
Easy to seek priceless treasure, rare to have a heart - the Tang Dynasty female crown poet Yu Xuanji's amazing and lonely life

author:Haruyama Shuyan

Shame covers the sleeves, and worries about the spring lazy makeup.

Easy to ask for priceless treasure, rare to have a heart.

Tears lurked on the pillow, and the intestines were cut off between the flowers.

Since he could spy on Song Yu, why should he hate Wang Chang.

This famous poem "Gifting the Neighbor's Daughter", also known as "Sending Li Yiyuan Outside", was composed by Yu Xuanji, a famous female poet of the Tang Dynasty. Yu Xuanji, formerly known as Youwei, the character Huilan, "Xuanji" is the Dao number after her renunciation as a female Taoist. The original meaning of Xuanji is the Buddhist family, which the Taoists call the mysterious truth. Her name can be described as full of mysterious charm. However, compared to her name, her bumpy experience is clearly more legendary.

In February of the twelfth year (858) of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang's reign, it was the mid-spring season. "Poetry" Cloud: "The peach dies, scorching its glory." The son of Yu Gui should be his family. "It is said that in the mid-spring season, the grass is long and warblers fly, the peach is red and willowy, the purple and purple are red, and the breath of spring is the most intense, which is a good season for marriage and marriage." However, in Chang'an City at this time, the most beautiful scenery is not the spring color of the garden, nor is it a newcomer and a good wife, but a new branch of the new branch who has just been named on the gold list.

Easy to seek priceless treasure, rare to have a heart - the Tang Dynasty female crown poet Yu Xuanji's amazing and lonely life

It is the time when the new science and technology are released. According to the custom, after the release of the list, the new and first soldiers will ride horses to parade the streets. At this time, both the common people and the dignitaries in Chang'an City would come out to watch. Of course, there are many people who are critical of the jinshi, and many powerful people hide in the crowd, secretly observing, intending to find a good husband for their beloved daughters from these jinshi. Eight out of ten of the new recruits were often chosen as their sons-in-law by the nobles of the Palace.

This year, the chief examiner of the Pengyin Branch is Li Fan, a Zhongshu Sheren, a total of thirty Zhongjin soldiers, the first name is Li Yi, a young talent, personable, naturally particularly eye-catching. Many people secretly inquired about his origins and learned that he came from the land of Jingchu, but he had already married a wife, which was a pity.

In addition to the streets, the Tang Dynasty also had the custom of banquets and inscriptions, that is, the new branch jinshi should have a banquet in Qujiang, and then go to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda of Ci'en Temple and take a souvenir on the wall of the pagoda. Bai Juyi was twenty-seven years old and the youngest of the seventeen jinshi who were admitted at the same time, and proudly wrote the verse "At the inscription under the Ci'en Pagoda, the youngest of the seventeen". The "Wild Goose Pagoda Inscription" is only a temporary event, after which the new science and technology scholars will travel all over the Beijing Division, and most of them will be inscribed as a souvenir.

On this day, after the rain, the new scientists came to the Chongzhen Temple in Xinchangfang. The Chongzhen Temple was originally the residence of Li Qigu, the son of the State during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, and was built during the Kaiyuan Period, which can be regarded as a monument with hundreds of years. After the jinshi gladly toured the tour, they flocked to the South Building and competed for the inscription to commemorate the occasion. This group of talented people who were only eight buckets tall and charming had just left the South Building, and Yu Xuanji had come here.

Easy to seek priceless treasure, rare to have a heart - the Tang Dynasty female crown poet Yu Xuanji's amazing and lonely life

This fifteen-year-old girl was originally from Chang'an, and although she was still young, she was already a talented girl who was famous in Beijing. She has a clever temperament since childhood, likes to read and write, especially in rhyme, in greeting to a chant and a chant, and her verses are widely spread in the Chang'an Shi clan. It is said that even the world-famous talent Wen Tingjun came to visit her and tested her with the title of "Riverside Willow". Yu Xuanji Micro - Thinking, that is, composing a poem "Endowed with Riverside Willow" (also known as "Linjiang Tree"):

Green color even deserted shore, marriage posture into the far building;

Colorful spring water surface, flowers fall fishing for people's heads.

