
Sui and Tang Dynasty hero Pei Yuanqing defeated Yuwen Chengdu twice, why did he rank behind? Why did Yuan Qing die?

author:Read Spring and Autumn by candle

Pei Yuanqing is a fictional character in the novel Xingtang Biography, which arranges him to be the third son of pei Renji, a famous general at the end of the Sui Dynasty, saying that Pei Renji had three sons: the eldest son Yuan Shao, the second son Yuanfu, and the third son Yuanqing.

It should be noted that there is indeed a person in history, but in fact he only has two sons: the eldest son Pei Xingjian, the second son Pei Xingjian, and no third son Pei Yuanqing.

Sui and Tang Dynasty hero Pei Yuanqing defeated Yuwen Chengdu twice, why did he rank behind? Why did Yuan Qing die?

Pei Yuanqing film and television image

Pei Renji actually had a grandson named Pei Qingyuan, and I guess it was the Ming and Qing novelists who reversed his grandson's name and fabricated the character of Pei Yuanqing. Next, let's talk about Pei Yuanqing with the storyline of the commentary.

Pei Yuanqing debuted at the age of 12 and is a young hero, and the book says that he is the reincarnation of the third prince of Nezha. The child is cute and not tall, but he holds a pair of plum blossom bright silver hammers, and the double hammer weighs a total of 300 pounds.

Book review is to listen to a hilarious, teenage children can afford to carry 300 pounds of sledgehammer, can only dare to write in the book.

What's even more funny is that Pei San Gongzi rode a four-legged horse with a tiger's head and donkey face, which the book says is called a unicorn horse.

Pei Yuanqing was a man of great skill and ranked third among the Thirteen Masters of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. That is to say, only two people above him can beat him: the first is Li Yuanba, and the second is Yuwen Chengdu.

Sui and Tang Dynasty hero Pei Yuanqing defeated Yuwen Chengdu twice, why did he rank behind? Why did Yuan Qing die?

Li Yuanba film and television image

A few days ago, a fan asked me that Pei Yuanqing had twice defeated Yuwen Chengdu, who was in front of him, so why was he still ranked behind Yuwen Chengdu? To clarify this problem, we have to start from the strength of the two people.

Yu Wencheng, who ranked in front of Pei Yuanqing, was a zhendian general under the Sui Emperor Yang Guang, known as the Tianbao General, who was honored with the gold medal of "Invincible under heaven" given by Yang Guang, and he was the son of the Sui Dynasty Xiang Yu culture.

Yuwen Chengdu made a phoenix-winged golden boring, weapons weighing 400 pounds, and sat down on a fire dragon colt that traveled thousands of miles a day. I don't know if it is the reason for his old master's black box operation, I always feel that Yuwen Chengdu ranks second in a bit of water, his kung fu is far from Li Yuanba in the front, and finally he was killed by Li Yuanba.

Let's take a look at how much difference between his kung fu and Pei Yuanqing's kung fu is.

Sui and Tang Dynasty hero Pei Yuanqing defeated Yuwen Chengdu twice, why did he rank behind? Why did Yuan Qing die?

Yuwen Chengdu film and television image

It is not unreasonable for the novelist to rank Pei Yuanqing third, first of all, Yuwen Chengdu makes the weapon heavier than Pei Yuanqing's weight, Yuwen Chengdu makes the gilded weight 400 pounds, and Pei Sangongzi makes the bright silver hammer weigh 300 pounds. This shows that Yuwen Chengdu's strength is greater than Pei Yuanqing's.

Ancient cold weapon warfare relies on strength, there is a saying called "body strength does not lose", by size, by strength, Yuwen Chengdu slightly better than Pei Yuanqing.

Some people may have to ask, if this is the case, why did Yuwen Chengdu lose to Pei Yuanqing in the two tests of strength?

I tell you, Yuwen Chengdu was defeated twice at the hands of Pei Sangongzi, and there was a reason for that.

First of all, the first time, it was a battle in Siming Mountain. Siming Mountain was located in eastern Zhejiang, and when Yang Guang went south of the river, Yuwen Chengdu was responsible for protecting the safety of the emperor.

Yang Guang's travels caused various anti-kings to follow and chase, and by the end of the Sui Dynasty, there were 18 anti-kings and sixty-four places of smoke and dust. Among them, the sui and Tang dynasties, the fourth, fifth, and sixth good men gathered in Siming Mountain.

The 4th good man is called Xiong Kuohai, who is the vanguard official of Xiangzhou's anti-wang Gao Tansheng. Xiong Kuohai was holding a pair of 160-pound plate axes, and his two arms were shaking with a thousand pounds of strength, and he had killed two fierce tigers with punches and kicks, which were more powerful than Wu Song.

Sui and Tang Dynasty hero Pei Yuanqing defeated Yuwen Chengdu twice, why did he rank behind? Why did Yuan Qing die?

Wu Yunzhao film and television image

It is said that Xiong Kuohai wants to kill Yang Guang, Yuwen Chengdu naturally does not let go, the two fight together, playing 20 rounds without scoring up and down.

At this time, the 5th good han Wuyun summoned an emergency, forgetting to explain that these three good men were iron brothers. Only to see Wu Yun summon the horse to help Xiong Kuohai.

Wu Yunzhao was the son of Wu Jianzhang, the King of Zhongxiao of the Sui Dynasty, and held a spear weighing 150 kilograms of Zhangba Snake, with infinite strength. Even so, the two of them could not defeat Yuwen Chengdu for a while.

