
Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

author:Phantom of the Sea

In the early morning of April 27, 1931, a man hurried out of a small hotel in Shanghai, and he walked quickly to the car rental company diagonally opposite the hostel, this man was slightly fat, wearing thick glasses, with a serious expression and a firm step. In just these two days, he ran to the car rental company several times, and this time, he finally found Chen Geng, who was then the head of the CCP's special branch, and Chen Geng fixed his eyes on it, and the person who came was Li Kenong, who had entered the Kuomintang Central Bureau at that time, but today was not the joint time they had agreed, and Chen Geng realized that something big must have happened. After listening to the news brought by Li Kenong, Chen Geng suddenly frowned tightly and clasped his hands. What was this news that could make them all panic?

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

After the first train from Nanjing to Shanghai arrived at the station, a young man got off the bus and came to a small hidden hostel after several turns. After hearing a sharp knock at the door, Li Kenong hurried to open the door, and when he saw that It was Qian Zhuangfei's son-in-law Liu Qifu, he knew that there must be some new information. Then Liu Shufu said: "Gu Shunzhang, one of the top leaders of the CCP's special branch, was arrested and defected in Wuhan, and Cai Mengjian, director of the Kuomintang Wuhan Secret Service Investigation Department, sent six special emergency telegrams to Xu En, who had betrayed Gu Shunzhang, and coincidentally, Xu En had gone to Shanghai on the weekend, and these six telegrams were intercepted by Qian Zhuangfei. ”

In the sixth telegram, it was also clearly stated that there was a Communist Party within the Central Bureau of Statistics, and Gu Shunzhang, who was in an important position, also knew the information of all the lurking personnel, so Qian Zhuangfei knew that he must have exposed his identity, but at this time, Qian Zhuangfei was still concerned about his own safety, and if he did not act as soon as possible, many latent Communists would be arrested by the Kuomintang, so he immediately sent a liaison officer to inform Li Kenong of this matter, and Li Kenong's single-line contact at that time was Chen Geng.

Therefore, Li Kenong's main task at present is to find Chen Geng and then Chen Geng will inform Zhou Enlai and the central leaders of this matter, and pass on the news of this 100,000 urgent situation to other comrades, but where to find Chen Geng has become a major problem for Li Kenong. It was Saturday, April 26th, and according to the agreement, Monday was the time they had agreed to meet, so he had to break the mold and find the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee in Shanghai first, and through the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, he learned of Chen Geng's residence, which was the scene that appeared at the beginning of our meeting.

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

When Chen Geng heard about this, he was very worried about the safety of their comrades, so he immediately went to Zhou Enlai with Li Kenong, and when Zhou Enlai heard the news, he took decisive measures. He and Li Kenong quickly sent a telegram to Hu Di, who was far away in Tianjin, "Hu Di Ke Chao was sick", "Ke" was Li Kenong, "Tide" was Qian Chao's pseudonym, and "Sick Du" meant that something had happened and that he had to evacuate quickly.

Subsequently, Qian Zhuangfei ran around and informed the comrades of this news as quickly as possible, and Li Kenong suddenly remembered that Zhang Zhenhua, qian Zhuangfei's wife who had exposed his identity, was still unaware, so he hurried to The East Ganxi Road where he lived, but at this time it was late at night, and he rushed to knock on the door, which would undoubtedly alarm many people.

Therefore, Li Kenong was in a hurry and alerted Zhang Zhenhua with the sound of rushing water, and as soon as Zhang Zhenhua saw that it was Li Kenong, he quickly opened the door to greet him, and Li Kenong informed Zhang Zhenhua of the origin of the matter, and told her that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time, so that she could leave quickly.

On April 27, Gu Shunzhang arrived in Nanjing, Chen Lifu, Xu En immediately rushed to Shanghai with Gu Shunzhang and a large number of military and police, and on the morning of April 28, a crazy large-scale search and arrest began, but the results did disappoint them greatly, one stronghold after another was empty, and the documents that had just been burned by the central organs were still emitting wisps of green smoke at this time.

