
In order to shame the 180th Division, Zheng Weishan sent out harsh words: Wrong to kill my head! Xu Shiyou was shocked

author:Bing said

Author: Knife cutting surface

Statement: Soldiers say original, plagiarism will be investigated

The 180th Division of the 60th Army of the Volunteer Army suffered heavy losses on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and was even misrepresented as "the total annihilation of the army," which made Zhang Zuyu, who was far away in western Sichuan, feel extremely heartbroken and very confused. It is rare in the history of our army that a division has suffered such a great loss on the battlefield, and he is looking forward to coming to the front line and leading this unit to fight a turnaround battle and regain the prestige of the 60th Army.

Zhang Zuyu was a veteran commander of the 60th Army. When the 60th Army entered the Korean War as the second batch of troops, the superiors took into account Zhang Zuyu's illness, the Establishment of the Western Sichuan Military Region, and the arduous tasks of suppressing bandits, so they did not agree to his participation in the war, but let Wei Jie serve as the commander of the 60th Army and enter the DPRK.

In order to shame the 180th Division, Zheng Weishan sent out harsh words: Wrong to kill my head! Xu Shiyou was shocked

After the defeat of the 180th Division, before Zhang Zuyu went to the front, Chairman Mao personally talked to him and told him that it seemed that the 180th Division did not need to cancel its number, nor did it have to go to the wasteland to cultivate land, and it would get up wherever it fell. After coming to the front line, Zhang Zuyu saw a new atmosphere, and after rectification, the morale of the officers and men of the 60th Army, including the 180th Division, was high, and the call for a turnaround was very high.

Everything is ready only to owe the East Wind. Zhang Zuyu and the officers and men of the 60th Army finally waited for the opportunity to be humiliated. At this time, the 60th Army had been assigned to the command of the 20th Corps, and the commander of the Corps, Zheng Weishan, was one of the few lieutenant generals who was awarded the rank in 1955.

After Yang Chengwu fell ill and returned to China, Zheng Weishan succeeded him as the commander of the 20th Corps, and when he surveyed the position, he found that the 883.7 highland, the 949.2 highland and the cross mountain were connected like a wedge inserted into the volunteer position, this wedge was 20 kilometers wide and 9 kilometers deep, relying on its height, it could threaten and control everything in the volunteer army's 10-kilometer position.

In order to shame the 180th Division, Zheng Weishan sent out harsh words: Wrong to kill my head! Xu Shiyou was shocked

As soon as he grasped the situation, Zheng Weishan wanted to remove this wedge. Because of some factors, he has not moved, and now his successor Yang Yong has come to the front line to replace him, and he does not want to leave this burden to the successor, so he made up his mind to get rid of this wedge.

Soon, Zheng Weishan reported the battle plan to Zhisi. At the same time, Xu Shiyou, who came to watch the battle, saw Zheng Weishan's battle plan and was shocked, he admired Zheng Weishan's courage to lurk 3,000 people where the enemy's grenades could hit, and even more admired Zheng Weishan's courage to swallow 2 enemy regiments in one go, and also to take down the positions of 2 enemy regiments. In the combat room of the 20th Corps, there was silence, everyone listened to the commander's battle plan, no one dared to say a word, the commander of the 60th Army, Zhang Zuyu, stood up and broke the silence, he expressed support for the corps' combat plan, and resolutely completed the task assigned by the corps to occupy the 883.7 heights and the 949.2 highlands and annihilate the enemy 1 regiment.

To tell the truth, all the officers and men of the 60th Army need this battle too much, and everyone knows that the war has entered a state of negotiation and may stop at any time. If they could not fight a turnaround battle before the war stopped, they would inevitably return home with shame, especially the officers and men of the 181st Division who were unwilling to directly admit that they belonged to the 60th Army. After the defeat of the 180th Division, the working group went to the 60th Army to sum up the lessons learned, and on the way, it met the veterans of the 181st Division, asking: Are you the 60th Army? The veteran replied, we are the 181st Division, an army of 3 divisions, you count it yourself.