Root old Tibetan fish cave, branch bottom passenger boat;

Xiao Xiao's stormy night, the horror of the dream added to the sorrow.

The scenes are absolute, the mood is lofty, and the feelings are profound. At this time, Yu Xuanji was only twelve years old, and at a young age, his poetry was really amazing. Since then, she has also become famous in Beijing, and has been friends with Wen Tingjun for many years, and has maintained a close mentor-friend relationship for life.

After seeing the inscription of the new kejinshi in the south building of the Chongzhen Temple, yu Xuanji, who was frank in temperament, sighed for a moment and inscribed a poem on the wall with a pen:

Yunfeng is full of spring sunshine, and the silver hook finger of the calendar is born.

Self-hatred covers the verses, and raises his head to envy the middle of the list.

The south of the city is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the inscription in front of you is strong and powerful, like an iron pen and silver hook. Hating herself as a woman, her outstanding poetic talents were covered by luo clothes, and now she had to raise her head and envy the names in these gold lists. The poem reveals an irrepressible conceit and regret, both conceited that he is talented, but also regrets that he was born as a daughter and could not take the imperial examination like a man and seek fame.

It was a deep sigh of a young girl. However, at that time, a woman who wrote such a poem without pretense was a typical deviant and required great courage. However, Yu Xuanji did not care at all, she was a maverick, impatient and lonely person, not willing to be female, and thus won the reputation of being uninhibited and willful.

Easy to seek priceless treasure, rare to have a heart - the Tang Dynasty female crown poet Yu Xuanji's amazing and lonely life

The poem also attracted the attention of Li Yi, a new branch leader, who developed a strong interest in the woman who could write four verses like this, hoping to get to know her, so he begged his friends to introduce her. When he finally stood in front of Yu Xuanji, he was surprised to find that in addition to her outstanding poetic talent, this woman also had the beauty of the country. From the first moment he saw her, he fell in love with her feverishly and pursued her passionately, completely forgetting the fact that he had a proper wife in his family.

And although Yu Xuanji was proud of his talent, he was still somewhat flattered by Chang'an's most eye-catching pursuit of yuan. As a person, she is naturally not willing to be a concubine. It's just that when love comes, identity, the place where she is located, becomes insignificant. She fell in love with Li Yi and was willing to marry him as a concubine. Li Yijinshi and his successor Kan, who happened to be an official in Beijing, specially bought a mansion in Chang'an for Yu Xuanji, and the two spent a good time with lang's concubines - playing polo together, chanting poems against each other, wind and snowy nights, and loving love. This was the happiest and most wanton year of Yu Xuanji's life.

It was also in this year that Li Shangyin, another famous poet with the same name as Wen Tingjun, died of depression at the age of about forty-five. In the same year, Wen Zhang, who later decided the fate of Yu Xuanji, was still an official in other places, serving as the assassin of the last prefecture (present-day Shangqiunan, Henan), which was already known for its "harshness".

Although the two loves are sweet, happiness is always like walking on thin ice. In the spring of the thirteenth year of Da Zhong (859), Li Yizheng's wife finally learned that her husband had secretly married the outer chamber in Jingshi, and made a big fuss, writing a letter to force her husband to immediately leave the outer room and resign and return to his hometown in Ezhou. Li Yi was afraid of his wife and did not dare not follow, so he wrote a letter of resignation, broke up with Yu Xuanji, and left Jingshi to return to Ezhou. This good time lasted only a year.

It was also in the year when the two were forced to separate that Tang Xuanzong died of taking Taoist immortal medicine and suffering from gangrene on his back. Eunuch forces supported Tang Xuanzong's eldest son, Li Mao the Prince of Yun, to ascend the throne for Emperor Yizong of Tang. After the sweetheart left, Yu Xuanji still had a deep affection and missed day and night. She even wrote a poem to Li Yi, expressing her willingness to retreat to the second place and go to Ezhou to serve the lady with a broom in order to get a place. After not receiving a reply, she resolutely embarked on the road to Ezhou to pursue Li Yi. However, when Yu Xuanji arrived in Hanyang, Madame still had a resolute attitude and would never allow her to meet her husband, and she had to look at Li Yi on the other side of the Han River.

