
Easy to learn white oil tofu method

author:Oranges that love beauty
Easy to learn white oil tofu method

White oil tofu


White oil tofu color white like learning, delicate and refreshing, fragrant and umami, quite distinctive.

Directions: Tofu Fresh broad beans, peeled tomato slices, winter shoot slices, mushroom slices

Accessories: ginger slices, green onion, pepper, monosodium glutamate, salt, chicken fat, milk soup, second-rate mustard


1. Raw material processing. Cut the tofu into 1.5 cm squares, add boiling water and a little salt and soak for 5 minutes, remove;

2, broad beans boiled in water drifting cold, tomato peeled and sliced, fresh soup will be winter shoots, mushroom slices cooked;

3. Cook. Put the iron pot on the high heat, heat the lard until 40% heat, add ginger and green onion, after flavoring, remove it;

4, add milk soup, salt, and evenly under the tofu, broad beans, winter shoot slices, mushroom slices, pepper;

5: Cook the tofu over low heat until it tastes, add the second-rate mustard in parts, then cook until the juice is thick and spit out the oil, add the chicken fat and tomatoes and evenly, then add the MSG plate and serve.

Cooking Tips:

1, with oil must use fine lard, cut can not use vegetable oil, otherwise the color is not good;

2, with the soup should also use chicken, duck, pork belly, pig's trotters boiled next to the soup. Through the simmering for a long time, it is snow white and free of impurities. The resulting tofu is both fresh and white.

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