
Huang Mei opera sang Yang Kaihui's "moving Fanghua" | the Beijing News × the National Centre for the Performing Arts

author:Beijing News

In the style of traditional Huangmei opera, modern narrative techniques, and in the form of "the overall display of historical pictures and the analysis of details in sub-volumes", Yang Kaihui's short and great life is presented on stage in a seamless manner, which is the characteristic of Huangmei Opera "Immortal Arrogance" of Anhui Zaifen Huangmei Art Theatre, which will be staged at the National Centre for the Performing Arts from November 17 to 19.

Huang Mei opera sang Yang Kaihui's "moving Fanghua" | the Beijing News × the National Centre for the Performing Arts

Scan the code to see the performance details. Japanese signature design / Beijing News Ni Ping

The plot of "Immortal Proud Yang" shows Yang Kaihui, who is 14, 19 years old, and 27-29 years old, from the beginning of Fanghua to the maturity of growth on the revolutionary road, as Mao Zedong's firm wife, infinite loyalty to the revolutionary cause, and tells the story of Yang Kaihui's journey of following Mao Zedong's revolution until his glorious sacrifice from a new perspective. This drama selects Yang Kaihui's various time periods and shows several chapters of "Desperate Situation, Fanghua, Xiang Love, Expectation, and Flower Bloom", which is an opera that expresses revolutionary romanticism.

Beijing News Editor Tian Kaini Proofreader Liu Jun

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