It was during this period of empty self-love reminiscence that Yu Xuanji wrote many poems, including "Sending Zi'an Across the Han River":

Jiangnan Jiangbei is sad, and the acquaintances remember each other in the air.

Mandarin ducks warm lying in Shapu, harriers idle in the orange forest.

The song in the smoke is faint, and the moon is dark.

Thousands of miles away, listening to the family anvil.

This poem is romantic and sincere, and Ming Ren Zhong yu praises Yu Xuanji for "the poetry of Gai Cai Warm In the Middle" ("Famous Love Poetry Return"). Such a thick and gloomy parting of sorrow still did not touch The iron-hearted Lady Li Yi. In the autumn of that year, Yu Xuanji was disappointed and went to Jiangling (present-day Jingzhou, Hubei) alone.

Easy to seek priceless treasure, rare to have a heart - the Tang Dynasty female crown poet Yu Xuanji's amazing and lonely life

Yu Xuanji was also affected by Li Yi, who was forgotten in Ezhou, and his emotions were entangled, and his intestines were broken, and under the torment of acacia, there was a poem "Jiangling Sorrowful Hope for Zi'an":

The maple leaves are thousands of branches, and the river bridge hides the twilight sail late.

The heart of the remembrance is like the water of the West River, and the day and night flow east without rest.

Full of tenderness has never been answered, and she is somewhat desperate under the pain. She did not go to any other state, but directly returned to the capital Chang'an. She already understood at this moment that Li Yi would definitely not be able to return to her side.

In the first year of Xiantong (860), Yu Xuanji came to Xianyiguan to become a female Taoist monk. According to the Tang Liangjing City Fang Kao, XianyiGuan is located in the southwest corner of Qinrenfang, because it is close to the East Market, it is a bustling and lively place. Yu Xuanji's renunciation is naturally not sincere, "Zhi mu qing void", has the heart to cultivate, but is the result of happiness, hoping to find another stage of wonderful life.

At the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Gaozu attached himself to the ancestor of Taoism, Li Er (that is, Laozi), as the ancestor, in order to enhance the legitimacy of the seizure of the world from the Sui Dynasty, and listed Taoism at the top of the three religions (referring to Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism). Taoism has a very high status, enjoys great privileges, and is even independent of the law, Taoist priests, female crown crimes, "by the state and county officials, may not arbitrarily execute the punishment"

And Taoism is not like Buddhism to promote abstinence, in order to be comfortable, the pursuit of enjoyment as the goal, so the Tang Dynasty Shi dafu Dao immortals are endless, and Taoist temples have become a place for communication and visiting. In addition, the characteristics of the Tang Dynasty are that they are open-minded and unrestrained, the status of women is relatively high, and there are many women who are not informal.

The famous female crowns in the Beijing division all like a wide range of social interactions, chanting poems against each other, or chanting and chanting, or singing with people, Qing Junji Chu, Xingyue Yue, and gradually formed a group centered on the Taoist Temple. Yu Xuanji's style is exquisite, as soon as he joins it, he becomes a leader, and the good sentence of the wind and moon appreciation is also broadcast in Shilin.

Yu Xuanji is a generation of talented women, who are sensitive to people, and there are naturally not a few men who are admiring and pleasing people in the years. She also traveled widely, and there were not a few celebrities who came and went with her, and from her surviving poems, there were Li Yin (a Duan Gong, Zi Chu Wang, Ten Years of Great Middle School), Wen Tingjun, a great talent, Li Jinren, a member of the Yuanwai Lang: Liu Tong, a zhaoyi jiedushi, and so on. Her poems truthfully record her social life, directly reveal the inner world, wantonly bold and open-minded, spontaneous and true, do not hide their feelings, and do not hide their thoughtful and deep sensibilities.

