
The Yang Deficiency Sect is weak, the Yin deficiency time is short, and one side balances the Yin and Yang and returns to the peak state

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ Yang deficiency sect is weak, yin deficiency time is short, one side balances yin and yang, and returns to the peak state

Many people are injured to the final state of yin and yang, and the cavernous body is weak and sensitive, so we must balance yin and yang in the process of conditioning.

The Yang Deficiency Sect is weak, the Yin deficiency time is short, and one side balances the Yin and Yang and returns to the peak state

1. Yang deficiency will cause the sponge to be weak and unable to afford yang energy, to put it bluntly, it is a lack of fire, just like we make a fire to cook, no matter how good the food is, if there is no fire, it will not be cooked in the end. In the same way, our sponge body tendons need the nourishment of yang energy to be invigorated, full of vitality, and can maintain flexibility for a certain period of time.

The Yang Deficiency Sect is weak, the Yin deficiency time is short, and one side balances the Yin and Yang and returns to the peak state

2. Yin deficiency means that the cavernous body cannot be nourished by yang energy and cannot keep the essence. The so-called yin deficiency is not as everyone thinks, there will be symptoms of dry mouth, red tongue and less moss, and five heart irritability. In the same way, the invisible yang energy is also a substance, and when it is deficient, it will form a deficiency heat, and when the essence gets this heat, it will move out and the time will be short.

The Yang Deficiency Sect is weak, the Yin deficiency time is short, and one side balances the Yin and Yang and returns to the peak state

Just like Toutiao's fan friend "Single-minded to the Yang", he has been injured for many years, and he has both yin and yang deficiency, mainly yang deficiency, and his sponge is weak and sensitive.

1. Desire is heavy but unaffordable, and it will collapse at the first touch

2. Frequent urination, dripping with inexhaustible bifurcations

3. Cold hands and feet, cold and cold

4. Soreness and weakness in the waist and knees

5. Mentally exhausted, less breathless and lazy

6. Tinnitus and memory loss

7. The tongue is light, pale, the pulse is weak and weak, and the typical yin and yang deficiency are dominant.

The Yang Deficiency Sect is weak, the Yin deficiency time is short, and one side balances the Yin and Yang and returns to the peak state

For this situation, we must first nourish yin, with yin there will be yang, and with matter will there be energy. If Yin and Jin are insufficient, Yang will not be biochemical. Therefore, there will be soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, frequent urination and bifurcation, dripping inexhaustibly, and only when the essence is moistened can it be guarded, and the deficiency heat generated by yin deficiency is very easy to make it turn against it. So I used rehman, yam, and raspberry to nourish yin and fill the marrow and increase the duration.

The Yang Deficiency Sect is weak, the Yin deficiency time is short, and one side balances the Yin and Yang and returns to the peak state

Secondly, it is necessary to greatly replenish the yang energy of the kidneys. The final result of yin deficiency is inevitably yang deficiency, and the body is also in a state of weak yang qi and declining life, and the body is cold and prosperous. Therefore, the tendons will be weak and will not be able to contract, and the quality is too different from normal people. Therefore, we can use fairy spleen and cinnamon to replenish fire and help yang.

The Yang Deficiency Sect is weak, the Yin deficiency time is short, and one side balances the Yin and Yang and returns to the peak state

Third, we have to make up for yin and yang, such as dodder seeds, mulberry seeds, and sand garden seeds, to make up for it without being greasy or dry, and to make up for it better and longer without problems. After a period of conditioning, the tendons are tough and powerful, and the lifting strength can be maintained for a certain time.

The Yang Deficiency Sect is weak, the Yin deficiency time is short, and one side balances the Yin and Yang and returns to the peak state

Many people think about replenishing yang when they see yang deficiency and fire decay, but they don't know that yin deficiency and deficiency come first, and the more yang is supplemented, the easier it is to burn yin and jin and then aggravate the condition. Therefore, the more many people make up, the easier it is to leave it behind, and it will aggravate the condition. Therefore, the tonic of the kidney must be warmed and moistened, and it must be supplemented according to the characteristics of the kidney.

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