
From cancer to tumor disappears! After Kai-Fu Lee's success in fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding one, I feel that I only have 100 days to live two, after successfully fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding three, the second half of life, fight for health

author:Wonderful materia medica

In 2009, Kai-Fu Lee left Google to start his own innovation workshop and serve as chairman and ceo. At this time, Kai-Fu Lee was standing on the cusp of China's Internet, doing things to invest in college students' dreams, but he did not expect that one day after 3 years, he would be diagnosed with cancer.

From cancer to tumor disappears! After Kai-Fu Lee's success in fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding one, I feel that I only have 100 days to live two, after successfully fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding three, the second half of life, fight for health

One day in the summer of 2013, Kai-Fu Lee was doing a routine physical examination at a hospital in Taiwan, and the doctor suggested that when he was older, it was necessary to do a comprehensive MRI examination of his body. This is Kai-Fu Lee's first time doing MRI.

The next day he flew back to Taipei for a re-examination, only to be told that he suspected he had lymphoma. It took two months from suspicion to confirmation. When the results of the diagnosis came out, Kai-Fu Lee had only one thought: "At that time, I really felt that I only had 100 days to live. ”

From cancer to tumor disappears! After Kai-Fu Lee's success in fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding one, I feel that I only have 100 days to live two, after successfully fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding three, the second half of life, fight for health

Doctors have been comforting Kai-Fu Lee, saying that his condition is not so serious. But Kai-Fu Lee did not believe it, and finally the doctor had no choice but to send him an Italian paper. The paper proposes that the survival time of lymphoma patients depends on factors such as whether cancer cells enter the bone marrow, whether the patient's age is more than 60 years old, whether the tumor is more than 6 centimeters, and whether the number of tumors exceeds 20. After reading it, Kai-Fu Lee was relieved and felt that he could live at least another five years.

During this period, Lee Kai-fu "retired to the rivers and lakes" and concentrated on recuperating, and God seemed to take extra care of him, and his condition improved in 2015.

At 22:00 on June 30, 2015, Kai-Fu Lee updated a Weibo: Announcing his success in fighting cancer to everyone, and more frankly, his views on work and life have undergone earth-shaking changes after falling ill.

From cancer to tumor disappears! After Kai-Fu Lee's success in fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding one, I feel that I only have 100 days to live two, after successfully fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding three, the second half of life, fight for health

Insight 1: Sleep is more important than anything else

Sleep is the best way to boost immunity!

Before developing lymphoma, he was a workaholic with very poor work and rest habits. I only sleep about 5 hours a day, and I can even do not sleep for 2 days when I am busy at work.

But after developing cancer, he began to understand that sleep can help the body repair itself, which is helpful for improving immunity and self-healing. He set himself sleep requirements. Fall asleep around 10 p.m. every night, guaranteeing at least 7 hours of sleep. It can be said that a good routine has helped his disease to control a lot.

From cancer to tumor disappears! After Kai-Fu Lee's success in fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding one, I feel that I only have 100 days to live two, after successfully fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding three, the second half of life, fight for health

Insight 2: Exercise is extremely important,

Aerobic exercise is a recipe for promoting apoptosis of cancer cells!

Aerobic exercise is a recipe for promoting apoptosis of cancer cells! In the past, Lee Kai-fu drove to and from work, and the amount of exercise per day was almost negligible. After developing cancer, he began to realize the value of exercise.

Insist on running uphill and downhill every day, and stop every time you reach a slight sweating in your body. In such effective exercise, the blood circulation in the body has been improved, the cardiopulmonary function has also been enhanced, and it has also played a certain role in fighting cancer.

From cancer to tumor disappears! After Kai-Fu Lee's success in fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding one, I feel that I only have 100 days to live two, after successfully fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding three, the second half of life, fight for health

Insight three: good attitude and sense of humor,

It is a good medicine to treat cancer with its own efficacy!

A sense of humor is a cure for cancer! As an inspirational role model for a generation, Kai-Fu Lee is still optimistic after learning that he has cancer, and said that he will face it with a positive attitude.

