
Yi Ziyun original: Small fan gently shakes Xia Mengchang

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Yi Ziyun original: Small fan gently shakes Xia Mengchang

The small fan gently shakes Xia Mengchang

Yi Ziyun

One year has passed in July, the first half of the year has ended, and the second half of the year is starting. Stepping on the heels of July to come to the solar term is a small summer, and in half a month is a big summer, "small summer and summer, steaming down and cooking", there are these two brothers in the month, not hot is called strange.

Time kept pushing into the depths of summer, and the heat enveloped every corner of the city. There was a marked decrease in pedestrians on the road. Stepping on shoes on the asphalt road makes a humming sound like an apple. The trees are still lush, but the leaves, due to the lack of moisture, are rolled up, gray, and less energetic.

With their cheerful songs, the birds hid in the woods of the mountains and escaped from the heat. The only thing left in the city is the cement jungle, the sound of car horns, the high and low market shouts, and the creaking and whistling of air conditioners. In this kind of sound, the summer is even hotter.

At this time, the best catering in the northern Xinjiang town was "three cool". The hot weather makes many people lose their appetite, can't eat, mix a cold food to eat, not to mention how refreshing and appetizing. Of course, seasoning is important. The store is just according to the popular taste, and there are balsamic vinegar, garlic, spicy seeds and other spices on the table, which you can add according to your needs. Most of the men here are not very particular, just add more vinegar, but the girls are particularly fond of spicy seeds, often making the bowl full of red.

Since the air conditioning, the summer has been much better. When we were young, a broken fan was the best cooling tool. At that time, children fell asleep under the gentle shaking of the fan of the adult. The happiest thing before going to bed is counting the stars, catching fireflies, and listening to stories. What I admire most is that the adults tell stories, they can tell the moon falling from east to west, the earth from hot to cold, and the children gradually fall asleep.

Watching movies is the best memory of childhood. At that time, the film was screened in turn in several natural villages, with two poles erected on the side of the threshing ground, the screen hung up, and the projector was set up. Electricity is generated by diesel engines and sometimes replaced by tractors.

Whenever a movie is played, adults always hold the child early, carry the stool, choose a good seat, and wait for the screening to start. After watching the movie, most of the children had just been woken up, closed their eyes, and followed the adults one foot deep and one foot shallow. The next day I asked what movie I watched, only to remember "High, really high!" "Nothing else, I don't know. Later, when I got older, I followed the young people in the village and ran far away to see a movie, and there was nothing to do at night anyway.

At that time, the children listened to the sound of cicadas, frogs, birds every day, accompanied by chickens, ducks, cows and sheep, talked to the stars and the moon, and the toys were made of bamboo tubes, wooden sticks, and mud. Like today's children, there are so many snacks, so many toys, so many tutoring classes, more is more, not necessarily happy.

It's hot in the summer, but farmers don't seem to hate it. They often say, "It's not hot in the summer, and the grain is not knotted." In the scorching sun, the rice fields are hot and baked, and the seedlings thrive with the sound of crackling joints. The rice field crabs are in the gaps of the seedlings, stretching their eyes out, dragging their fat bodies, crawling freely.

The bud valley opened its turquoise leaves, and trembled with the wind with a soft beard, like an old student on the stage. Corn on the cob full of golden teeth gradually became blessed. Early rice is busy filling, and cotton is competing to hang bells. Everything is thriving, and everywhere there is a lot of greenery. The crops are lush and the fields are thriving.

The loofahs of the vegetable field hang down one by one, and the yellow flowers bloom upwards. Delicate beans, thin-waisted gourds, wrinkled bitter melons, hanging from wooden shelves, are slowly swinging on the swing under the impetus of the breeze. Tomatoes, spicy seeds, eggplant, are all growing. Watermelons and melons, very shyly hidden under the green leaves, like babies, sucking on nutrients, quietly brewing full of sweetness.

Sesame seeds growing on the slope are blooming beautifully. The sesame stalk straightens the waist plate, and the flowers are around the pole, opening upwards section by section, "sesame blossoms are growing taller and higher." From this ordinary plant, people think of the yearning and blessing for a better life. When sesame blossoms, it naturally becomes an auspicious word.

All kinds of small insects in the crop fields live freely. Seven-star ladybugs, carrying the shells of black flowers on a red background, slowly crawl on the stems of plant leaves. When we were young, we called it "Big Sister Flower", and often put it on a white paper and counted the black dots called "stars" on its back. The natural world is colorful, and small bugs are also indispensable members.

Walking into July, there is the fragrance of melons and fruits everywhere. Due to the developed logistics, the fruit vendors on the street or the fruit stalls in the supermarket are changing the fresh fruit every day. Yellow apricots, red plums, green and white mulberries, crimson strawberries, it is really colorful and dazzling. quality? Do you still need to say, eat all said good.

At this time, the flowers do not show weakness. If it is said that the spring peach red pear white, apricot pink cherry thick is the beauty of the flowers, then, the moon season, roses, roses, also decorate the summer beautiful and charming. The moon season is a kind of ordinary and beautiful flower, and the moon flower in the yard is purple, red, pink, white, very popular.

Reading and drinking tea are the daily things that Xia does. In the middle of summer, brewing a cup of fragrant tea, opening the scroll, the aroma of tea and the fragrance of books are integrated, which is an indescribable enjoyment. Some people like to savor slow drinks and cultivate a kind of slow kung fu; some people like to drink it all, and what they want is that kind of vigor. It's all life, there are no pros and cons.

Revel in the summer weather, smell the aroma of melons and fruits, listen to the birds singing, look at the smiles of the flowers, taste the affection of the season, and enjoy it.

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