
The Indian army organized an endurance run, and as a result, more than 30 people fainted due to heat stroke and 1 person died...

Source: World Wide Web

The Indian army organized an endurance run, and as a result, more than 30 people fainted due to heat stroke and 1 person died...

Screenshot of the Indian Express report

[Global Network Report Reporter Qiao Bingxin] An endurance run by the Indian army caused dozens of soldiers to faint and one person to die... According to the Indian Express, on August 21, local time, a physical training for reconnaissance troops was held at the Mamun military camp in Patankot, Punjab Province, India. However, during the endurance run, due to high temperatures and humid weather, 34 soldiers fainted due to heat stroke, 1 of whom died and 4 soldiers were in critical condition.

The Indian army organized an endurance run, and as a result, more than 30 people fainted due to heat stroke and 1 person died...

A reconnaissance tournament is held near Patankot, India

The Indian Express quoted the Indian military as saying that it organized reconnaissance forces to compete that morning. The report said that the endurance race was conducted for 72 hours at that time, while the full-load 10 km endurance run was late, around 9 a.m. And the weather wasn't good. A senior Army officer said one person died due to bad weather. Other soldiers affected by the weather are being treated in hospitals.

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