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

"Give the tea to Comrade Kegong, give the tea to Comrade Kegong, and give the tea to Comrade Kegong." This is the mysterious figure Comrade Kegong that Yu Zecheng repeatedly mentioned in the TV series "Latent", and his prototype is Li Kenong, who was jokingly called "the Great Secret Agent of the Communist Party" by Mao Zedong and "one of the Three Masters of Longtan" by Zhou Enlai.

As early as 1928, Li Kenong, a member of the Chinese Communist Party, was closely watched by the Kuomintang after engaging in some propaganda work of the party organization, and has been hunted down by the Kuomintang. One day in 1928, Li Kenong was on his way home when suddenly a pair of policemen with guns completely blocked the road and strictly investigated the identity of passers-by. As soon as he saw this posture, Li Kenong sensed that things were not good, and realized that the two policemen were most likely coming to arrest themselves, so Li Kenong quickly took off his robe, put on a torn felt hat that he had just picked up on the side of the road, hummed the Anhui minor tune all the way, and walked out of the alley like a wandering drunkard.

The policeman at the intersection took a gun and watched as the drunken tramp swung past him until he slowly disappeared from their field of vision. The police at the intersection were blinded by such a communist "actor", after Li Kenong passed the customs clearance, he immediately took a train to Nanjing, originally thought that li Kenong, who had escaped the search, just out of the Nanjing station, encountered a dangerous situation, only to learn that Nanjing was also pursuing him, the moment of crisis could not be delayed, Li Kenong immediately turned around and went to the train, he went around several directions, hid his name, and finally successfully escaped to Shanghai to lurk.

One day in 1929, Li Kenong, who was then a propaganda committee member of the Shanghai Central District Committee of the Communist Party of China, happened to meet Hu Di, an intelligence officer of the Shanghai Radio Administration, a fellow villager he met in Wuhu. The Shanghai Radio Administration, as Hu Di mentioned, was actually a secret service agency of the Kuomintang, headed by Xu En, a cousin of Chen Lifu, the head of the Central Unification Secret Service.

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

One day Li Kenong went to Hu Di's photo studio, and a man with glasses and looking at the polite and polite man happened to be here, so in a secret corner, Hu Di pulled the two sides over to introduce them to each other, and Li Kenong learned that the person in front of him was Qian Zhuangfei, a CCP special intelligence officer who had infiltrated the Kuomintang Central Committee at that time.

Li Kenong was silent for a moment after listening to Qian Zhuangfei's account of his situation in the Kuomintang secret service agency, and paced back and forth in the room, and after a while, he said to Qian Zhuangfei: "Now there is no way to insert another nail into it, you are not good in it alone." Qian Zhuangfei pondered for a moment and said: "There is a good opportunity at the moment, and now the Shanghai Radio Administration is expanding the open recruitment of personnel." ”

Li Kenong immediately reported this situation to the leaders at his higher level, and when Zhou Enlai learned of this, he thought that the opportunity was rare, and they unanimously agreed that they could take advantage of this opportunity to break into the internal affairs of the Kuomintang secret service organization, so Zhou Enlai decided to immediately form a special party group directly under the single-line leadership of the Central Special Branch, which was composed of Li Kenong, Hu Di, and Qian Zhuangfei. Later, the three formed an "iron triangle" - Li Kenong was admitted to the Shanghai Radio Administration with the first place in the examination and became an important person in charge of the Shanghai side; Hu Di was transferred to Tianjin and became an important person in charge of the Tianjin side. The three of them thus penetrated into the Intelligence System of the Kuomintang, and Xu Enzeng, director of the Kuomintang Central Command Bureau, also admired this "recruited champion."

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

Xu En, as a high-ranking member of the Kuomintang, was extremely cautious about everyone, and of course, Li Kenong was no exception. Xu En sent someone to observe and follow Li Kenong for a long time, and after finding that this person had no problems, gradually Xu En regarded Li Kenong as his confidant, and then Li Kenong was promoted to the head of the special service unit. Li Kenong knew in his heart that lurking in this secret service agency, the slightest sloppiness could lead to trouble, so he walked on thin ice in the administration and was cautious. "You're sleeping badly, you're getting out of the car."

In the LATENT OF THE TV SERIES, in order to facilitate Yu Zecheng's lurking work, the party organization sent a fierce female guerrilla leader Cuiping to be Yu Zecheng's fake wife, so that Cuiping could not only cover Yu Zecheng's identity, but also assist him to complete the tasks sent down by the party organization. In the TV series lurking, Yu Zecheng found a "fake lady", while the real Li Kenong found the real lady.

