


01、現在的我,一無所有了。Now I have nothing.

02、我準備放棄你了,可你又對我笑了。I'm going to give up on you, but you laugh at me again.

03、假如我們相遇,肯定一眼就能認出彼此。If we meet, we will recognize each other at a glance.

04、心口,心口,總是止不住的隐隐作痛。Heart, heart, always can not stop the hidden pain.

05、某些時候,我也能懂得什麼是變本加厲。Sometimes, I can understand what is more flexible.


06、陽光溫暖,被心疼也是一種幸福。Sunshine is warm, and being heartache is also a kind of happiness.

07、你離開後,我的世界一片空白。After you leave, my world is blank.

08、我來赴一場,明知無果的局。I came to a game, knowing that there was no result.

09、我向往着自由的生活,卻被現實緊緊束縛。I yearn for a free life, but I am bound by reality.

10、至那一朵,滿心傷懷的玫瑰花!To that one, full of sad Rose!


11、弄砸一件事情,就想辦法把它做好。If you mess up a thing, you can find a way to do it well.

12、人生就像TM的一場悲劇,而導演卻是自己。Life is like a tragedy of TM, but the director is himself.

13、可惜年少,滿是柔情,吳侬軟語,全是辜負。Unfortunately, young, full of tenderness, Wu Nong soft language, all is a failure.

14、從未想過放棄你,隻是對你好失望。Never thought of giving up you, just disappointed with you.

15、看到你倆幸福牽手的情景,我還是會流淚。Istill cry when I see you two happy hand in hand.

16、假如生活出賣了我,我希望是論斤賣。If life betrays me, I hope it is about Jin.

17、隻要不花錢的飯局,記得喊上我。Just don't spend money on the dinner, remember to call me.

18、有一個人,你來了,就好了。There is a man. You come, that's all right.

19、開始于喜歡,結束于了解。Start with love, end with understanding.

20、心态好了,就不累了。If you have a good mentality, you will not be tired.


21、曾經的歲月不在翻轉,曾經的我們年少輕狂。The years of the past are not turning over, once we are young and crazy.

22、喝再多的水也彌補不了你讓我流走的淚水。No more water can make up for the tears you let me flow away.

23、明知道莪離不開你,卻當作玩笑一樣的對待。I know I can not leave you, but as a joke to treat.

24、你在意什麼,什麼就會折磨你。What you care about will torture you.

25、我忘不了的,便是留不住的。I can't forget, it can't stay.


26、失去的再挽留,便不會像以前那樣開心。If you lose it, you will not be as happy as before.

27、誰都會有那麼一兩個令自己心碎的秘密。There will be one or two secrets that break their hearts.

28、站在世界某一個角落,看着日出日落。Stand in a corner of the world and watch the sunrise and sunset.

29、因為你,我懂得了成長,可你依舊是我的傷。Because of you, I know how to grow, but you are still my injury.

30、蓦然回首、那人卻在燈火闌珊處。Suddenly, the man was in the light.


31、痛苦會改變一個人,經曆能造就一個人。Pain can change a person, experience can make a person.

32、我想過去,卻過不去;我想回去,卻回不去。I want to go, but I can't go; I want to go back, but I can't go back.

33、想要懂得今天,就必須研究昨天。To understand today, we must study yesterday.

34、人人都說你活該凄涼,其實沒人懂你情長。Everyone said you should be miserable, but no one knows your love.

35、徹夜難眠,更漏夢無。Sleep all night, more missed dreams.


36、分開後才知道你已經印在心上了。I don't know you have it in your heart until you leave.

37、撐過去了,還會有下一個黑暗等着你。Hold on, there will be the next darkness waiting for you.

38、愛情以笑開始,以吻轉濃,以淚結束。Love begins with laughter, kisses turn thick, and ends with tears.

39、如果沒有第一次的原諒哪來的第二次背叛。If there is no first time to forgive where to betray the second time.

40、那些向你傾訴的,現在卻痛到了沉默。Those who have spoken to you now are silent.

