
Someone praises you for being a hero on your worst day – Billy. Lynn's halftime war

author:Childhood crescent

There are too many accidents in life, such as 19-year-old Billy. Lynn suddenly doubled his courage in Iraq to rescue his enemy-surrounded comrade Mushroom, just when a video recorder inadvertently captured that picture, making him a hero in the eyes of the American people.

Just as he was forced into the army because of an accident, if his sister had not been abandoned by her fiancé for an accidental disfigurement, he would not have smashed one of the guy's new cars to vent his anger and be punished.

Someone praises you for being a hero on your worst day – Billy. Lynn's halftime war

It is also because of his heroic behavior that these soldiers buried them with mushroom corpses, and also gave them the opportunity to return to the United States to receive the award. Everywhere they went, they began to be full of praise, but these American soldiers had hidden diseases in their hearts that they could not tell to outsiders.


It is precisely in this way that when they accept face-to-face press conferences and answer various strange questions from various reporters, they suppress all kinds of discomfort in their hearts and want to attribute their actions to the side of justice.

Someone praises you for being a hero on your worst day – Billy. Lynn's halftime war

A reporter asked, "What changes have you brought to the local area?" When the squad leader replied, "We eliminated dictators for them, built schools and hospitals for the local people, and of course we are not people who understand engineering." ”

Billy, on the other hand, thought that a group of them would break into the home of a local family and take the man away just because they had found the pistol in self-defense and the documents of his former soldier.

The father wants to protect his son, the mother cries loudly on the side, and his wife hugs the children trembling.

No matter what the family did, they could not protect the man, but they understood the truth that if the man was taken away, he might never come back.

Billy thought of his family, who, apart from persuading the agitated parties, could not bring substantial hope to the weeping family.

This is the change that their so-called division of justice has brought to Iraq, but this change cannot be said, and such a truth has left these young soldiers with nowhere to vent.

They had to disguise their true thoughts on stage and give the answers they wanted, including what they would do in private, what they would do in private, they would play ball, play chess, etc. in private life, billy knew that if they had that time to think about young girls and their exposed thighs.

Someone praises you for being a hero on your worst day – Billy. Lynn's halftime war


When they appear like marionettes in the various activities of investors, do what the rich people want them to do, to say what the rich people want them to say.

When the skinny guy talked to them about how much Iraqi oil would do to the United States, the usually polite squad leader could no longer contain his anger

"You just have to trample on the interests of other countries and ravage other people's people, you don't have to tell us, we just have to fight our war, to kill the people you let us kill." 」

"We don't like to kill people, so why don't you let the peace volunteers go to war?"

Someone praises you for being a hero on your worst day – Billy. Lynn's halftime war

When he angered the hypocritical man, he suddenly regretted that he was afraid that he had offended the gold lord. Just now, he was still stiff and continued to say a discouraged word

"You say people are kind enough to come and talk to us, but what do I do with those words to him?"

Billy. Lynn's sister learned the truth about the war from her brother, and she had been worried about her brother's mental health, afraid that he had traumatic stress and sluggish heart disease, so she wanted her brother to see a psychologist.

Billy then thought of what his sister Catherine had told him, "We shouldn't have gotten involved in this illegal war in the first place." ”

Now they are called holy warriors, that they have received these false merits, that they are nothing more than a tool for the capitalists to re-finance their countrymen, and this is a war of aggression that cannot be explained to others.

How could these rich people not know the nature of this war? It's just that they can't say it to the people.

Billy, who was feeling bad about this, had a physiological chemical reaction with the cheerleader Who welcomed them, Fisan, making him feel a little sweet from love when he felt guilty, and the young and beautiful girl also ran to relieve them, and even the two kissed, so Billy also fantasized that the two had further development, and lost his sister laughing at herself as a "little virgin" hat.

Someone praises you for being a hero on your worst day – Billy. Lynn's halftime war


They attended the welcome party and were arranged like props. That way they can tolerate it, they can't stand some of the people who take the bloody war for granted, and one of them casually teases them about going to the battlefield to play gay, bisexual. Even in the trenches, I was so cool. The most deadly truth in this world is that you fight desperately in front of you, but others think that you are honeymooning under the moon before the flower, so say it, but if it is not the persuasion of others, this nonsense human life would have long been gone.

They would be frightened away by the sudden appearance of fireworks, their tense nerves could no longer hear the sound of war, and their oversensitive nerves were tense, afraid that it would one day break. Only those who have fought in the war can understand the pain of this feeling.

Looking at the rich people in front of them spending all kinds of expenses and enjoying their colorful lives, but behind them there are dead comrades like mushrooms lying in coffins, and the confused future of these young soldiers, they don't know if it is worth it to fight on the battlefield for such a group of guys who make war money.

Billy had thought about not going to Iraq again, and his sister had tried to dissuade him, but as his squad leader had said, they had no choice.

Someone praises you for being a hero on your worst day – Billy. Lynn's halftime war

It was only later that things developed, they thought that the post-war taiping place was more comfortable than they were in the war, and suddenly found that these people were the kind of people who ate your flesh and drank your blood unconsciously, and they could skillfully do it without knowing it. Just like the investor who always wanted their story to make movies.

They had to pay each for a hundred thousand dollars, and in the mouth of the guy they became five thousand five hundred dollars a person. His self-righteous words were, "It's better to take less than not to take it!" ”

"These guys, they say they want to love the army, but they are tightly covering their money bags, and the money in this world is the real boss." The squad leader's anger revealed the true face of these guys.

These investors made a lot of money in Baghdad, but they only wanted to send their soldiers off with a little money. They are a bunch of despicable invaders.

Fissan kissed Billy goodbye, and Billy said with some emotion, "I really want to take you away." It just didn't occur to Fei Shan asking him a word, and pouring a basin of cold water on his burning enthusiasm.

Someone praises you for being a hero on your worst day – Billy. Lynn's halftime war

"Aren't you going back?"

He pretended to be disappointed in his heart and was busy answering her words.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going back."!"

It turned out that he thought they were love at first sight, and it turned out that this girl just loved herself with the aura brought by this hypocritical hero.

The sister did not have the ability to take her brother away from the illegal battlefield, originally thought that the war was terrible, it turned out that the rich people living behind it were even more terrible to operate in the dark, and it was better to go to the war life of the real knife and real gun directly!

Someone praises you for being a hero on your worst day – Billy. Lynn's halftime war

In the eyes of these investors in the United States, there is no right or wrong, right and wrong, and things in this world are beneficial or unprofitable to them.

For the sake of profit, they have the conditions to get on the horse, and they have no conditions to create the conditions to get on the horse. This is the essence of war!

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