According to the party's instructions, in the first half of 1930, Li Kenong had no choice but to write a letter asking his wife Zhao Ying to take the children to Shanghai for a reunion and cover his work. "My mother took my eldest brother, Li Li and I, to Shanghai to cover my father's work, to help my father in addition to taking care of life and household chores, to help copy materials to pass on information, to contact comrades, to put up sentries." Li Kenong's son recalled.

In order to make the identity of Li Director more real, after his wife Zhao Ying arrived in Shanghai, Li Kenong deliberately rented a house with a better geographical location in Shanghai and took his wife to buy new furniture.

Not only that, he also often deliberately showed the style of the Kuomintang middle-level officials, either in suits and leather shoes, or in robes and horse coats, wearing gold rings in his hands, frequently going in and out of taverns and tea houses, and his arrogant appearance made people dare not slack off; in order to facilitate his work, the party organization also sent underground traffic officer Song Zhi's family to Li Kenong's home to pretend to be a "servant." On weekdays, the "servant" Xiao Song often had to deliver food to Li Kenong, and Li Kenong often pretended to be very arrogant and domineering, not only picking and choosing the meals sent. From time to time, he would scold Xiao Song angrily, and Xiao Song would be scolded to cry and cry, but he knew in his heart that as soon as Li Guchang pretended to be angry, there was new information coming.

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

One day in August 1930, Li Kenong, the Kuomintang Radio Administration, started a temper tantrum as in the past without the slightest regard for the people, saying that the rice brought by Xiao Song was too hard, the vegetables were salty and bitter, and it was simply not eaten by people, so he took out a banknote from his pocket and reprimanded Xiao Song for going out to buy it again, and Xiao Song, who was scolded and crying, went out to buy him a meal, and after leaving the building, Xiao Song secretly came to a lane, took out the banknotes and looked at it, and it turned out that four words were written on it: "Will it not be opened." What's going on here?

It turned out that the time and place of the meeting to be held by the LEADERS of the Chinese Communists had been known to the enemy. Komatsu then quickly passed on the information, and their intelligence was passed on in this way, so when they returned home in the evening, the two of them would excitedly celebrate the tacit cooperation between the two of them.

In the Radio Administration, Li Kenong's bureaucratic habit of deliberately dressing up was often reflected word for word by the subordinates in charge of surveillance to the director Xu Enzeng, and Xu Enzeng did not criticize or scold him, but was more at ease with him. Although Xu En had great trust in Li Kenong, the small book in his small pocket was never easily shown. The small book that Xu En once had in his personal collection was a codebook for senior Kuomintang officials to send telegrams to each other. In order to get the codebook, Li Kenong and Qian Zhuangfei used a lot of brains and thought of many ways, but they never succeeded.

However, one day the opportunity finally came, about this Li Kenong's son Li Li described the ins and outs of this opportunity in the book "Remembering His Father Li Kenong": "Xu En, who had an indulgent temperament, liked women, and worked normally in Nanjing on weekdays, but every weekend he had to go to Shanghai to eat, drink and gamble, which has almost become a practice." His father helped him rent a house in Shanghai, which made him feel safe and convenient. Once Qian Zhuangfei accompanied Xu Enzeng to Shanghai for a meeting, and during the meal, Xu Enzeng once again stared at a good-looking girl. Father then hinted, go to that kind of place, you better not bring any valuables, money is also best not to bring, everything is still careful, Xu En once felt that there was a reason is pondering, Qian Zhuangfei pointed to him, reminding, that codebook you can not put away, in case of loss or leakage of secrets, the boss tracked it up, you can not afford to wait. ”

Xu Enzeng suddenly became alert, and after thinking about it for a moment, he handed the codebook to Qian Zhuangfei for him to keep for the time being. After Xu Enzeng left, his father and Qian Zhuangfei were not only excited, but also did not forget to immediately use the camera to carefully remake the entire codebook obtained with "nine bulls and two tigers". And it was this remake of the codebook that played an immeasurable role at a critical time.

