
Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

author:Instant noodle Kanshi

On March 16, 1946, the seventh special class of Duan Boyu's Army University held a graduation ceremony in Chongqing, which Chiang Kai-shek attended as the president, accompanied by He Yingqin, then minister of national defense, Xu Yongchang, minister of military command, and many other senior Kuomintang generals.

One of the purposes of Chiang Kai-shek's visit was for Duan Boyu, so after the speech, Chiang Kai-shek reviewed each of the seventh batch of trainees one by one, and when he walked up to Duan Boyu, Chiang Kai-shek looked at it very carefully, and shortly after the graduation ceremony, Duan Boyu was cordially summoned by Chiang Kai-shek.

Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

(Portrait of Comrade Duan Boyu)

At this meeting, Chiang Kai-shek cordially inquired about Duan Boyu's name, age, place of origin, study, and so on; after Chiang Kai-shek listened to me, he said some words of encouragement to Duan Boyu and stressed to Duan Boyu that he should be loyal to the party-state and obey the principal.

When he learned that Duan Boyu's father and son were all graduates of Lu University, Chiang Kai-shek said in a loud voice: "Good! Good! Good! Both father and son are from Lu University, which is rare and rare."

Shortly after being summoned by Chiang Kai-shek, Duan Boyu received a notice to report to duan Boyu in the attendant room of the chairman of the Military Commission.

But what Chiang Kai-shek did not expect was that this personally selected attendant staff officer of Chiang Kai-shek was a Communist.

After Duan Boyu entered the attendant room, he served as a major general and senior counselor, and in the Kuomintang army, he was mainly engaged in the work of plotting rebellion, passing out a lot of important information for our army and protecting many important personnel of the army.

War is a huge meat grinder, in the war years, the most vulnerable to injury is the soldier, compared to the soldier, the doctor may be more safe and stable.

There is a tomb in Mengtian Village, Li County, Hebei Province, where Duan Boyu was born, which is said to be the tomb of Meng Tianjun, one of the four princes of the Warring States, and Mengtian Village is also named after it.

Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

(Photo of Duan Boyu and Chiang Kai-shek)

Adjacent to the north of Mengtian Village is Gaoyang Village, which is the hometown of Sun Chengzong, a famous anti-Qing general in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Meng Tianjun befriended the world's heroes and heroes, and Sun Chengzong swore to defend his hometown.

Duan Boyu's father was a soldier, who followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen in the early days, was a member of the League, and was a classmate of Chiang Kai-shek when he was in Baoding Yao Village Accelerated Martial Arts Academy, and Duan Boyu's father was successfully admitted to the Army University after the Xinhai Revolution, under the call of "reorganizing the army through military force and saving the survival of the people".

During his time at the Army University, he met Xu Yongchang, Li Jishen, and others, and after graduation, because of his excellent performance during the school period, he taught at the Baoding Military Academy, and many generals in the Kuomintang were students of Duan Boyu's father.

Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

(Left Duan Boyu and second brother Duan Zhongyu)

It can be said that Duan Boyu's father has great influence in both the Kuomintang army and society, and Duan Boyu's father still has a great influence on Duan Boyu's growth.

When the May Fourth Movement broke out in 1919, Duan Boyu, who was studying in middle school in Tianjin at the time, because of the patriotic feelings in his bones and the hard character of the soldiers under the influence of his father, Duan Boyu ran from Tianjin to Beijing to participate in this patriotic movement against imperialism and feudalism.

In 1923, Duan Boyu bid farewell to his middle school career, was admitted to Hebei University to study medicine, and began his medical career, but Duan Boyu, who was influenced by his father, did not want to engage in the pharmaceutical industry, but wanted to join the army.

But in that turbulent era, being a soldier meant sacrifice in a large sense, as the father of Duan Boyu who had been in the army for many years, naturally he was very clear about this truth, so he did not want his children to be soldiers, plus Duan Yunfeng (Duan Boyu's father), who was born and upright at that time, was not accustomed to some of the customs at that time, and he broke away from the military circles, so he did not want Duan Boyu to join the army, hoping that Duan Boyu and Dr. Sun Yat-sen would learn art to save the country.

There is a saying that goes well: "Some people are born to be soldiers", and it is obvious that Duan Boyu is such a person.

In 1924, after Duan Boyu learned from the newspaper that the first enrollment of the Whampoa Military Academy had begun, he immediately wanted to join the army to register, but Duan Boyu was blocked by Duan Boyu's father, who insisted that Duan Boyu study medicine.

Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

(Statue of Duan Boyu)

Duan Boyu's first plan to join the army was temporarily shelved, and Duan Boyu had no choice but to continue his studies at Hebei University, but during this period, Duan Boyu became acquainted with Dai Peiyuan, a Communist Party member at the time, and under the influence of Dai Peiyuan, Duan Boyu began to read extensively Marxist-Leninist books such as "Capital", "State and Revolution", which opened a new door for Duan Boyu to save the country and save the people.

Duan Boyu's enthusiasm and the guidance of these progressive books made Duan Boyu begin to have his own views on the current situation, and he participated in the patriotic movement organized by the students many times, and finally was expelled from the school.

After the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Duan Boyu once went to the Taihang Mountains to look for the Eighth Route Army, but there was no result, and finally in order to realize his ideal of being a soldier, he joined the Kuomintang Thirty and marched south.

From this moment on, Duan Boyu initially realized his ideal of being a soldier and began to struggle for his ideal of serving the country.

A fiery heart will always look for the red flame.

In order to seek progress and explore the ideals in his heart, in the spring of 1938, Duan Boyu set out for Yan'an alone to participate in the study of the Kang Da, and listened to the book "On Protracted War" written by Mao Zedong at that time, which further deepened his understanding of Marx's main force in the middle of the middle.

In August of the same year, Duan Boyu returned to his original unit, and with the consent of the party organization, Wang Shenggang, a member of the Chinese communist party, joined the Chinese communist party and became a member of the party organization.

Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

(Manga version danhaku Uwa brothers Dan Nakau)

After the "Changsha fire," Duan Boyu obeyed the arrangements of the party organization and went to Chongqing, where zhou Enlai's secretary and Duan Boyu contacted him separately under Zhou Enlai's arrangement.

Because Duan Boyu's father, Duan Yunfeng, was still very influential in the Kuomintang, through the relationship between Duan Yunfeng's father, he entered the Kuomintang Military Commission led by Li Jishen as an inspector.

In 1939, Duan Boyu and Zhou Enlai formally met, and Zhou Enlai told Duan Boyu that he hoped that Duan Boyu could be prepared for long-term lurking, and prompted Duan Boyu that although the material conditions for fighting in the rear of the enemy were relatively good, they would encounter more difficulties than the front line.

In times of difficulty, it was necessary to be able to fight for the favorable side and try to minimize the possible losses, and shortly thereafter, due to Zhou Yi's killing by the enemy, Duan Boyu lost contact with the party organization.

Duan Boyu knew that he was now in a very difficult period, losing contact with the party organization, which meant that a lot of work could not be carried out, which was one of the more difficult periods in Duan Boyu's latent career, but Duan Boyu quickly adjusted his mentality.

In order to better carry out his work, in October 1943, Duan Boyu was admitted to the seventh special class of the Army University, in which Duan Boyu befriended a group of people with the same ideas as himself. All these people have a common characteristic, that is, they deeply hate the Kuomintang's passive resistance to Japan, active anti-communism, and corruption.

This includes Jia Yibin, Liu Nongyi, Song Jianren and others, among which Jia Yibin was already a major general when he was only 29 years old.

Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

(Portrait of Comrade Jia Yibin)

Although he was not a member of the Huangpu clan, he played a very positive role in the early stage of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

After more than two years of study, in the spring of 1948, Duan Boyu and the students of the special class were about to officially graduate, at a special turning point in their lives.

Duan Boyu's younger brother Duan Zhongyu played a crucial role, and when Duan Boyu and the two brothers were talking, When Duan Zhongyu asked Duan Boyu what plans he had in the future, Duan Boyu said that he might return to his hometown to develop.

Duan Zhongyu persuaded his brother that he hoped to go to the attendant room of the Presidential Palace, the highest level of military organs of the Kuomintang, where working there could better help the party organization.

Duan Boyu finally agreed to the suggestion of his brother Duan Zhongyu, and after Duan Zhongyu's efforts, there was finally the scene we mentioned at the beginning, Chiang Kai-shek personally came down to see Duan Boyu and personally ordered Duan Boyu to be recruited into the attendant room of the presidential palace.

Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

(Comrade Duan Boyu's calligraphy)

Duan Boyu's transformation from an ordinary soldier into a staunch communist revolutionary is the result of Duan Boyu's constant pursuit of progress.

