
Ma Yinchu's Advocacy of Family Planning Was Criticized Zhou Enlai was upset about it

author:People's Daily News

(Fujian Party History Monthly Authorized by the Communist Party of China News Network to publish exclusively, please do not reprint)

Ma Yinchu's Advocacy of Family Planning Was Criticized Zhou Enlai was upset about it

In China's modern history, Zhou Enlai and Ma Yinchu are well-known heavyweights in the political and literary circles. One was an outstanding statesman, military man, diplomat, and leader of the Communist Party of China; the other was a well-known economist, educator, and demographer, and a legislator of the Chinese Kuomintang. Although their ages are 16 years apart, they still belong to the same era. The strong concept of loving the motherland and the Chinese nation has prompted them to share a common destiny with the country and the people all their lives.

Zhou Enlai was invited to Peking University to give a report Ma Yinchu said that the audience was deeply moved

After the founding of New China in 1949, Ma Yinchu was elected as a member of the Central People's Government, and later appointed as the deputy director of the Financial and Economic Committee of the State Council and the vice chairman of the East China Military and Political Committee. In Ma Lao's own words: "It is really not what it used to be, it used to be a prisoner of the order, and now it is a guest of honor." He also said: "The above-mentioned important state posts are given by the party and the people, and everything must proceed from the interests of the party and the people to better serve the people!"

Ma Yinchu was a truly talented educator and university inquirer. As early as May 1949, shortly after the liberation of Hangzhou, he was appointed president of Zhejiang University. Zhejiang University is a famous key institution of higher learning in China, And Ma Lao has lived up to the trust, made it unique and achieved remarkable results, and has been widely supported by teachers and students of the school and highly praised by all sectors of society.

In June 1951, shortly after Ma Yinchu was transferred to peking university as president, he launched a study movement aimed at reforming his thinking and reforming higher education.

On September 29, Zhou Enlai was specially invited by Ma Lao to Peking University to give a report on "On the Reform of Intellectuals". This is the first time after the founding of New China that Peking University has invited central leaders to make a report. In addition to the north masters and students, the lecturers and students attending the report meeting also included representatives of teachers and students from colleges and universities in the Beijing-Tianjin area, and the atmosphere was solemn. To everyone's surprise, after the report began, President Ma did not take a seat on the rostrum, but like the teachers and students, added a seat in the front row of the audience seat, holding a notebook in his hand, and listened carefully to Premier Zhou's report.

In this report, Zhou Enlai talked about a total of seven issues: first, the position, second, attitude, third, who to serve, fourth, the issue of ideological transformation, fifth, the issue of knowledge, sixth, the issue of democracy, and seventh, the issue of criticism and self-criticism. The prime minister's report is rich in content, simple in depth and simple, and in connection with reality, and is both targeted and distinctive. Premier Zhou first talked about his own family and life, talked about how he later embarked on the revolutionary road, and how to deal with the relationship between the individual, the family and the revolution after the victory of the revolution, and elaborated in detail that as a revolutionary intellectual, he must pass three passes: first, the national barrier, second, the class barrier, and third, the family barrier. Finally, he cordially encouraged the teachers and students to develop from the patriotic standpoint to the people's stand and even to the communist stand, saying that this was a bright future for revolutionary intellectuals.

Premier Zhou tirelessly gave a report on the stage for 5 consecutive hours, and Ma Yinchu, like the audience present, listened carefully and took notes diligently. After the report, President Ma stepped onto the rostrum to speak. Ma Yinchu admired the demeanor, eloquence and skill of the prime minister's speeches from his heart, and in the decades since, he has also mentioned this fruitful report to his friends many times.

Ma Yinchu's Initial Advocacy of Family Planning Was Criticized Zhou Enlai was upset about it

After the founding of New China, Ma Yinchu devoted himself to improving the quality of higher education and cultivating all kinds of professional talents, and on the other hand, he focused on population issues with the help of his profound knowledge, especially the major theoretical and practical issues related to the relationship between China's population growth rate and the development of the national economy and the improvement of people's livelihood.

As early as 1955, Ma Yinchu went to Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places to conduct in-depth investigations, and found that China's population not only has a large base but also grows too fast every year, and after the liberation of the whole country, it has been above 20 ‰ for many years. He concluded that only the introduction of family planning could effectively solve this thorny problem.

