
What are the precautions for making sugar pears? What are the precautions for making sugar pears

author:Trendy fashion knowledge

Sugar pear is a more traditional Chinese dessert snack, the main material is a variety of pears, after a number of processes of processing, made of canned fruit, its taste is sweet and sour, the taste is crisp, then what are the precautions in making sugar pears?

What are the precautions for making sugar pears? What are the precautions for making sugar pears

1. The first important thing is how to choose pears. Because the canned sugar pear, its flesh is white, the color is bright, so when selecting pears, to choose a more symmetrical shape, the shape of the pear is more round, such a pear is usually the flesh of the flesh is delicate, the texture is crisp and tender, the flesh in the flesh is less, the juice is rich, the taste is sweet; Do not choose a pear with a rugged surface, such a pear part of the taste is not very good, usually the flesh is rough, the juice is small, the stone cells are large and numerous, the taste is thin and with a bitter taste, the quality of such pears is poor.

What are the precautions for making sugar pears? What are the precautions for making sugar pears

2. When selecting pears, you should also pay attention to whether there are obvious scars on the surface of the pear, whether there are black spots and insect eyes, such pears not only have a bad taste, but also are more prone to decay.

3. The quality standard of the sugar pear in addition to the flesh is the same color white or yellow white, without mechanical injuries or insect spots, and the same jar in the size of the fruit block is consistent, the sugar water is more transparent, allowing the existence of a small number of various kinds of pulp crumbs that do not cause turbidity, its taste should be sour and sweet, the taste is soft and hard, there is no rough stone cell feeling, no peculiar smell and the unique flavor of the canned sugar pear.

What are the precautions for making sugar pears? What are the precautions for making sugar pears

4. The standard of canned sugar pear is: varieties with acidity of less than 0.1%, sugar water concentration of not less than 15%, pulp should not be less than 55% of the total net weight, and an appropriate amount of citric acid.

5. Canned sugar pears must be rapid in the production process, especially in the processing of fruits, sealing and sterilization.

The above is about the relevant content of the precautions for making sugar pears, the production method of sugar pears is actually very simple, and the small partners who like to eat can also be made by themselves for their own health. In fact, in addition to making sugar pears, pears can also make a variety of other delicacies: lily sydney pear soup silver ear sugar water, rock sugar stewed sydney pear, corn pear sugar water and so on.

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