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

After that, the Xi'an intelligence agency led by Li Kenong did everything in its power to collect intelligence on a large scale of the Kuomintang and promptly reported to the party Central Committee the specific situation of Hu Zongnan's army entering Yan'an and northern Shaanxi, so that the CPC Central Committee knew Hu Zongnan's actions very well.

At that time, there was a joke that said: "Chiang Kai-shek scolded his mother in Chongqing in the morning, and Mao Zedong knew it in the Cave of Yan'an at night." "Because Hu Zongnan's troops were suppressed by a large number of troops, the enemy was outnumbered, and the disparity in strength was huge, if a real fight broke out, it was estimated that there would not be many chances of victory, and the CPC Central Committee decided to take the initiative to withdraw from Yan'an after careful consideration, and at the same time, it was necessary to lure the enemy into Yan'an. On the eve of the evacuation of Yan'an, the heavy responsibility of defending the security of the CENTRAL Central Committee and Mao Zedong fell on Li Kenong's shoulders, and at this time, Hu Zongnan's troops continued to press the border, and the situation was very critical.

On March 13, 1947, Hu Zongnan's troops attacked Yan'an in two ways, and the Northwest Field Army of the People's Liberation Army began the Yan'an Defense War in the defense of yan'an, covering the safe transfer of the central organs and large troops, annihilating more than 5,000 enemy troops.

On March 18, Mao Zedong and others led their troops to quickly withdraw from Yan'an, and when Chiang Kai-shek's ace Hu Zongnan arrived in Yan'an, Yan'an had become an empty city, which made the enemy feel angry and frustrated. The methodical evacuation of Yan'an was undoubtedly due to Li Kenong's timely access to intelligence, and it was precisely the accuracy of the intelligence that made the implementation of the "empty city plan" flawless. This information was cleverly obtained by the CCP intelligence personnel who Had already arranged to infiltrate hu Zongnan of the Kuomintang.

As early as 1941, when the Intelligence Department of the CPC Central Committee was established, Li Kenong began to take precautions and strengthen the construction of Xi'an's intelligence agency. Xiong Xianghui, a member of the Xi'an intelligence organization who sent people to infiltrate Hu Zongnan's headquarters, was a Communist Party member that Zhou Enlai had inserted into the Kuomintang as early as the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

Zhou Enlai's elaborate arrangements made Xiong Xianghui one of the most important intelligence officers in the CCP's side of Hu Zongnan. After Xiong Xianghui followed Hu Zongnan to Xi'an, Hu Zongnan told Xiong Xianghui all his battle plans and asked him to draw a battle sketch, and Xiong Xianghui immediately informed the Xi'an intelligence organization of this information.

It was precisely because of the unremitting efforts of these intelligence personnel that Zhou Enlai, who had turned to northern Shaanxi, proudly said: "We have something that can be used every day on the northwest battlefield, so that we can understand the enemy situation very clearly." ”

After the party Central Committee moved to northern Shaanxi, Xiong Xianghui successively reported to Li Kenong on the situation of Hu Zongnan, and as a result, a large number of military situations of Hu Zongnan's troops in northern Shaanxi were detected, and the CPC Central Committee was able to take charge of the overall situation, and in the dangerous battlefield of northern Shaanxi, it won many battles and victories, and in addition to the bravery of the soldiers on the front-line battlefield, the intelligence organization led by Li Kenong was also indispensable.

In 1949, the Kuomintang had already defeated Taiwan, but they did not completely stop there, and Dai Kasa's successor Mao Renfeng and his military command secret service organization began to carry out various sabotage activities.

On December 6, 1946, a train departed from Beijing to Moscow. Mao Zedong was sitting on this train, but less than two hours after the train left Beijing, the People's Liberation Army intercepted a mysterious telegram, and after deciphering the telegram, it was learned that the Kuomintang military command agents planned to carry out assassination operations against Mao Zedong and planned to attack him on the way back to China.

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

Mao Zedong immediately handed the matter over to Li Kenong, the intelligence minister in charge of the national anti-special forces, and Li Kelong immediately set up a reconnaissance group, and led the investigation of this incident with Yang Qiqing, then director of the Public Security Bureau.

