
After returning to China, Ye Jianying sent him to be the political commissar of the Guangzhou Military Region, Yang Yong refused to be the first, Yang Yong's birth and young experience were second, and the strange soldiers were skillfully used, Yang Yong achieved the anti-Japanese legend III, the decisive battle of Jincheng, the perfect ending of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, gao yi bo yuntian, unwilling to "grab the job bowl" with friends.

author:Tiger calendar

In the history of the Communist Party of China, there has always been a beautiful talk of "Three Yang Kaitai". The so-called "Three Yangs" refers to the three generals surnamed Yang who made great contributions to the country during the founding of the Republic.

They were Yang Dezhi, who had been the commander of the First Regiment of the First Division of the Red First Army, Yang Chengwu, the political commissar of the Fourth Regiment of the Second Division of the Red First Army, and Yang Yong, the protagonist we are talking about today.

After returning to China, Ye Jianying sent him to be the political commissar of the Guangzhou Military Region, Yang Yong refused to be the first, Yang Yong's birth and young experience were second, and the strange soldiers were skillfully used, Yang Yong achieved the anti-Japanese legend III, the decisive battle of Jincheng, the perfect ending of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, gao yi bo yuntian, unwilling to "grab the job bowl" with friends.

Yang Yong was a brave general in the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Even if we are not familiar with his name, we are not too unfamiliar with the "Battle of Jincheng".

This was the last battle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the volunteer soldiers in the Jincheng area fought bloodily and bravely to kill the enemy, and finally completely shattered the dream of the UN army's counterattack and sounded the clarion call of victory on the Korean Peninsula. This famous final battle is the battle in which Yang Yong himself participated in command and combat.

In addition, Yang Yong also set a record of "Lü liang three victories" during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Even Mao Zedong praised him, calling him a "brave and resourceful" general.

So how much of a glorious past does this veteran of the battlefield who has experienced hundreds of battles have that we don't know? It is said that after the founding of the republic, Yang Yong twice asked the organization for instructions to transfer to the Fuzhou Military Region.

Yang Yong was born in 1913 to a peasant family in Liuyang County, Hunan Province. Although there are a few acres of land in the family, the harvest at the end of the year is only enough for the family to live, not a rich family.

Yang Yong's original name was Yang Shijun, and when he was studying at Liren School, Yang Yong was inspired by Mr. Chen Shiqiao, an underground member of the Communist Party of China, and changed his name.

When Mr. Chen gave a lesson to his classmates, he talked about the meaning of the word "yong". He said:

"The word 'brave' means brave and fierce, which is the masculinity that only a true man deserves!"

At that time, Yang Shijun had just joined the Communist Youth League, and he was deeply infected by revolutionary ideas and was determined to follow the Communist Party of China and seek liberation for the people.

After returning to China, Ye Jianying sent him to be the political commissar of the Guangzhou Military Region, Yang Yong refused to be the first, Yang Yong's birth and young experience were second, and the strange soldiers were skillfully used, Yang Yong achieved the anti-Japanese legend III, the decisive battle of Jincheng, the perfect ending of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, gao yi bo yuntian, unwilling to "grab the job bowl" with friends.

So after returning home, Yang Shijun immediately announced to his father that he would change his name to "Yang Yong". He wanted to use this name to motivate himself to be a good boy who was not afraid of failure and was brave and determined!

In May 1927, Xu Kexiang staged a counter-revolutionary coup in Changsha and massacred communists. Yang Yong was so angry that he left the school without informing his father and went to Changsha with the local peasant army to attack Xu Jun.

At that time, however, the strength of our Party was too weak and it was not at all an opponent of the Kuomintang reactionaries. Yang Yong fled with the team, traveling to Jiangxi and Hunan, and was not able to return to Liuyang County until the end of the year.

Yang Yong's father was very angry after he learned that he had abandoned his studies to engage in revolution, so he let Yang Yong return to Liuyang County Middle School and did not allow him to continue to participate in revolutionary activities. Yang Yong did not give up his revolutionary career because of his father's opposition, and during his studies at Liuyang County Middle School, Yang Yong had closer ties with the underground Communist Party comrades in the county.

In the spring of 1930, Yang's father fell ill in bed, and life at home became increasingly difficult. Yang Yong resolutely left school and found a job in the Soviet government to earn a living, taking care of his family while working. Yang's father saw that his son's faith in the Communist Party was so firm, and knew that he could not convince him, so he let him go.

After joining the work, Yang Yong performed very well, and the organization broke through the rules to let him join the party in advance. After becoming a full party member, Yang Yong worked harder, and in just three years, he jumped from an ordinary party member to the political director of the division-level army.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the contradiction between the Chinese nation and the japanese invasion of China became the main contradiction in our country at that time. Therefore, the Communist Party abandoned its previous suspicions and cooperated with the Kuomintang to resist Japan. During this period, Yang Yong gave full play to his military command skills and created three remarkable records for three battles: the victory of Pingxingguan, the three victories of Lüliang, and the Battle of Panxidu.