After 50 rounds, the 6th good man Wu Tianxi also joined the melee. Wu Tianxi was Wu Yunzhao's cousin, and the weapon he used was a pair of mixed gold boring, weighing 200 pounds, and he sat down on a black horse. It is said that he likes to eat people's hearts in order to practice, and after eating for a long time, his eyes become red, and he looks very scary, and it is conceivable that he is no different from a wild man.

That's it, Yuwen Chengdu did not fall behind in one pair of three, and the four people still couldn't tell the difference between victory and defeat after a day of fighting.

At this time, the military master Xu Maogong's eyes turned, and he ordered the third prince of Pei to go down the mountain to help in the battle. Pei Yuanqing rushed down from the mountain with a bright silver hammer in his hand, and a hammer smashed Yuwen Chengdu to vomit blood and flee. This is the only time Pei Yuanqing and Yuwen Chengdu have fought, and this book is also called "Three Masters Usurped and Two Masters".

Sui and Tang Dynasty hero Pei Yuanqing defeated Yuwen Chengdu twice, why did he rank behind? Why did Yuan Qing die?

On the surface, Pei Yuanqing defeated Yuwen Chengdu, but in fact Pei Yuanqing was not victorious. Everyone thinks about it, Yuwen Chengdu fought three people by hand, and fought for a day, when Pei Yuanqing shot, Yuwen Chengdu had already lost its strength.

This is like a few people drinking, when others are 80% drunk, the later people can knock each other down even with a cup of wine, which is called "na lack" in the wine field.

To put it bluntly, Pei Yuanqing took advantage of the danger of others, which does not mean that his kung fu is above Yuwen Chengdu.

The so-called 2nd Pei Yuanqing victory over Yuwen Chengdu is based on Li Yuanba as a comparison.

At the Yangzhou Tournament, Yuwen Chengdu was killed by Li Yuanba's hammer, while Pei Sangongzi took Li Yuanba's three hammers. Judging from the results, it seems that Pei Sangongzi is more forbidden to fight than Yuwen Chengdu.

In fact, this is a way of writing that novelists are accustomed to, after all, Yuwen Cheng is a representative of bad people, killing him is in line with the reader's psychology, and Pei San gongzi is a very cute child, even Li Yuanba has hammered down to be merciful, who can bear to kill a small doll?

Invisibly, Li Yuanba left affection for his subordinates, plus Pei Sangongzi had a plan, he used Li Yuanba's negligence and sympathy to hard-take the three hammers, and in the Sui and Tang dynasties, only Pei Yuanqing could pick up Li Yuanba's three hammers.

Subsequently, Pei Yuanqing became famous all over the world.

Sui and Tang Dynasty hero Pei Yuanqing defeated Yuwen Chengdu twice, why did he rank behind? Why did Yuan Qing die?

In short, I think Li Yuanba has the meaning of teasing children to play, and he did not use his full strength. The battle between Li Yuanba and Yuwen Chengdu is a battle of life and death, and it must go all out, so such a comparison has no meaning, and it cannot be said that Pei Yuanqing's kung fu is above Yuwen Chengdu.

Pei Yuanqing debuted very early, the frequency of appearances is not high, and at the age of 15, he let people design to die.

There are three theories about Pei Yuanqing's death: the first is that he was killed in the Sui and Tang Dynasties by the Sui Dynasty's Hongni Guan General Xinwenli Design.

It is said that the new Wenli attacked Wagang Mountain, Pei Yuanqing went out to meet the enemy, and the new Wenli fled as soon as he exchanged hands and pulled his horse, and it turned out that the new Wenli monk master and apprentice had designed a poisonous plan in advance, that is, to pretend defeat and lead Pei Yuanqing into the mountain stream, and the two sides of the mountain stream had already arranged explosives and firewood.

Pei Yuanqing did not know that he wanted to chase, and the military master Xu Maogong quickly stopped him, saying that he pinched his finger and calculated, this mountain is called Qing Falling Mountain, and it is not effective against Pei Yuanqing.

Pei Sangongzi was young and vigorous and did not believe these things, and he could not stop them, Xu Maogong looked at Pei Yuanqing's back and sighed: This is Providence.

Pei Yuanqing let go of the horse and entered the Qing fall mountain stream, watching to catch up with the new Wenli, suddenly the front of the corner disappeared the new Wenli, waiting for Pei Yuanqing to take a closer look, found that the new Wenli had been sitting on the top of the mountain tied down to the basket to the middle of the mountainside.

Sui and Tang Dynasty hero Pei Yuanqing defeated Yuwen Chengdu twice, why did he rank behind? Why did Yuan Qing die?

Shang Shi apprentice film and television image

Pei Yuanqingfang knew that he had been deceived and pulled his horse back. In an instant, the surrounding explosives were ignited by torches thrown down from the mountain, and the explosive explosion ignited the firewood, so Pei Yuanqing was burned alive in the Qing fallen mountain stream, and died at the age of 15.

The second theory, the "Biography of Xing Tang", says that Pei Yuanqing died under the flying knife of the thief Kou Shixiong. In the book, it is described that Shixiong could not defeat Pei Yuanqing, so he played Yin and sneaked in with a flying knife.

Pei Yuanqing shook the evil Shixiong's big knife with one hammer, but did not dodge his flying knife. The two flying knives came straight to Pei Yuanqing in two ways, the first knife was stuck in Pei Yuanqing's brain, the second knife was stuck in the throat of the choking throat, and Pei Sangongzi shouted and fell off his horse, at the age of 15.

The third theory: In the "Later Biography of the Xingtang Dynasty", it is said that Pei Yuanqing was killed by the Liang general Hui Sabre when he was in Pingliang. Pei Yuanqing's three ways to die, which one do you think is more reasonable? See you in the comments section.

Text/Reading Spring and Autumn by Candle

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