
Guangxi "white cut pig hand", the taste is fat but not greasy, the recipe methods are to tell you, delicious to burst

author:Supplement King Zhang Xiao Chef

Hello everyone, today I want to share with you, a cold mixed dish. When it comes to cold mixed vegetables, I believe most people think of vegetables and cold mix! However, today to bring you, a very famous cold mixed dish, this cold mix dish in our local area, is very outstanding, called white cut pig hand, I believe many people are not strangers to it. This dish is perfect for summer eating, sour and spicy to open the appetite of the special q bomb, let people see it and drool. Today I will put the recipe and production method here, if you want to eat this dish, you can learn it yourself.

Guangxi "white cut pig hand", the taste is fat but not greasy, the recipe methods are to tell you, delicious to burst

1, first of all, we have to buy a pig front hoof, buy the pig after going home, to first remove the nail cap on the front hoof, with a knife to slap it a few times, the nail cap will automatically fall off. Then use a knife to cut the front hoof of the pig, cut it in half from the middle, cut the pig's trotters, we must prepare a large basin of water, put the pig's trotters in the water, soak them for 20 minutes, and soak the bruises that are not made in the pig's trotters.

Guangxi "white cut pig hand", the taste is fat but not greasy, the recipe methods are to tell you, delicious to burst

2. When the pig's trotters are soaked, we must prepare two bamboo sticks and use a knife to break the bamboo in half for later use. Ran prepares an appropriate amount of straw, which will be used to tie the pig's trotters, and the straw should be soaked in water in advance to soften it. After the pig's trotters are soaked, use a knife to scrape the residual hair on its surface, scrape the pig's trotters clean, and then wash them with clean water, and set aside. Then prepare - a board, the board is soaked in advance with soft straw, and it is arranged neatly.

Guangxi "white cut pig hand", the taste is fat but not greasy, the recipe methods are to tell you, delicious to burst

3. After the straw is laid, put two pieces of bamboo on its surface, and stack the pig's feet and put them in the middle of the bamboo pieces. Then put a piece of bamboo on the surface of the pig's foot, and then tie the pig's foot with straw, and be sure to bind it to food. After the pig's trotters are tied up, the prepared pig's trotters can be prepared and put into the pot with cold water to make them, and the water must be added enough to make the pig's trotters completely soaked.

Guangxi "white cut pig hand", the taste is fat but not greasy, the recipe methods are to tell you, delicious to burst

4, then add fragrant leaves, star anise, cinnamon, white buttons, pepper, green onion, ginger, and other ingredients to the pot to fish, in addition, rice wine is also essential. Then add an appropriate amount of salt, add a bottom flavor, turn the water to a boil on high heat, turn to medium heat and boil the pig's trotters for 50 minutes. When the pig's trotters are boiling, we will find that there will be some foam on the surface of the water, and these bubbles will have to be knocked out, because they are all dirty things in the pork.

Guangxi "white cut pig hand", the taste is fat but not greasy, the recipe methods are to tell you, delicious to burst

5, when the pig's trotters are boiling, do not be lazy, prepare an appropriate amount of sand ginger, garlic, shallots to chop them all and put them into a bowl. Then prepare an iron pan, add a little cooking oil, and heat the oil 30% hot. Add the prepared shallots, ginger and garlic to the pan and fry them to refine the oil. After the ingredients have been fried to a slight yellowish surface, the prepared hot oil can be set aside to cool. At this time, the pig's feet are almost cooked, and when the chopsticks can penetrate the pig's feet, you can take out the pig's feet and put them aside to cool.

Guangxi "white cut pig hand", the taste is fat but not greasy, the recipe methods are to tell you, delicious to burst

6, frozen pig trotters, to the surface of the pig trotters covered with two layers of plastic wrap, tighten the pig trotters into the refrigerator, freeze for an hour, you can take out and cut the pieces. During the freezing period, we also have to prepare an appropriate amount of ginger, minced garlic, millet spicy, spring onion, coriander and peanut crumbles. After freezing the pig's trotters, remove the plastic wrap after taking them out, then separate them and cut them into thick thin slices, after all the trotters are cut, you can season.

Guangxi "white cut pig hand", the taste is fat but not greasy, the recipe methods are to tell you, delicious to burst

7, prepare a large basin, put all the pig's trotters into the large basin, and then add the prepared millet spicy, ginger shredded and other ingredients to the pig's trotters, and then add 4 spoons of extremely fresh taste, if you like, you can add two spoons of dark soy sauce to color, and then add a spoonful of sugar to stir well. Finally, we have to fry the oil and add it all to the pig's trotters, which is the soul of this dish, just two large spoons of oil, you can make the taste of the pig's trotters very delicious, have you learned this delicacy?

Guangxi "white cut pig hand", the taste is fat but not greasy, the recipe methods are to tell you, delicious to burst

The above cold mix dish is really delicious. The cold mixed vegetables made are actually based on boiling sesame oil to enhance the taste. In addition to making white cut pig's trotters, the sesame oil can also be used to make other cold dishes, and the taste is particularly beautiful. For such a cold mixed dish making, I have also shared it with you several times, I don't know if you have learned, this cold mix dish? If you don't understand it yet, give it a try.

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