The Battle of Pingxingguan occurred in late September 1937, when a unit of the 21st Brigade of the Japanese Fifth Division attacked Pingxingguan from the direction of Lingqiu. Yang Yong (then deputy regimental commander) and regimental commander Li Tianyou led the 686th Regiment of the 115th Division to block the enemy on the road.

It was a rainy day, and the Japanese vehicle had just driven into the ambush area when it was attacked by Yang Yong's unit. The Japanese were dying, using vehicles for cover as they moved towards the Old Master Temple on the west side of the road. In order not to let the Japanese army have a chance to escape, Yang Yong led three battalions to rush into the Laoye Temple and engaged in a white-knife battle with a small group of Japanese troops inside.

After returning to China, Ye Jianying sent him to be the political commissar of the Guangzhou Military Region, Yang Yong refused to be the first, Yang Yong's birth and young experience were second, and the strange soldiers were skillfully used, Yang Yong achieved the anti-Japanese legend III, the decisive battle of Jincheng, the perfect ending of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, gao yi bo yuntian, unwilling to "grab the job bowl" with friends.

Yang Yong charged forward, hacking and killing several Japanese troops in succession. At this time, a Japanese army sneaked into Yang Yong's back and stabbed Yang Yong's left shoulder with a slender bayonet. In an instant, blood soaked the uniform. However, Yang Yong did not stop attacking, and he continued to fight with the Japanese army in severe pain. After more than two hours of fierce fighting, more than 1,000 Japanese troops were completely annihilated. This was the first confrontation between the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese army, and it was also the first great victory of the Eighth Route Army on the anti-Japanese battlefield.

Half a year later, in the Battle of Lüliang, Yang Yong once again showed his excellent command skills. Three times to lure the enemy deeper, three battles and three victories, a total of annihilated more than 1200 Japanese troops, captured a large number of military supplies.

In the ambush battle of Pandu Creek in early 1941, Yang Yong adopted the tactic of "encircling points to fight for help", which caught the Japanese army by surprise at the ambush site, forcing them to urgently ask for help. Yang Yong did not give the enemy any respite, and the joint militia guerrillas dealt a fatal blow to the Japanese puppet army.

According to statistics, in the Battle of Panduxi, the troops led by Yang Yong annihilated more than 700 Japanese troops, smashing the Japanese conspiracy to attack the Anti-Japanese base area in Luxi.

After returning to China, Ye Jianying sent him to be the political commissar of the Guangzhou Military Region, Yang Yong refused to be the first, Yang Yong's birth and young experience were second, and the strange soldiers were skillfully used, Yang Yong achieved the anti-Japanese legend III, the decisive battle of Jincheng, the perfect ending of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, gao yi bo yuntian, unwilling to "grab the job bowl" with friends.

In April 1953, Chairman of the Central Military Commission Mao Zedong personally summoned Yang Yong to Zhongnanhai and handed him a letter of appointment. In this way, Yang Yong was appointed commander of the 20th Corps of the Chinese Volunteer Army, and a week later he went to the Korean Peninsula to participate in the command of the operation.

At that time, the Korean Peninsula had just experienced a storm. After the UN forces retreated to the 38th Parallel, the two sides began armistice negotiations that lasted for more than a year. Until June 1953, under the pressure of huge public opinion, the US government had to give in and agree to the release of prisoners of war proposed by China and North Korea.

Seeing that the armistice agreement was about to be reached, Rhee, who had been silent, suddenly rushed out. Without informing either side, Rhee privately released prisoners of war on the spot, in grave violation of international rules. Rhee was not willing to make such a truce, and did not hesitate to block the negotiations through such an extreme way.

This move made both China and North Korea extremely dissatisfied. So Mao Zedong and Kim Il Sung decided after consultation to launch a counterattack at Jincheng and smash Rhee's conspiracy. The command responsibility for this campaign fell to Yang

After returning to China, Ye Jianying sent him to be the political commissar of the Guangzhou Military Region, Yang Yong refused to be the first, Yang Yong's birth and young experience were second, and the strange soldiers were skillfully used, Yang Yong achieved the anti-Japanese legend III, the decisive battle of Jincheng, the perfect ending of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, gao yi bo yuntian, unwilling to "grab the job bowl" with friends.

Although Yang Yong had just arrived at the front, he had a good grasp of the situation on the battlefield. In his view, the Jincheng counterattack should target Rhee's puppet army. As long as He defeats Rhee's puppet army, he will surely obediently return to the negotiating table.

After some careful layout, Yang Yong decided to "fight the snake and fight seven inches" and first solve the main force of Rhee's puppet army, the Capital Division. The Capital Division of Syngman Rhee's puppet army was hidden in the mountains, and Yang Yong personally led a small detachment to infiltrate it and annihilate the Capital Division in one fell swoop.

Subsequently, he immediately signaled the commandos who were ambushed in the city to attack the garrison of Rhee's puppet army. Syngman Rhee's army lost its main force, and the rest of the struggle became a battle of trapped beasts.