For cancer patients, the mentality is very important, if you know that after you have cancer, you have been psychologically painful and depressed, it will accelerate the spread and spread of cancer cells, resulting in a significant shortening of the patient's survival. However, if an early and middle cancer patient looks at cancer with a positive and optimistic attitude, lives optimistically, insists on appropriate physical exercise, and actively cooperates with the doctor's treatment, it will greatly prolong the survival period of their quality of life, and even completely cure themselves.

From cancer to tumor disappears! After Kai-Fu Lee's success in fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding one, I feel that I only have 100 days to live two, after successfully fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding three, the second half of life, fight for health

In addition to these adjuvant treatment methods, after diagnosis, he was able to slow down his pace and undergo surgery, as well as good postoperative maintenance, which also allowed Kai-Fu Lee to gradually pull his body back from the hands of the "disease".

There is an old Chinese proverb that "misfortune depends on each other", and there is a similar proverb in the West. Kai-Fu Lee's "ghost gate trip" forced him to stop and devote all his time and energy to the fight against the disease.

After all-round adjustment, Kai-Fu Lee's body was recovered and his soul was nourished. This was undoubtedly an unexpected gain from his practice of death credits. After recovering from his illness, he returned to the career he loved, but instead of returning to the old way of the past, he faced the future work and life with a more relaxed mentality, a broader mind, and a more balanced lifestyle.

From cancer to tumor disappears! After Kai-Fu Lee's success in fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding one, I feel that I only have 100 days to live two, after successfully fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding three, the second half of life, fight for health

It is said that wealth is important and success is rare, but in the final analysis, with health, these can be kept.

Once the body collapses, it is "the family is destroyed"

Kai-Fu Lee, who has just recovered from a serious illness, said that his beliefs in life have changed, and Jobs's phrase "Remember that you are about to die" is the motto that reminds him every day what life really is. "Glory and pride, embarrassment and fear, will disappear before death. If you feel that you are indulging in fear of losing something, 'remember that you are dying' is the best antidote. ”

From cancer to tumor disappears! After Kai-Fu Lee's success in fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding one, I feel that I only have 100 days to live two, after successfully fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding three, the second half of life, fight for health

Looking around, it is not uncommon for families to be poor due to illness and return to poverty due to illness, and the happiness index and quality of life of families have plummeted. The older you get, the more you can realize that the body is not only your own, but also the happiness of your family. Maintaining good health is the greatest responsibility for yourself and your family.

Balance work and life and do not use too much force

For the allocation of time for work, public welfare, family and friends, Kai-Fu Lee now has a very different answer than in the past. "I deeply believe that healthy living and diligence are not a contradiction between choosing one or the other, but can coexist. For the sake of health, my diligence will definitely drop by 50%. But for many young people, as long as they reduce their diligence by 5% to 10%, they can have a very healthy life. Career and healthy living can coexist. Kai-Fu Lee said seriously in the interview.

In addition to withdrawing from the working state at the right time, cultivating some interests and hobbies, or going out on a trip once, changing the environment around you, and expanding the social contact area are all good ways to reduce stress.

From cancer to tumor disappears! After Kai-Fu Lee's success in fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding one, I feel that I only have 100 days to live two, after successfully fighting cancer, he summed up three sentences of understanding three, the second half of life, fight for health

Studies have shown that more than 80% of diseases can be prevented through lifestyle changes. Therefore, the key to preventing cancer risk is to have a healthy attitude to life, including a healthy diet, moderate exercise and appropriate emotional catharsis.

Kai-Fu Lee used his anti-cancer experience to remind people of the clichéd truth: health is like the number 1, wealth, career, family are 0, only by stabilizing 1, there are countless 0s behind, and vice versa, there is nothing.

bibliography [1] "Kai-Fu Lee's Alarm Bells". Liberation Daily. 2013-09-18 [2] Persistence at the expense of health is not necessarily right. Health Newspaper. 2013-09-13 [3] How many credits did you take for health? 》. Health Times. 2015-07-09

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