
Xinjin famous chef who goes to the world - cooking tianjiao Huang Ziyun

author:Chengdu Xinjin
Xinjin famous chef who goes to the world - cooking tianjiao Huang Ziyun

In 1951, when Huang Ziyun was working in the Ministry of Public Security of the Southwest Military and Political Commission in Chongqing, he was selected to study at the Beijing Public Security Cadre School and was a student of the first class of 16. Later, he was sent to Zhou Baozhong and Zhou Xing as a guard, and formed an indissoluble relationship with the Zhou Xing family. Later, Huang Ziyun thought that he could not shoot guns, his education was not high, and he was a guard with heavy responsibilities as the chief, so he resigned his post and returned to the Ministry of Public Security of the Southwest Military and Political Committee of Chongqing in 1952. Zhou Xing, an old Red Army, served as vice minister of public security, secretary of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, and first secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee. Huang Ziyun especially respected the old chief, and the old chief's family was also particularly close to him, and the Zhou and Huang families were very close. To this day, Huang Ziyun's descendants still have contacts with the Zhou family. In June 1999, when the book "Remembering Zhou Xing" was published, Zhou Xing's wife Yang Yuying asked her son Xiaoji to personally send it to Huang Ziyun's home. In 2008, after the publication of "Female Soldiers of the Red Army Who Came Out of the Cradle of revolution- A Collection of Commemorative Essays Deeply Remembering Loving Mother Yang Yuying", Xiaoji personally went to send it.

Xinjin famous chef who goes to the world - cooking tianjiao Huang Ziyun

Female soldiers of the Red Army who came out of the cradle of the revolution --

I deeply miss the collection of commemorative essays of my loving mother Yang Yuying

In 1954, the Central Committee abolished the Southwest Bureau and the Southwest Military and Political Committee, and Huang Ziyun was transferred to the Beijing Hotel with Luo Guorong, during which Luo Guorong also had a good story in Beijing. When He Long came to Chongqing, Luo Guorong,Luo specially made a dish of "bean residue roasted pig's head" for He Long, and He Long praised it after eating, saying that he had never tasted such a delicacy, especially the bean residue and pig head could be burned into such a delicacy, which was incredible. It just so happens that the Beijing Hotel is in urgent need of talents, so he personally ordered Luo Guorong to work at the Beijing Hotel, and Huang Ziyun was also transferred to work together to engage in Sichuan cuisine cooking.

After working in the Beijing Hotel, Huang Ziyun continued to study, innovate, and cook exquisitely, becoming the main celebrity chef of Sichuan cuisine in beijing hotel, and since then he has shown his skills and opened a new page in his life.

Xinjin famous chef who goes to the world - cooking tianjiao Huang Ziyun

Huang Ziyun took a group photo with other chefs

On the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1959, on September 30, the leaders of the state held a grand banquet in the Great Hall of the People. This grand reception for the 10th anniversary of the National Day was the largest and largest grand banquet in the history of Chinese and foreign banquets at that time, with Luo Guorong as the commander-in-chief and Huang Ziyun assisting Luo Guorong in the design and cooking of the state banquet, showing great talent. Due to the close cooperation with more than 300 celebrity chefs across the country, the state banquet was a complete success and was highly praised by national leaders and Chinese and foreign guests. In December of the same year, in view of Huang Ziyun's outstanding work performance, he entered the China Youth Federation and was selected to participate in the 7th World Youth Festival and to attend the World Youth Festival in Vienna, Austria. This time going abroad for exchanges and parties has broadened Huang's horizons and hearts, and since then he has set higher and stricter requirements for himself.

In February 1972, US President Richard Nixon visited China, and the eyes of the world focused on China. Personally ordered by Premier Zhou Enlai, the Beijing Hotel sent Huang Ziyunmi to the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse to design and host a banquet for the chef, and cook for Nixon. Premier Zhou personally formulated the sixteen-character policy: be polite and courteous, treat each other with courtesy, not humble or profane, and be generous. Huang Ziyun is well aware of this important task, he carefully designed the banquet plan, operating procedures, organization, arrangement, scheduling, led all colleagues to successfully complete the major tasks entrusted by the state, and was highly praised by foreign guests. Premier Zhou personally attended the summary meeting and praised and thanked Huang Ziyun.

In September 1972, Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka visited China and signed the Sino-Japanese Joint Declaration, normalizing Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations. Huang Ziyun was once again appointed as a banquet design and banquet chef at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and successfully completed this major task. Also attended or personally designed by Huang Ziyun and hosted by chefs were foreign presidents and prime ministers: Pompidou, Thatcher, Sheehan, Tito, Kim Il Sung, Sihanoukville, Marcos, Ho Chi Minh, Ne Win, etc., as well as military and political dignitaries from many countries.

