
Cold soba noodle steak cake, refreshing taste, sour and delicious, home-cooked summer to relieve the heat of the excellent taste

author:Tadpole food online

In northern beijing, Hebei and other northern regions, a popular folk cuisine made of buckwheat flour is called "grilled cake". This "grilled cake" can be said to be a kind of public cold dish, it is suitable for mixing with sesame sauce, vinegar, garlic paste, soy sauce and other condiments, the taste is cool, sour and delicious, very popular with local people.

In summer, the soba noodle steak cake in old Beijing, cut into small pieces, is mixed with cucumber and mixed with cucumber, and the taste is very good. Especially in the three-volt weather, a plate of ice cold grilled cake is simply a perfect delicacy to cool off the summer.

Cold soba noodle steak cake, refreshing taste, sour and delicious, home-cooked summer to relieve the heat of the excellent taste

Buckwheat noodle grill cake is also very nutritious, it is mainly made of buckwheat, and buckwheat in iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese and other trace elements content is very high, while buckwheat belongs to the sex of cool sweet food, in the stomach to nourish the stomach, eliminate food accumulation and other aspects also have a certain effect, very beneficial to the body, which is also one of the reasons why grilled cake is popular in the local area.

Grilled cakes can also be made at home, and the method of making them is not complicated.

Cold soba noodle steak cake, refreshing taste, sour and delicious, home-cooked summer to relieve the heat of the excellent taste

To make a steak cake, you need to prepare some buckwheat flour. To make a steak cake, about four or two buckwheat flour is enough, and then prepare half a pound of water. Combine the buckwheat flour with water and stir well with chopsticks to form a batter, taking care not to get gnocchi inside.

This batter, it is relatively thin, not viscous. Pick up the batter with chopsticks, the batter can flow down evenly, the fine flow is continuous, and you can do it.

Cold soba noodle steak cake, refreshing taste, sour and delicious, home-cooked summer to relieve the heat of the excellent taste

With a flat bottom dish, brush a thin layer of vegetable oil on the bottom of the dish, pour some batter into the dish, let the batter fill the bottom of the dish, and steam in the pan. According to the thickness of your grilled cake, grasp the time, generally it takes about ten minutes, you can steam a plate of grilled cake.

Take the steamed grilled cake out of the flat bottom plate, let it cool, cut into pieces or strips, you can mash some garlic paste, according to personal taste, add sesame oil, soy sauce, vinegar, etc., mixed with cucumbers, shredded carrots to eat. In addition, the grilled cake is cold and mixed separately, which is also delicious.

Cold soba noodle steak cake, refreshing taste, sour and delicious, home-cooked summer to relieve the heat of the excellent taste

Garlic paste is the standard of grilled cakes, and other spices in the grilled cake can be less, but garlic paste is indispensable.

Grilled cakes can also be eaten hot, which is a food suitable for both hot and cold, but it is best to taste cold.

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