In March 1957, at the supreme state council convened by the Party Central Committee in Beijing, Ma Yinchu made a special speech on "On the Question of Population Control.". "If we just look at the growth of Chinese population, we will feel that the population problem is very serious," he said. ”

After Ma Yinchu's speech, the whole venue resounded with warm applause. Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, and other central leaders agreed with his speech. Mao Zedong also said: "Whether it is possible for the population to be developed into planned production can be studied and tested, and Ma Yinchu said very well today!"

At a later work conference of the central health department, Ma Yinchu continued to express his views on the population issue. He said: "Today our aim is to continuously improve the material and cultural life of the people, so the growth of the means of subsistence must be faster than the growth of the population, in order to achieve this goal." He added: "The control of the population must be led by the government, and this is something that only our government can do, because our government is strong and supported by the people." ”

Ma Yinchu's population theory speeches at the above-mentioned meetings were comprehensively sorted out and slightly revised and improved, and the full text was published in the People's Daily on July 5 under the title of "New Population Theory". In this article "The New Population Theory", he once again emphasized: "It is urgent to control population growth, otherwise, the problems in the future will become more and more difficult and more difficult to solve." "If we do not take measures to control birth control, we will make great mistakes, we will bring great difficulties to the national economy, and New China will carry a heavy burden that is extremely difficult to get rid of!!"

After the publication of Ma Yinchu's "New Population Theory", many readers wrote to him, saying that his new population theory truly embodied the country's century-old plan. Many young people also expressed support and responded to his advocacy, determined to practice late marriage and birth control.

If family planning had been implemented nationwide, as Ma Yinchu had advocated, there would have been great hope for an early solution to the problem of excessive population growth. However, the political storm of the "anti-Rightist" struggle that began in the second half of 1957 soon swept the country. To Ma Yinchu's surprise, even he was gradually swept up in this storm. At first, someone published an article in the People's Daily without naming names: "The rightists are not allowed to use the population issue to carry out political conspiracies." Subsequently, in the form of public roll call, he was criticized and personally attacked on the platform:

"Ma Yinchu used his status as a scholar as a pretense to attack socialism in a frenzied manner!"

"The New Population Theory thrown out by Ma Yinchu is a new trend in the class struggle!"

"'The New Population Theory' is to cooperate with the rightists in attacking the party!"

What is even more serious is that Kang Sheng, Chen Boda, and others who have stolen high positions of power have taken advantage of the power they hold, or behind the scenes or in front of the stage to stir up trouble and stir up trouble, and actively advocate ma Yin's initial characterization as a "rightist."

At this critical moment, Zhou Enlai and Chen Yun stepped forward and spoke out in righteousness. Zhou Enlai clearly pointed out: Ma Yinchu is a man with backbone, a sense of justice, and a patriotic man; he is a well-known economist in our country who has influence at home and abroad, and cannot be classified as a "rightist." Chen Yun also believes that Ma Yinchu loves the party and socialism, the basic viewpoint of his "New Population Theory" is correct, and he is also resolutely opposed to classifying Ma Yinchu as a "rightist."

Thanks to the support of Premier Zhou and Chen Yun, Ma Yinchu survived the catastrophe. However, the situation of the political struggle at that time was very complicated, tortuous and severe. Those who have bad intentions and many evil deeds continue to use their positions and powers to make waves in society and even on the campus of Peking University, and continue to wantonly distort, slander, and attack Ma Lao's "New Population Theory."

In January 1960, Ma Yinchu was forced to resign as president of Peking University. But he always adhered to the correct viewpoint of "The New Population Theory" and never gave up.

In those years of political turmoil, although Ma Lao could only be idle at home, he was open-minded and at ease. And often friends come to visit him, give him care and support and send him infinite warmth.

One day in the winter of the same year, entrusted by Zhou Enlai, Vice Premier Chen Yun specially came to the Ma family courtyard and had a long talk with Ma Lao. After that, Chen Yun said to Ma Laozi, "Your father will not be depressed. Not only the top, not only the book, only the truth. This is his precious personality. I hope that you will take good care of him, this is the task entrusted to you by the party and the state!"

Soon after, Marshal Chen Yi also made a special trip to visit Ma Yinchu in the Ma Family Courtyard, talking and laughing with Ma Lao, and the atmosphere was particularly harmonious. Before leaving, Chen Yi said to the Ma children: "Your father is a horse with the surname Marx, which is very good. Chen Yi also said: "I once wrote a poem in those years. The poem says: 'The snow crushes the green mountains, the green pines are straight and straight, and the pines must be known to be high and clean, and wait until the snow melts!' Children, winter has passed and spring, and history will certainly give him a fair evaluation!"