In order to shame the 180th Division, Zheng Weishan sent out harsh words: Wrong to kill my head! Xu Shiyou was shocked

As the commander of the 60th Army, coming to the front line with the ardent hope of a great man, Zhang Zuyu must firmly seize this opportunity and let the troops raise their heads again. He believed that the prestige of the 60th Army must be rebuilt with victory, and that the 180th Division must be the main attack. Just when Zheng Weishan made up his mind, Deng Hua, the acting commander of the Volunteer Army, called and believed that Zheng Weishan's battle plan was not ripe, and Zhisi's opinion was not to fight, and asked the 20 corps to consider it.

In order to shame the 180th Division, Zheng Weishan sent out harsh words: Wrong to kill my head! Xu Shiyou was shocked

Zheng Weishan said, I am determined, and I am responsible for the mistake. He is about to step down from his post as commander of the 20th Corps, and the new commander who has taken over has arrived, this battle is not indispensable in the hands of Zheng Weishan, if defeated, the reputation of a lifetime can be completely planted in it, Zheng Weishan did not make half a consideration for his fame and fortune, he hung up Deng Hua's phone, and said to the commanders attending the meeting: This battle must be fought, I am responsible for the mistake, kill me.

What a domineering word! Zhang Zuyu was infected by the commander, and he said excitedly, I am jointly responsible for you. Zheng Weishan patted the table and said, Don't you be responsible, you are only responsible for fighting the battle, just have my head on top. Xu Shiyou, who led the 3 Corps to watch the battle, could not help but sigh: I xu monks have always been bold in fighting, but you are even bolder than me!

In the early morning of June 10, more than 3,500 officers and men lurking under the eyes of the enemy overcame various difficulties and reached the time of the general attack. Less than 3 kilometers from the 883.7 heights, Xu Shiyou, who was watching the battle in the volunteer army's incubation area, and the instructors and cadets of the Nanjing Military Academy did not find them with telescopes. Zheng Weishan was very happy, even these veteran generals who had experienced hundreds of battles had not found the officers and soldiers lurking, let alone the enemy?

In order to shame the 180th Division, Zheng Weishan sent out harsh words: Wrong to kill my head! Xu Shiyou was shocked

At 10:20 a.m., zhang Zuyu commanded the artillery to attack the west with the sound of artillery in the east and west, and a hundred cannons fired fiercely, and the enemy's position was a sea of fire. The 2nd Company of the 540th Regiment of the 180th Division, the Reconnaissance Company of the 181st Division, and the Reconnaissance Company of the 543rd Regiment launched a feint attack on the enemy in accordance with the predetermined plan, covering the continued lurking of the officers and men. At 20:30, the Katyusha rocket artillery of the 21st Artillery Division fired a salvo at the enemy position, and then the 259 cannons of the 60th Army began to surprise the enemy position, and the enemy returned fire and was quickly suppressed.

Subsequently, the 3000 commanders and fighters of the 180th Division launched a charge, and with the assistance of the brother 181st Division, it took only 50 minutes to take 902.8, 973, 883.7 and other three highlands. Although the historical circles have objections to this time, one says 50 minutes, the other says 70 minutes, but the difference of 20 minutes does not affect, since the volunteer army turned into defensive operations, the fact that in the shortest time since the volunteer army turned into defensive operations, it took a regiment position and annihilated most of a regiment at a time.

In order to shame the 180th Division, Zheng Weishan sent out harsh words: Wrong to kill my head! Xu Shiyou was shocked

The morale of the officers and men of the victorious 180th Division was even higher, and in the ensuing battle, although they suffered exactly the same situation as the last defeat, fighting alone and fighting against the water, they won successive victories with a tenacious fighting style under the command of the commander of the division. The officers and men of the 6th Company of the 540th Regiment of the 180th Division of the 180th Highland Mountain in the 1118th Highland Hill did not eat or drink for 2 days and 2 nights, repelled the enemy's counterattack 31 times, and the officers and men of the 180th Division on the 461.9 heights vowed to coexist with the position, repelled the enemy's repeated attacks, until the negotiation was signed, and the enemy did not take an inch of land on the high ground at a huge price...

[Deeply cultivate the history of war, carry forward positive energy, soldiers say that all parties are welcome to submit articles, private messages will be restored]

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