Easy to seek priceless treasure, rare to have a heart - the Tang Dynasty female crown poet Yu Xuanji's amazing and lonely life

The man's abandonment did deeply hurt her feelings, but it did not hurt her talents. She is always sincere and spontaneous, heroic and cheerful. Life is grass, it must be emerald green; life is a flower, it must be gorgeous.

However, the life of this kind of socializing the powerful and famous people seems to be lively and beautiful on the surface, but in fact, it is just a living form she uses to forget the unhappy marriage, and her heart may not be really peaceful. Every night in the dead of night, she still thinks of the negative man who abandoned her.

In the fourth year of Xiantong (863), Zhaoyi Jiedu, who had befriended Yu Xuanji, made Liu Tong transfer to he was transferred to Hedong Jiedushi and needed to go to Taiyuan to take up his post, and she also took the initiative to ask to be an errand boy in Liu Tong's mansion. Maybe she wanted to do something, but she wanted to leave the land of right and wrong in Kyoshi.

However, unexpectedly, after Li Yi somehow learned the news, he actually rushed to Shanxi to cut her down. Maybe this is his original intention, deep down, he has never really forgotten Yu Xuanji, is to pay attention to her movements anytime and anywhere, perhaps Liu Tong has the beauty of adulthood, in the name of inviting Li Yi to Shanxi as a staff member, deliberately matchmaking. Judging from Li Yi's personality, the latter situation should be more likely. Regardless of the true situation, this unexpected encounter has once again ignited the fire of emotions that have not been extinguished. A pair of lovers holding hands together and sightseeing. My heart is filled with infinite happiness.

This period of happiness lasted until two years later, when Liu Tong was transferred to the position of Xichuan Jiedushi as a mountain. In the seventh year of Chengtong (866), Li Yi returned to his wife in Ezhou, while Yu Xuanji returned to the capital and once again came to Xianyiguan to become a monk. According to the situation that Yu Xuanji sent poems to Li Yi many times later, when the two were about to break up, Li Yi probably promised something, such as coming to Beijing to meet again, Yu Xuanji believed it to be true, and waited bitterly, but never waited for Li Yi to turn back.

During this period, Zuo Mingchang, a talented man whom Yu Xuanji met in Shanxi, went to Chang'an to take the imperial examination, and the two had a relationship. The Arinoshi novel describes zuo mingchang's appearance similar to Li Yi, and Yu Xuanji only borrows him to chat for comfort. But soon after that, Yu Xuanji officially changed its name to Yu Xuanji, and seemed to have suddenly awakened and had the intention of breaking with the past.

Easy to seek priceless treasure, rare to have a heart - the Tang Dynasty female crown poet Yu Xuanji's amazing and lonely life

Although the thought is shattered, the hope has not sunk, she is still "in front of the door red leaves, do not sweep the acquaintance", hoping to find a true love. It's just that those men are like floating willows, just hurriedly floating through her life. This made the land have a clearer understanding of men, unwilling to be hindered by men in life, so soon after he wrote the ancient famous sentence "Easy to ask for priceless treasures, rare to have a heart".

In the ninth year of Xiantong (868), Yu Xuanji was arrested and imprisoned for the "Concubine" incident. The story goes like this:

One day, Yu Xuanji went out because of the invitation of the neighboring hospital. Before leaving, he instructed the maid, Lu Qi, and said, "If a guest comes to the door, tell me where I am." Green Warp agreed. However, when He returned at dusk that day, Lu Qiao informed: "A certain guest has come, and he knows that the alchemist is not there, so he left before he got off his horse." Yu Xuanji thus suspected that Lu Qiao was having an affair with a certain guest, and closed the door at night for interrogation. Lu Qiao replied, "I have been serving the alchemist for several years, and I have been checking and checking, so as not to make it seem too much." When a visitor arrived and knocked on the door, I replied, 'The alchemist is not there.' The guest was speechless and rode away. If the cloud is in love, it has not been open-minded for many years. ””

Yu Xuanji was even more angry when he heard this, so he stripped off his green clothes and tortured him. When he was dying, he asked for a cup of water, and said, "The alchemist desires the three ways of eternal life, but he has not forgotten to understand the joy of the pillow, but he has not been able to guess and slander the truth, and I will die at the hands of poison." If there is no law, there is nothing to complain about, if there is, who will strengthen my soul? It is not stupid to be stupid in the darkness, and it is obscene! After saying that, he fell to the ground and died.

