
Xiping police officer Wang Wei: Bold and loyal to ensure the safety of one side

author:Henan Simulcast

Wang Wei, male, Han ethnicity, born on March 27, 1986, is a member of the Communist Party of China, with a bachelor's degree, and joined the public security work in December 2011. He has worked in a number of grass-roots police stations in the Xiping County Public Security Bureau, and is currently the deputy director of the Station Road Police Station.

From the rural police station to the urban police station, in order to ensure that the people in the jurisdiction live and work in peace and contentment and maintain the stability and order of social order in the jurisdiction, Comrade Wang Wei threw himself into the busy and towork urban police station work with great enthusiasm. From assisting the police to handle cases in law enforcement and handling cases, to now becoming a lone police officer and deputy director, Comrade Wang Wei has experienced countless sleepless nights and days of police, and has sprinkled his youth and sweat in his beloved public security work.

At the beginning of 2021, there were a number of thefts of property from stores along the street in the jurisdiction of the Station Road Police Station. After receiving the report from the masses, Wang Wei and others immediately launched an investigation. But the suspect was very cunning, leaving almost no clues at the scene, and the case did not progress for a day or two. However, Wang Wei and others did not accept defeat and gave up their rest time to conduct investigation and visits. The kung fu paid off, and Wang Wei led everyone along the line to find the vehicle driven by the criminal suspect when committing the crime, so as to find out the place of residence of the criminal suspect. After finding the clues, Wang Wei and others immediately drove to the suspect's place of residence and arrested the two suspects that night. After interrogation, the two suspects confessed to the crime of stealing property from stores along the street on many occasions in Xiping County and Luohe City.

On March 19, 2019, the Station Road police station received a mass alarm that its electric three-wheel battery was stolen in the inpatient department of the People's Hospital, Comrade Wang Wei quickly rushed to the scene of the crime to take photos and collect evidence and retrieve the hospital video, after 5 days of screening and investigation, the suspect was locked on a certain body, through the application to search in a residence, found that his residence stored a large number of electric three-wheelers and electric vehicle batteries, so he will be arrested on March 25. After review, Yu confessed to the illegal and criminal facts of stealing 10 electric three-wheelers and electric vehicle batteries in the People's Hospital from December 2018 to March 2019.

On June 27, 2019, the Station Road police station received a mass alarm that its electric tricycle was stolen. After receiving the police, Comrade Wang Wei quickly dispatched the police, through the visit and investigation of the crime scene, the surveillance video data of the crime scene and the surrounding area was retrieved, and no clues were spared, after carefully analyzing the case information such as the modus operandi, driving trajectory, and suspect characteristics, and conducting investigation and visits, and finally locked pan and other 3 people who were suspected of major crimes, and the three people committed crimes in a gang way for a long time. Comrade Wang Wei led the police auxiliary police, after more than ten days of continuous struggle, in the early morning of July 6, successfully arrested 3 theft suspects in an Internet café, smashed this gang of theft electric vehicles in one fell swoop, cracked 8 cases of theft of electric vehicles, the total value of the cases involved tens of thousands of yuan, and verified 7 other theft cases, recovered a number of stolen moving cars, and recovered major property losses for the people.

Since the police, Wang Wei has been loyal to his duties, loved his post and devoted himself to his work, and resolutely fulfilled various work tasks assigned by his superiors. Everywhere he went, he always stuck to the front line of his post, took root among the masses, faithfully performed the sacred duties of the people's police in cracking down on crime, guarding peace, and serving the masses, made major contributions to the social order stability and peace of the people in the jurisdiction, and won wide praise from the people and the affirmation and praise of leaders at all levels.

(Image Network Zhumadian News Hotline: 0396-3599908, the submission mailbox [email protected].) Image Network "Elephant Accompaniment" Telephone 18003719699)

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