Not long after, in Tianjin, the investigators found that there had been two large remittances recently, both transferred from Hong Kong to Tianjin and finally transferred to Beijing, and even their collection addresses were exactly the same, both were Shen Residence, No. 7, Liangjiayuan East Courtyard outside The Gate of Beijing and Pingmen, and Ji Ailin was the recipient of the two remittances. But what is puzzling is why this money has to go around in Tianjin before it goes to Beijing? Why not send it directly to Beijing?

So the investigators returned to Beijing overnight to investigate, and at the same time, Li Kenong intercepted several telegrams on the radio, and after carefully analyzing these telegrams with the investigators, he found that the telegrams mentioned the same person many times, a mysterious woman with the surname Ji. Could this mysterious Miss Ji be the mysterious payee that the investigators found in Tianjin?

The investigation team led by Li Kenong decided to use this Miss Ji as a breakthrough point to crack the case, and after investigation, there were three women with the surname Ji in the Liangjiayuan East Compound outside the Pingmen Gate in Beijing and Pingmen, but none of them were named Ji Irene.

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

This made the reconnaissance group difficult, so the reconnaissance team led by Li Kenong analyzed the three women with the surname Ji one by one, the first was the wife of this family, Ji Zhimei, who was 35 years old, the mother of three children, and was around between the children all day so that she did not have time to run around, so it was unlikely that she was, and Ji Zhimei's mother, Ji Zhao, was too old to be Miss Ji mentioned in the telegram. This person is most likely the miss ji who withdrew money, and it is strange that she has no job, is idle at home, but is fashionably dressed and generous.

So the team made a comprehensive examination of him and found that she also had an older brother and younger brother, who was long gone, and the older brother was the legendary Ji Zhaoxiang who mastered the secret radio station in Peiping. Soon, the intelligence officers detected the location of the radio station in Beiping, and the public security bureau immediately sent someone to arrest Ji Zhaoxiang. At this time, Li Kenong asked Ji Zhaoxiang to use the technique and method of his original telegram to call Mao Renfeng of the Taiwan Secrecy Bureau, and soon Mao Renfeng, who was waiting for the telegram news, received such a telegram, in which he said: "Mr. Mao Renfeng, the almighty lurking platform that you have repeatedly boasted about has been seized, and the commander of the major station, Ji Zhaoxiang, has been arrested by us, and tells you that the operator who sent the report is Ji Zhaoxiang, and if you are interested, you must quickly surrender your weapons and surrender, so that we may spare your life." ”

Seeing this telegram, Mao Renfeng became angry and terrified, and he cried out angrily, "Li Kenong, it's Li Kenong again!" A shocking conspiracy to assassinate Mao Zedong, carefully planned by the Kuomintang Secrecy Bureau, was thus detected by Li Kenong, and Mao Renfeng became another defeated general under Li Kenong after Xu Enzeng, the head of the central unification secret service, and Dai Kasa, the head of the military command secret service.

Li Kenong was overworked, running around for many years and tired, and his body had been seriously dragged down, and the CPC Central Committee decided to let him leave office to recuperate well, but Li Kenong said that he was a donkey, riding things, and it was uncomfortable to suddenly not drive, and he could carry as much as he could. In the case of serious illness, Knong still remembered the intelligence workers who had been born and died with him, and when his condition improved slightly, he immediately wrote a letter to Yang Shangkun and Deng Xiaoping, in which he wrote: "I hope that the heroes who fought on the hidden front in the past can have a plan for death, the old have a return, the young have a send, widows and widows are lonely, and each has his own place." ”

Chairman Mao said that the big secret agents of the Communist Party, the nemesis of Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, and Li Kenong He Xuren also betrayed the information of the lurkers, and for a time the lurkers infiltrated the Kuomintang in danger, and actively obtained intelligence at a critical moment, and the intelligence agencies made indispensable contributions

For the sake of intelligence work, he did not hesitate to endure the pain of separation from his wife and children for many years, and in those years, his wife returned to her hometown alone with her children, suffered from the white eyes of the locals, lived a poor life, and did not see him for many years, so that when he returned home, the children mistook him for a debt and did not let him enter the house. In 1962, Li Kenong ended his more than thirty years of intelligence detective work forever, but his loyalty to the party and his great contribution to the people were forever preserved.

I am the Phantom of Shi Hai, and I am following me to praise history.

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