun was awarded the rank of major general as head of the basic department of the Nanjing Military Academy.

At that time, on the eve of the National Day, Liu Ziyun was leading the military academy parade square in Beijing for training, so he had the honor of participating in the ceremony of awarding titles and honors held by the PARTY Central Committee, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission in Beijing.

The military parade on october 1, 1955, the sixth anniversary of the National Day, was the seventh National Day military parade held in Beijing's Tiananmen Square after the founding of New China. More than 500,000 people from the capital attended the event. Chairman Mao and other party and state leaders, as well as more than 50 countries and more than 2,000 foreign guests invited to attend the National Day ceremony, attended the ceremony.

For the first time, 10,344 officers and men of the People's Liberation Army's army, navy, and air force were paraded in new uniforms after the implementation of military ranks. This National Day military parade fully demonstrated the brand-new style of the people's army, and for the first time, a plausible general led by a PLA general appeared at the military parade.

Liu Ziyun, who was 41 years old at the time, dressed in a new general's dress, wore the rank of major general with a golden grand general and a first-class liberation medal, led the August 1st Army Flag and the Military Academy Square to be inspected through Tiananmen Square with a new and mighty military appearance.

Liu Bocheng founded the Nanjing Military Academy at the time when he was the most suitable: Only Liu Ziyun, the director of the training department of the senior department, was the most suitable

Since this military parade was the first appearance of the Chinese People's Liberation Army after the implementation of the rank system, as the vanguard of the parade, Major General Liu Ziyun attracted the attention of thousands of people.

After leaving the POST of the PLA Military Academy, Liu Ziyun served as deputy commander of the Hunan Provincial Military Region, deputy commander of the Guangdong Provincial Military Region, deputy chief of staff of the Guangzhou Military Region, and adviser to the headquarters. He died in Guangzhou in April 1992 at the age of 78.

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