
Winter Chill Repellent Artifact: Easy-to-learn sugar-water oranges

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Winter Chill Repellent Artifact: Easy-to-learn sugar-water oranges

A large piece of oranges in the supermarket, oranges that can't be eaten at home, well, boil some sugar water oranges for children.

by Ling Ma Ma

Oranges Six (female)

Water to taste

Rock sugar three pieces

Winter Chill Repellent Artifact: Easy-to-learn sugar-water oranges

1, peel the oranges to remove the network, a little laborious.

Winter Chill Repellent Artifact: Easy-to-learn sugar-water oranges

2: Boil the oranges in a pot and sear the oranges for one minute.

Winter Chill Repellent Artifact: Easy-to-learn sugar-water oranges

3, oranges boiling water at the same time, you can cook some other rock sugar water, I use three small pieces of old rock sugar.

Winter Chill Repellent Artifact: Easy-to-learn sugar-water oranges

4: When the rock sugar water is boiled, put in the boiled orange petals, cook for three minutes, put it out and let it cool, put it into a sealed container, and put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration. It tastes even better when refrigerated. Hey

Winter Chill Repellent Artifact: Easy-to-learn sugar-water oranges

5, the child said, superb, hahaha

Oranges taste sweet acid, cool, into the lungs, stomach meridians, with appetizing, quenching thirst and moisturizing the lungs effect; indications for the treatment of chest septum gas, vomiting and less food, insufficient stomach yin, thirst in the mouth, lung fever cough and excessive drinking. Oranges are a treasure among fruits because their whole body is "treasure".

1. Orange peel: The outer fruit peel of orange is called "tangerine peel" after drying (because of the good efficacy of chen in medicine, it is called tangerine peel), which has the effect of rationalizing dryness and wetness, reducing phlegm and cough, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and is often used to prevent chest swelling pain, hernia, breast swelling, breast clumps, stomach pain, food accumulation and other symptoms.

2. Orange network: that is, the white mesh silk network on the orange, which has the effect of dissolving phlegm and invigorating blood, and is often used to treat sputum stagnation cough and other symptoms. Because orange network is rich in vitamin P, it can effectively prevent and treat high blood pressure, and the elderly eat more, which is beneficial to health.

3. Orange nucleus: bitter taste, non-toxic, rational qi analgesic effect, clinical commonly used to treat testicular swelling and pain, mastitis swelling and pain and other symptoms.

4. Orange leaf: it has the effect of soothing the liver and rationalizing qi, reducing swelling and dispersing poisons, and is an essential medicine for treating flank pain and breast pain.

5. Orange red: orange peel scrapes off the white inner layer, leaving a single skin called "orange red", with lung qi, expectorant and other effects, clinically mostly used for the treatment of cough, hiccups and other diseases.

5. The pulp of oranges: sweet and sour, cool, into the lungs, stomach meridians; has the effect of appetizing and rationalizing, quenching thirst and moisturizing the lungs; treating chest septum knots, vomiting and eating less, insufficient stomach yin, thirst in the mouth, lung fever cough and excessive drinking.

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