
How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

author:Sichuan country flavor

Sichuan country taste - classic Sichuan cuisine

Boiled fish, also known as river boiled river fish, boiled fish fillet, was first popular in Cuiyun Township, Yubei District, Chongqing.

Boiled fish is usually made from fresh grass carp, bean sprouts, peppers and other ingredients. "Oily but not greasy, spicy but not dry, hemp but not bitter, smooth and tender meat" is one of its characteristics is one of the ten classic Sichuan dishes.

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish
How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish
How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

Soybean sprouts 300 g

Phase gram food

Grass carp (about 3 pounds) 1 piece (Use grass carp because grass carp meat is easier to slice fish fillets.) )

Salt 30 g

20 g green peppercorns

MSG a little

Salad oil 500 g

Dried red pepper 100 g

Mung bean starch 30 g

1. Prepare the raw materials.

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

2. Slice the fish and cut into thin slices. Fish head and fish chops are used for equipment. The method of flaked fish can be found here.

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

3. Fish fillets with cooking wine, pepper, half a small spoon of salt to grasp the taste, and then mix in the starch to set aside.

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

4. Put the bean sprouts into hot water with salt, blanch them and spread them on the bottom of the pot for later.

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

5. Heat a spoonful of oil in a pot, add peppercorns and peppers, and remove from heat to taste. This will not burn the pepper black. Then remove half of the peppercorns and peppers and set aside. Then in the pot, continue to add Pixian bean paste and burn the oil red. In a pot of boiling red oil, add minced ginger, minced garlic, star anise, cinnamon and stir-fry together.

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

6. In a sautéed pan, add the fish head and fish steak and stir-fry for 5 minutes. Then add 3,000ml of hot water, 1 tablespoon of salt and bring to a boil over high heat.

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

7. After the soup has boiled, continue to cook for 10 minutes, then slide into the yard of flavorful fillets. Do not stir the fillets with chopsticks after they are put into the pot, otherwise the fish will easily become scattered.

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

8. After boiling again, maintain the fire for 2 to 3 minutes, and you can do it. Be careful not to cook for too long, otherwise the fish will change from tender to hard.

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

9. Pour all the boiling fish soup into a basin that has been stacked with bean sprouts

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

10. In a pot, add 30 g of oil and burn until it smokes. Sprinkle the first hot peppercorns on the surface of the fish soup. Quickly pour the hot oil into the basin, hear a nice snort, and the delicious boiled fish soup is ready.

How do you make a dish of boiled fish at home that's the same as in a hotel? Sichuan chefs teach you how to cook fish

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If you have any dishes you want to learn, let me know in the comments below.

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