
The "hard dish" in Lu cuisine! Would you do braised elbows?

author:Monsters love good food

"Braised elbow" is a traditional large dish in the Lu cuisine banquet, and most of the first dishes of our wedding banquet here are "sea cucumber elbow" with sea cucumber. The selection of skinned and boneless pork knuckle as the main ingredient, after boiling, oiling, steaming, the finished product color is ruddy and bright, the shape is beautiful and generous, the texture is crisp and soft, the taste is mellow and not greasy, and it was rated as one of the top ten famous dishes in the "First Lu Cuisine Grand Prix" held in Shandong.

The elbow is a pig's leg, and the leg is like a handle, so it is called an elbow. Pig knuckle can be divided into front elbow and back elbow. The front elbow, also called the "front hoof", is in the upper part of the pig's front leg knee and under the sandwich meat. The "hind elbow", also known as the "hind hoof", is located above the knee of the pig's hind legs and below the sitting buttocks, crotch meat, cucumber meat, and the elbow end is connected to the fan bone.

The "hard dish" in Lu cuisine! Would you do braised elbows?

The skin of the meat is thick, the meat is lean and gelatinous, and the braised elbow can be selected before and after the elbow, and the later elbow is better. The "braised elbow" I made this time was to use the whole hoof to not go to the bone. The dishes are like hills, the color is jujube red, the shape is plump, the meat is rotten and sticky, fat but not greasy, thin but not chai, mellow and delicious, and has a different flavor.

The "hard dish" in Lu cuisine! Would you do braised elbows?

Preparation of ingredients

Ingredients: pork knuckle (1 piece, 1 1/2 pounds), small tang cabbage (6 sprigs), green onion (1 stalk), ginger (6 slices)

Seasoning: Star anise (5 capsules), cooking wine (5 tbsp), sugar (1 tbsp), soy sauce (3 tbsp), oil (3 tbsp), salt (1/2 tbsp), corn starch (1 tbsp)

Production steps

1: Remove the hairs on the pig's elbow and wash it. Bring half a pot of water to 3 tablespoons of cooking wine and sliced ginger, blanch in pork knuckle for 3 minutes, remove the cold water and then remove. Remove the head and tail of the green onion, wash and cut into sections.

2: Put the pork knuckle into a large bowl, pour in 1 tablespoon sugar, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, star anise and half a bowl of water, squeeze the pork knuckle to let it taste, and marinate for 30 minutes.

3: Heat the marinated pork knuckle in the microwave on high heat for 5 minutes, add 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, ginger slices and white onion, turn the pork knuckle over, and heat on high heat for 5 minutes.

4: Put the small tang cabbage in a large bowl, add 3 tablespoons of oil, 1/2 tablespoon of salt and half a bowl of water, put in the microwave and heat on high heat for 3 minutes.

5: Plate the pork knuckles, pour out the remaining gravy in the bowl, add 1 tablespoon of corn starch and half a bowl of water to mix well, put in the microwave and heat on high heat for 1 minute.

6. Place the small tang vegetables around the pork knuckle, drizzle with the heated mustard juice, and you can eat!

The "hard dish" in Lu cuisine! Would you do braised elbows?

Such a delicious and delicious braised pork knuckle is ready, very delicious. Maybe as a friend of Lu cuisine in the south does not eat much, but friends in the south can also try it, a very delicious hard dish!

Pork knuckle is very nutritious, contains more protein, especially contains a lot of collagen, and meat skin, is to make the skin plump, moisturizing, strong body fattening food therapy products.

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