
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

author:The New Girl's Newspaper
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Today is the 22nd Journalists' Day in China

On this holiday-free holiday

There are still countless female journalists struggling on the front line of news reporting

This newsman's love letter

Give it to them

Also sent to us ~

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Many people's first impressions of female journalists come from the Criminal Investigation File many years ago.

That TVB classic drama let us see a beautiful and dashing, dare to love and dare to hate, in order to dig up the news can not be killed or not, Gao Jie (Guo Keying).

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Her father died in the line of duty as a policeman, and Gao Jie's volunteer to be a policeman from childhood was stopped by her mother, but a heart full of justice could not be stopped, and the stubborn Gao Jie retreated to the second place and became a journalist who vowed to pursue the truth to the end.

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Her daily routine is to run around with the camera on her back, whether it is a corpse or a gangster in front of her, she dares to pick up the camera and rush forward. She walks with the wind, dares to think and dare to do, and even risks her life for work, and people give her nickname: Desperate Three Niangs.

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Her heart of pursuing the truth and insisting on justice also deeply touched the audience, it turns out that female journalists are such beautiful, brave and strong people!

As a result, countless young girls' hearts burned, igniting the dream of journalism, hoping to one day become an excellent professional woman like Gao Jie, not only to be independent in their careers, but also to harvest equal love.

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Some time ago, in the "Sweeping Black Storm", which triggered countless topics, there was also a female reporter who left a deep impression on everyone.

She is the in-depth investigation reporter Huang Xi (Jiang Shuying).

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Huang Xi in the play, who is also persistent and brave, has a full sense of justice, and has gone deep into the tiger's den several times to find the truth.

In order to keep more girls from being hurt, she is not afraid of danger to go undercover and expose "beauty loans" and campus loans; in order to expose the unseemly dark deeds in the Phoenix nightclub, she disguised herself as a waiter and risked her life to "go undercover".

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Some viewers said that she was self-sufficient and had nothing to do, and was the most redundant character in the play.

For the performance and setting of Huang Xi in the play, the new sister does not comment much, but as a journalist, there is a dialogue that hits the heart: in-depth investigation of journalists, it is too difficult!

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Huang Xi in the play once witnessed a vicious incident, because she did not have enough courage, and finally missed the opportunity to save a girl, for which she regretted for many years.

This remorse has become the reason and motivation for Huang Xi to be a journalist.

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

In real life, there are also countless female journalists who are willing to take risks for their ideals.

In January, a man took a hostage after wounding seven people with a knife at the entrance of a middle school in Kunming City, and during the standoff, the robbers asked to see a reporter, and it must be a female reporter.

At the moment of crisis, a female reporter who had just received a press card stepped forward without hesitation, and she kept talking to the robbers to stabilize his emotions and create an opportunity for the SWAT behind him to rescue the hostages.

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Putting aside her profession, she is just an ordinary girl, and the bravery of that moment is only to illuminate the life of another person with a little glimmer of her own, so that justice will never be absent.

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Whether it is the venue of global attention, or the battlefield where the smoke and smoke are constant, whether it is in the bustling city, or in the field full of hope... Female journalists can be seen.

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

They are confident and brave, good at listening, pregnant with "eighteen martial arts", 24 hours on standby at any time to the front line, with the tip of the pen, with the lens to record the human feelings of cold and warm society, they with a vigorous posture, support the "half of the sky" of journalism.

Happy Journalists' Day, sisters!

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Journalists' Day, we're giving you gifts!

Although she still has to go to work today, the new sister is still very happy to achieve her ideals with her friends.

Dear one, what kind of ideals have you ever had?

Are they all achieved?

This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

Leave a comment to talk about it, you have a chance to get a free point gift package Oh ~ ~ ~

Text: Shi Yao

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This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism
This love letter was sent to them who supported the "half the sky" of journalism

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