Ma Yinchu was deeply cared for and protected by Zhou Enlai during the ten years of turmoil

In 1966, shortly after the ten-year "Cultural Revolution" unrest began, it quickly spread to some patriotic democrats and well-known scholars from all walks of life. Ma Yinchu bore the brunt of the attack, and it seemed that he was doomed, because he only saw teams of "rebels" continuously shouting "rebel" slogans around the Ma family courtyard:

"The revolution is innocent, the rebellion is justified!" Ma Yinchu must honestly explain the problem!"

"Down with Ma Yinchu, the authority of the reactionary scholarly valve!"

This is clearly a prelude to the imminent disaster, and if this momentum continues, Ma Lao's safety is indeed worrying!

One day, the chief of the public security police station where the Ma family lived came to the Ma family and said happily to Ma Yinchu: "Elder Ma, I tell you a good news, we have received instructions from our superiors to convey Premier Zhou, your residence is protected by us, no one is allowed to invade, raid, and criticize you. During the ten years of turmoil during the "Cultural Revolution," because of the special care of Premier Zhou, the Ma family was spared the suffering of raids and catastrophes, and Ma Lao himself was spared from suffering, which was also a great blessing in misfortune.

However, in April 1972, after multiple diagnoses by doctors, it was determined that Ma Lao was suffering from rectal cancer. On the issue of how to treat it, Ma Lao and his family disagreed with the hospital doctors, and each had their own opinions. Therefore, Ma's wife, Wang Zhongzhen, wrote directly to Premier Zhou, insisting that the Beijing Hospital operate on Ma Lao. After receiving the letter, the prime minister immediately gave instructions: "The patient originally had the requirement of surgery, and the family insisted on the operation, and the medical staff should think about the operation." Jin Xianzhai and Wang Deyuan from Tianjin presided over the operation, organized consultations, and reported after the discussion. ”

After receiving the instructions of Premier Zhou, the Ministry of Health immediately notified the relevant hospitals and doctors to study and make a surgical treatment plan.

Before the operation, 9l-year-old Ma Yinchu said excitedly: "I am not afraid of surgery, although I am old, but I have the support of the prime minister!" I'm in good health, and I have the confidence to overcome my illness!"

According to the scheduled surgical treatment plan, Ma Lao's surgery was carried out in two stages. On May 30, Ma Lao had his first surgery and was in good condition. Two weeks later, the day before the second operation, Premier Zhou's office called and verbally conveyed the premier's three instructions: First, full preparations should be made before the operation; second, the operation should be careful and meticulous; and third, all adverse consequences should be strictly prevented after the operation.

On June 14, Ma Lao's second surgery was carried out as scheduled, the operation was successful, and the postoperative care was meticulously taken care of. Three months later, Ma Lao returned home from recovering from the hospital. On the day of discharge, Ma Lao's whole family was particularly happy, and Ma Lao was even more emotional. With tears in his eyes, he said: "Premier Zhou is my savior, he saved me once in Chongqing before liberation, and this operation saved me again!"

Who would have thought that in 1972, when Ma Lao was suffering from rectal cancer, Premier Zhou, who worked day and night for the country and the people, also suffered from serious illness. In 1975, his condition was getting worse and worse, and the prime minister, who was lying on a hospital bed, was still worried about Ma Lao's health, and entrusted two health doctors around him to visit Ma Lao on his behalf and carefully examine and consult ma Lao. Ma Lao was surprised and moved to tears.

On January 8, 1976, a thunderbolt sounded on a sunny day. The people's good premier Zhou Enlai passed away. After Ma Lao was shocked to learn, he was very sad and had mixed feelings. He said to Madame Ma: "Premier Zhou was as kind as a mountain to me, and his affection was like the sea, but unfortunately he left before me." He has exhausted his heart for the people, but he will always live in the hearts of the people! Immortality, eternal life! Our whole family must always remember him and revere him!"

This year, Ma Yinchu was already a 95-year-old man. Despite the kind persuasion of his family, he insisted on personally going to the hospital to bid farewell to the body of Premier Zhou and saying: "I must see Zhou Gong again!"

On January 11, accompanied by his children and grandchildren, Ma Lao braved the cold wind and got into a wheelchair to the condolence hall of Premier Zhou Enlai of Beijing Hospital. Elder Ma followed the steady stream of farewells to premier Zhou's body, then took off his hat and bowed respectfully to the premier three times. He was in a wheelchair and walked around the field for a week, and then he had to go around again. Ma Lao was in a wheelchair and wept as he walked. As he was about to leave the hall of condolences, he looked back at the hall again before reluctantly leaving.

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