In the Battle of Jincheng, the volunteer army led by Yang Yong won a great victory. This campaign has important military and political significance, not only representing the full establishment of the military superiority of Chinese and North Korean forces on the peninsula, but also playing a key role in urging the United States and South Korea to sign an armistice agreement.

After returning to China, Ye Jianying sent him to be the political commissar of the Guangzhou Military Region, Yang Yong refused to be the first, Yang Yong's birth and young experience were second, and the strange soldiers were skillfully used, Yang Yong achieved the anti-Japanese legend III, the decisive battle of Jincheng, the perfect ending of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, gao yi bo yuntian, unwilling to "grab the job bowl" with friends.

The final battle commanded by Yang Yong is amazing. After listening to the report on the Battle of Jincheng, Chairman Mao could not help but praise him one after another. Kim Il Sung also called Mao Zedong and praised Yang Yong as a "rare talent."

After the end of the war, Yang Yong was appointed commander of the Beijing Military Region. For the sake of Yang Yong's long-term development, Ye Jianying planned to let him serve as a political commissar in the Guangzhou Military Region.

After Yang Yong heard this news, he immediately found the office and told Ye Jianying with a resolute attitude:

"Let me go anywhere, I just can't go to Guangzhou!"

Ye Jianying was puzzled:

"Guangzhou is such a good place, people are squeezing their heads to go, how did you get to this different place?"

Yang Yong answered:

"Of course, I know that Guangzhou is a good place, but it is because it is a good place that I can't go!"

Then he added:

"I Yang Yong can't do this kind of thing of putting a knife in the back of my friend!"

It turned out that the friend Yang Yong was talking about was Xu Shiyou, the commander of the Guangzhou Military Region at that time. He was also a very famous general, and he and Yang Yong were close friends for many years. During the Long March, Yang Yong was once weak because of the recurrence of wounds, and could not keep up with the footsteps of the large troops. Xu Shiyou, who was traveling with him, was a warm-hearted person, and when he saw Yang Yong walking slowly, he carried Yang Yong on his back and walked several kilometers.

Yang Yong has always been very grateful for Xu Shiyou's help, the two are similar in age and like-minded, and soon became good friends.

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Shiyou was sent to guangzhou to work. A large part of the reason why Yang Yong is reluctant to go to Guangzhou is because of Xu Shiyou. Xu Shiyou has worked in Guangzhou for many years and knows best how to manage the Guangzhou Military Region. Yang Yong worried that if he suddenly landed in Guangzhou as a political commissar, it would affect Xu Shiyou's work. After all, Xu Shiyou has been managing Guangzhou in an orderly manner before, and if he goes to insert a foot at this time, it will inevitably make others suspicious of Xu Shiyou.

After returning to China, Ye Jianying sent him to be the political commissar of the Guangzhou Military Region, Yang Yong refused to be the first, Yang Yong's birth and young experience were second, and the strange soldiers were skillfully used, Yang Yong achieved the anti-Japanese legend III, the decisive battle of Jincheng, the perfect ending of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, gao yi bo yuntian, unwilling to "grab the job bowl" with friends.

Ye Jianying knew Yang Yong, he was a stubborn and righteous person, so he did not force him. So Ye Jianying asked Yang Yong again:

"So where do you want to go?"

Yang Yong pondered for a moment, then said:

"I think Fuzhou is very good, I want to go to Fuzhou."

Since Pi Dingjun's death, the position of commander of Fuzhou has been vacant for a long time. The army there has been in a state of "stocking" for a long time, so it is more difficult to manage, and people at the time believe that Fuzhou has no development prospects, so no one has been willing to go to this position.

When Ye Jianying heard this answer, he was a little surprised:

"You have to think about it, Fuzhou is not as good as Guangzhou!"

Yang Yong said firmly:

"I don't want to compete with others for a position, Fuzhou is quite suitable for me."

Ye Jianying knew that he couldn't change Yang Yong's thoughts, so he agreed to him.

However, the Party Central Committee cherished the talent and let him continue to work in Beijing. During his work in Beijing, Yang Yong's work ability has been greatly improved.

In 1983, Yang Yong ended his glorious and toilful life.

When future generations remember this battle-hardened general, in addition to the dazzling medals on his chest, what impresses him even more is the fearless, righteous and cloudy spirit and character of him. My generations think about it, and my heart yearns for it.

Text/Yuanqi Girl qmq
Resources: 1. "The "Three Yangs" in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea", Xiong Huayuan 2. "On Yang Yong's Contributions During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression", Su Yun Period 3. "Qiao Yong Divine Soldier Battle Japanese Kou - Three Legends of Yang Yong in the War of Resistance", Chen Hui 4. "Jincheng Counterattack -- Yang Yong Commanded the Final Battle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea", Li Jinming 5. "The Return of the General's Battlefield in a Hundred Battles - The Legend of Yang Yongrong Horse", Chen Hui 6. "Yang Yong, General of the People's Liberation Army of the Three Armies of the Three Armies", Xia Xingxing

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