
Rose rice cold shrimp, poetry-like delicacies

author:It is to love to eat Yunnan special food

What would you want to drink if you were thirsty? Boiled water, cold water, drinks, tea, coffee.....Is there anything fresh? Hey, today I would like to introduce you to Yunnan's thirst-quenching product - rose rice cold shrimp.

Rose rice cold shrimp with the word "shrimp", but not shrimp, just like snails are not cows, and electronic dogs are not dogs. Rose rice shrimp is a special snack in Yunnan, because the shape resembles shrimp, and it is made of rice, so it is named "rice shrimp". Yunnan produces flowers, so adding rose candy to this cool product has created this Yunnan special snack. Rose rice cold shrimp is a summer thirst quenching product, the entrance is sweet and tender, cold and cool, the elderly and children are suitable, and the downtown street has, cheap and affordable, deeply loved by the people of Yunnan.

The production of rose rice cold shrimp is also very simple, the following to introduce the method of rose rice cold shrimp:

Ingredients: 500 grams of high-quality rice, 300 grams of brown sugar, 100 grams of rose sugar (the amount is for reference only, according to their own needs to be distributed)

Directions: 1: Wash the rice, soak it in water for 30 minutes, grind it into a rice paste and put it into a basin. Add water to the pot, bring the water to a boil, slowly pour the rice syrup into the pot, and gently stir with a spoon while pouring to prevent the paste. Take another basin, add cold water to the basin, put the rice paste while it is hot, put it into a colander, and put it into the water through the colander, and the rice shrimp will be ready.

2: Boil brown sugar into sugar water, add boiling water to dilute rose sugar, and cool for later.

3: Scoop the cold rice shrimp out of the bowl, add brown sugar water and rose sugar water, sprinkle with sesame seeds and a little peanut noodles. Ready to serve.

Rice cold shrimp in many areas have, eating methods are not the same, as a foodie, my favorite is still Yunnan rose rice cold shrimp, to quench the summer thirst, sweet and tender, beauty and beauty, but also cheap, generally a few dollars can drink a full bowl of rose rice cold shrimp.

Come to Yunnan to play, be prepared for sun protection, and don't forget to come to a bowl of rose rice cold shrimp when you are thirsty. Rose rice cold shrimp, nice name, unique taste, poetry-like delicacies.

Rose rice cold shrimp, poetry-like delicacies

Rose rice cold shrimp

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