He also personally cooked for Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, He Long, Li Fuchun, Guo Moruo, Ye Jianying and other central leaders. From the early 1980s to the early 1990s, Huang Ziyun hosted a birthday party for Deng Xiaoping every August. Especially on the 80th birthday of Deng Xiaoping, Deng Xiaoping was very satisfied with the feast, and after the banquet, he walked into the kitchen to shake hands with Huang Ziyun and took a group photo, praising: "You are a master, it is different." ”

Xinjin famous chef who goes to the world - cooking tianjiao Huang Ziyun

Deng Xiaoping and Huang Ziyun shook hands cordially for a group photo

In October 1980, Huang Ziyun was sent to the Intercontinental Hotel in Germany to perform culinary skills. This visit is the first time that China has sent a culinary skill performance troupe, and it is also a concrete embodiment of reform and opening up. The visit was highly successful, highly praised by the German side, won honors for the motherland, let the world understand China's long-standing exquisite food culture, and spread China's superb cooking skills. Huang Ziyun also won the Gold Medal for Culinary Technology at the Hamburg International Fair in Germany and was known as the "Culinary Envoy". From the 1980s to the 1990s, Huang Ziyun was sent to the United States, Germany, Japan, France, Russia and other countries to exchange and perform culinary skills, all of which received high praise. In addition, he has taught skills to chefs sent by North Korean leader Kim Il Sung and trained dozens of chefs who make Chinese cuisine for senior North Korean leaders.

Xinjin famous chef who goes to the world - cooking tianjiao Huang Ziyun

Medal won by Huang Ziyun

Xinjin famous chef who goes to the world - cooking tianjiao Huang Ziyun

Huang Ziyun has excellent cooking skills, excellent work performance, humble people, and is not conservative in passing on apprenticeship. He once served as the head chef and senior culinary technician of Beijing Hotel, a judge of the 2nd National Culinary Technology Competition, was elected as the vice chairman of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Beijing Cuisine Association, the executive director of the China Cuisine Association, a contemporary celebrity chef, a famous chef in Beijing, and in July 2002, he was elected as a national treasure-level culinary master in Beijing, and was also elected as a model worker in Beijing for many times, and was elected as a representative of the 6th, 7th and 8th National People's Congresses.

Huang Ziyun often said a sentence: "Learning is endless." When he became famous and gathered various honors, he still immersed himself in research, continuous innovation and transformation, and made major breakthroughs in the color, aroma, taste, shape and beauty of many traditional Sichuan dishes and dishes. Its representative dishes include: yellow braised shark fin, braised beef head, sanyuan roasted beef head, Tianfu river crab, steamed shark fin, Longjing abalone, braised fish belly, sauerkraut sea cucumber, three-food char siu square, poached squid, crystal shrimp slices, lantern shadow beef, yellow croaker three fresh, dry roast fresh fish, silk chowder, braised poached tofu, pocket tofu, brewed bitter melon, etc. In order to make the cooking skills more vigorous, so that Sichuan cuisine can be better inherited, so that more people can understand Sichuan cuisine and learn to make Sichuan cuisine, Huang Ziyun also participated in the compilation of the book "Famous Recipes of Beijing Restaurants", co-authored "Sichuan Cuisine of Beijing Restaurants" (published by Economic Daily Press in 1987) with Zhang Zhiguo, and co-authored "Collection of Dishes" with Huang Chuyun and Zhang Laotou (published by Sichuan Science and Technology Publishing House in 1990), contributing to the development and inheritance of Sichuan cuisine.

Huang Ziyun has a lot of cooking skills, but he has no reservations when teaching apprentices, and has received more than 100 apprentices to pass on the art, many high apprentices, letters, door-to-door advice, temporary guidance and more. Huang's requirements are extremely strict, first of all, he values his character, and then seeks diligence and studiousness. He loved his disciples and taught him his true skills, and his disciples also respected and admired him, so most of his disciples had already achieved fame and spread all over the world, and some of them were "better than blue out of blue", for which he felt particularly happy and proud. In Beijing, Liu Guozhu, Liu Gang, etc. are all well-known masters in the industry, Hu Dehai, Wei Xiaoyan, Zhang Xiansheng, Wu Jianzhuang, Li Qiangmin, Ban Junlin, Li Jinliang, Zhu Zhichao, Zhu Qingtong, Cao Bijiang, Chen Jijie, Zhang Tao, Que Yunxiang, Zhou Yu, Zhang Daji, Li Zhifa, Li Guiqing, Liu Zhiquan, Wan Decheng, etc. have also become special culinary technicians, some have gone to leadership positions, and many people have spread Chinese culinary culture overseas.

Xinjin famous chef who goes to the world - cooking tianjiao Huang Ziyun

Source: Fang Zhi Xinjin

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