Yu Xuanji did not expect to kill people, and panicked, so he quietly buried the green warp in the backyard. When asked, they said that Green Period had eloped with people and fled. Later, one day, some guests went to Xianyiguan to feast and drink, and then went to the backyard to urinate, "I saw dozens of blue flies on the ground, and drove back." If you look closely, if there is blood and fishy.". He felt strange and quietly told the servant. The servant brother happened to be a pawn of Qinrenfang, who had borrowed money from Yu Xuanji, but Yu Xuanji ignored it, and was holding a grudge, and when he heard about it, he immediately led people to the backyard of Xianyi Chengguan and dug up the body of Lu Qiao, as if he were "looking like a life".

Yu Xuanji was escorted to Jingzhao Mansion and confessed to the murder of the maid. After she was imprisoned, many courtiers excused her. Jing Zhao Yin Wenzhang did not dare to make an easy decision, so he "listed on the table", which means to write the case into a sonata to play the emperor, please ask the emperor to decide. However, in the autumn of that year, Yu Xuanji was killed on charges of homicide.

Easy to seek priceless treasure, rare to have a heart - the Tang Dynasty female crown poet Yu Xuanji's amazing and lonely life

It was in prison that Yu Xuanji wrote the poem "Gift to the Neighbor's Daughter" that has been recited through the ages. The poem shows a unique rebelliousness, both the bold expression of women's desire to pursue love, but also the self-confidence of women's self-worth, and sends out a strong voice of resistance to the era of male superiority and female inferiority.

There are many suspicious points in the case of Yu Xuanji's "concubine". Not to mention that the facts of the case are bizarre and unreasonable, and in terms of sentencing alone, it is unbelievable. The Tang Dynasty had a strict hierarchical system, with people divided into three, six, and nine grades, with a gap-like hierarchy. Green Warp is the identity of a slave. The Tang Law stipulates, "A slave is a skillful and untouchable, not a servant, and a slave is also a breed of animals." That is to say, the status of the green warp, in the eyes of her master, is no different from a horse and a sheep. Fish mysteriously killed the green warp, in general. Next, just be hit by the official staff for a hundred. In the worst case, he was sentenced to exile to a remote area for one year. However, Yu Xuanji was killed alone as a, and his inside story is really doubtful.

Yu Xuanji has a straightforward personality, only the people she likes and is willing to associate can become her guest of honor, and for those she does not look up to, no matter how high the status, she also disdains. Legend has it that she offended some of the most powerful people. She was killed, probably because of this.

Easy to seek priceless treasure, rare to have a heart - the Tang Dynasty female crown poet Yu Xuanji's amazing and lonely life

Regardless of the historical truth, a generation of legendary female poets Yu Xuanji finally ended the legendary life with a tragic fate. Seven years after Yu Xuanji's death, in 875 AD, the Huangchao Rebellion broke out. Five years later, in 880 AD, Huang Chao, armed with the Sword of Sangmen, led the peasant rebel army into Chang'an, and finally realized his long-cherished wish of "rushing through Chang'an with incense and carrying golden armor all over the city", and the Tang Empire State Building was also crumbling.

Huang Zhouxing in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties also sighed deeply for Yu Xuanji's murder. But the Scythians are dead. Her story and the fifty poems she left behind, "The Love of Affection, the Ability to Make Things Moving," survived. How many things behind him, all laugh and talk. History is always written by people, and when the fog of history finally dissipates, all that is left for people is distant remembrance...

Easy to seek priceless treasure, rare to have a heart - the Tang Dynasty female crown poet Yu Xuanji's amazing and lonely life

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