
Fat intestines stink, but can make such a delicious hot pot, can you believe it? Come and find out

author:Xiao Lei talks about food
Fat intestines stink, but can make such a delicious hot pot, can you believe it? Come and find out

Fat intestines are not unfamiliar to everyone, a mention of fat intestines give people a stinky feeling, so how to make him into a delicious hot pot? Let's do it with Xiao Lei

Ingredients to prepare: fatty sausage, Pixian bean paste, oyster sauce, thirteen spices, salt MSG, etc

Start production:

1) Remove the oil from the inside of the fat intestine, boil the pot under water, cook and fish out the water control

Fat intestines stink, but can make such a delicious hot pot, can you believe it? Come and find out

2) Cut the intestines into pieces with an oblique knife and wash them with clean water

3) Pour salad oil into the pot, add ginger, after the ginger turns brown, add the fat intestines, stir-fry on high heat, fry until the fat intestines bubble, then add the bean paste, oyster sauce, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, water, cardamom, grass curd, thirteen spices, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, star anise, stir evenly, pour into the pressure cooker, press for 3 minutes, remove the spices and set aside

4) Add salad oil to the pot, add garlic seeds, fry until golden brown, add watercress sauce and stir-fry to make the aroma, add the pressed fat sausage, add the broth to boil, add MONOSG, oyster sauce, chicken essence, slightly beat a little watercress sauce with a dense leak

5) Take a hot pot, large pepper at the bottom, pour the boiled fat intestine soup in, add a little red oil, put garlic on top

Fat intestines stink, but can make such a delicious hot pot, can you believe it? Come and find out

Such a delicious fat sausage hot pot is ready, the strong aroma, with some shabu-shabu, will definitely make you linger, what are you waiting for? Come and try it

I am Xiao Lei, a food writer, and I hope to follow me, thank you

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