No matter when and where you use the convenience of your position to seek benefits for yourself, you can only get the scorn of the people and the abandonment of history, but when you use the convenience of your position to protect your comrades for the sake of the country and the nation, it seems that everyone can accept the special things of this special period.

Just like Duan Boyu's younger brother Duan Zhongyu said, entering the Kuomintang attendant room can better work for the party organization, and Duan Boyu really helped many comrades successfully relieve the crisis during his stay in the attendant room.

In April 1946, Chiang Kai-shek's attendant office was in a period of change, because the voice of the whole country calling for democracy was getting louder and louder, and the dictatorship of the attendant room had become the target of public criticism, and the United States also demanded that Chiang Kai-shek change the military command system.

Under all kinds of pressure, the military commission was finally set up, and the attendant office began to gradually transform into the Military Affairs Bureau, which has a characteristic, that is, it is not large in scale, but the personnel are capable, and he still overrides the various military confidential departments of the Kuomintang government.

Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

(Image of Boyu in the middle of the film)

In June of the same year, Duan Boyu accompanied the Military Affairs Bureau from Chongqing to Nanjing, Duan Boyu belonged to the fourth section, the main charge is military intelligence, the then chief of the intelligence section Zhang Guojiang was once a classmate, which is simply an unattainable position for Duan Boyu to carry out his work.

It is because of this special position that Duan Boyu has done a lot of things for the party.

Shortly after arriving at the Military Affairs Bureau, Duan Boyu received an important military intelligence from the Ministry of National Defense, which was an information about the transfer of the Dongjiang detachment of the Guangdong guerrillas of the CPC to North China.

After seeing this report, Duan Boyu was shocked and knew that this was a conspiracy to deplete the living forces of this revolutionary contingent.

In order to protect this team, Duan Boyu, at a subsequent meeting within the Military Affairs Bureau, expressed the hope that this team could be transported north by water, on the grounds of preventing this team from contacting the masses along the way. Finally this detachment was safely transferred, preserving the living forces of the revolution.

Another story is that on a Saturday in mid-March 1947, Zhang Guojiang, the chief of the Intelligence Section, handed Duan Boyu a secret telegram, saying that Duan Boyu would leave work directly after seeing the situation.

Duan Boyu carefully looked at the intelligence, which said that Wang Qiming, the chief of staff of the Thirty-second Army, had betrayed and led more than 5,000 people to defect to the Communists, and had now dispatched troops, but now there were insufficient troops, so please quickly reinforce.

After reading the telegram, Duan Boyu understood Zhang Guojiang's meaning, Zhang Guojiang was Wang Qiming's college classmate, the personal relationship between the two was very deep, and Zhang Guojiang was unwilling to personally issue an order to pursue the seizure.

Duan Boyu thought about it for a while, and just took advantage of the fact that it was Saturday afternoon, so he put the telegram that needed to be reported immediately in the drawer, and did not report it until two days later, but by that time Wang Qiming had already arrived in the Liberated Area.

Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

(Duan Boyu and his comrades-in-arms)

On the eve of the victory in the War of Liberation, Chiang Kai-shek, in order to preserve his most elite unit, the Three Regiments of Modern Paratroopers, planned to transfer this contingent to Taiwan to protect himself, but with the help of the Party organization and the coordination of Comrade Duan Boyu, he finally successfully revolted and arrived safely in Lianyungang.

There are many stories like this during Duan Boyu's tenure.

Although the struggle in the rear of the revolution lacks the pride of being wrapped in a corpse and fully trapped in the front line compared with the front line, it is secretly surging and frightening step by step.

In such a complex social environment, Duan Boyu not only hid himself, but also fulfilled the tasks assigned by the party organization very well.

Duan Boyu, who had been lurking in the Intelligence Department of the Kuomintang for a long time, chiang kai-shek personally selected the red high counselor, who abandoned medicine and military service in spite of his father's objections, began his military career in the army and the second, joined the Communist Party, was selected by Chiang Kai-shek to begin to enter the Kuomintang to work for our party Third, to maximize his own energy, to cover the revolutionary comrades' successful removal of danger Iv. Conclusion

(Duan Boyu was like when he was young)

Chiang Kai-shek himself could not have imagined that the person he personally selected was actually an excellent Communist Party member, who also passed on a lot of important information under his eyes and protected many important people.

After the victory of the Liberation War, Duan Boyu held many important positions and finally died of illness in Beijing on September 23, 1989.

This document is addressed to the revolutionary forefathers who made great contributions to our war of liberation.

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