
Cover parlor 丨 Director Dapeng: Shoot "Auspicious Ruyi", so that we who can't go home are reunited in the movie

author:Cover News
Cover parlor 丨 Director Dapeng: Shoot "Auspicious Ruyi", so that we who can't go home are reunited in the movie

【Character Profile】Dong Chengpeng, also known as Dapeng, was born in Ji'an City, Tonghua City, Jilin Province, actor, director, screenwriter, host and singer. Director's representative works include "Pancake Man" and "Sewing Machine Band".

Cover news reporter Zeng Jie intern Li Haonan

Douban scored 8.4 points, and Dapeng directed the movie "Auspicious Ruyi" before it was screened. Approaching the Spring Festival, under the call of "local New Year", the catharsis of family affection needs an emotional outlet. Fans who have seen the point of view have incarnated as "tap water" Amway, and have given this film a five-star praise.

The film, which will be released on January 29, is about a comedy director who has a whim and returns to his hometown in the northeast countryside to make a movie about how the family spent the New Year, only to encounter a series of accidents. The family members who gathered for the film finished the final gathering.

Cover parlor 丨 Director Dapeng: Shoot "Auspicious Ruyi", so that we who can't go home are reunited in the movie

Director Dapeng

Compared with "Pancake Man" with a score of 5.8 and "The Sewing Machine Band" with a score of 6.6, fans have seen full sincerity in this realistic theme film directed by Dapeng for the first time. The fan "Nezha Man" cried so much that his invisible eyes fell off, and he re-examined his life after watching the movie; the fan "Guo Liankai" said bluntly, "Dapeng projected a heavy personal emotion without doubt to complete such a record"; the fan "Father of toot Bear" praised, "Observe the world more, understand more about the people around you, is the first step to make a good work, Dapeng did it."

As a director of a commercial film, why make a film like this? On January 25, director Dapeng was interviewed by a cover news reporter to share the behind-the-scenes story and creative feelings of the film shooting.

Cover parlor 丨 Director Dapeng: Shoot "Auspicious Ruyi", so that we who can't go home are reunited in the movie

Derived from real family stories

"I want to go home and photograph my grandmother"

Regarding this film, director Dapeng once expressed his feelings on Weibo: "There may be opportunities to make movies in the future, but "Auspicious Ruyi" will always be the most different. For this film, Dapeng is not only the creator behind the scenes, but also the experience of the story itself. Except for actor Liu Lu, all the characters in the film are Dapeng's real-life family.

"Auspicious Ruyi" is the most special work in Dapeng's career as a filmmaker. In 2016, Dapeng met actor Liu Lu for the first time and introduced her to the next film she wanted to shoot, "A Providence". "I haven't been home for several years to celebrate the New Year with them, and I want to take the camera and go to his countryside and record something", "going home" and "recording" are the keywords of this film, but the deep meaning of "Auspicious Ruyi" is more than that.

Cover parlor 丨 Director Dapeng: Shoot "Auspicious Ruyi", so that we who can't go home are reunited in the movie

As the car progresses, actor Liu Lu comes to Dapeng's rural hometown and plays the daughter of Dapeng's third uncle "Wang Jixiang", that is, Dapeng's cousin Wang Qingli. Wang Qingli, who has not returned home for ten years, constantly learns about her father's situation from the mouth of her family, because her father no longer knows her, and because of the sequelae of encephalitis, he has lost the ability to communicate like a normal person. Wang Jixiang, who could only chant "one two four five, wen wu xiang gui", when asked "do you want Wang Qingli", replied "no" with a smile on his face, obviously this answer is not his truth. The delicate relationship between father and daughter, whom they have not seen in ten years, become the core of the dramatic conflict in the story of this film.

Dapeng has been close to his grandmother since he was a child, and when he was a child, his mother fell ill and grew up smoothly under the care of his grandmother. The pattern of getting along between his grandmother and his third uncle is unforgettable, and every time he comes home, he witnesses an elderly mother taking care of a mentally ill son, a story worth capturing. In 2016, while still filming "Qimen Dunjia", Dapeng decided to start this shooting at the end of the year, and he confessed, "It's like feeling the call of fate, I want to go home and shoot my grandmother."

Documentary creation without script

"It's like shooting a show of providence"

However, according to Dapeng's plan, he did not think of shooting a documentary, but only used the audiovisual language of the record and the audiovisual style of documentary to arrange and combine a drama film. Without a script, without considering a reshoot, without any intervention to change the facts on the spot, the crew took Liu Lu to the northeast to experience life.

Originally, it was planned to shoot how Grandma would celebrate the New Year, but by chance, by the time Dapeng returned to his hometown, Grandma was already sick and hospitalized. As the person who has the closest contact with grandma, the third uncle naturally becomes the focus of filming because grandma suddenly fell ill.

Cover parlor 丨 Director Dapeng: Shoot "Auspicious Ruyi", so that we who can't go home are reunited in the movie

Although there is no script, as a witness to the story, Dapeng has a direction in his heart, and he knows what to shoot back at the very beginning, especially everyone's discussion about the future of the third uncle, he has a rough idea in his heart. "The so-called shooting providence is actually not to interfere with any specific content. He was not a blind, unplanned, improvised shot, but a shot with a tight plan and a very large amount of preparatory work. ”

As for when it can end and shut down, in fact, it is based on the creator's own intuition.

Break the pattern of domestic films

"Family can stand up to tears"

The movie "Auspicious Ruyi" is not as complete and joyful as the title, there are family conflicts and quarrels, there are Lili choking and crying, and the image style is also very real and sharp; but there are also mutual hugs and mutual concerns, which is the Chinese family, the Chinese style of family ethics.

Although all the members of the film are Dapeng's family members, he invited actor Liu Lu to participate in it, using a professional actor to drive the rhythm of the whole film and induce other family members to answer. Even in the movie, the "Li Li" played by Liu Lu and the real "Li Li" are in the same frame, and the communication, exchange and even confrontation between the two Li Li are impressive to the audience. Dapeng revealed the secret, this is not deliberate, Li Li's own appearance is also an accident.

The film's special mirror structure and multiple perspective settings have also amazed many fans who watched the film in advance, "breaking the pattern of domestic films, dreams generally wear from movies to reality", "both a subversion of traditional films in structure, but also the director's most private emotional capture".

The scene that Dapeng was most impressed by was the scene of the family's super home on the day of Chinese New Year's Eve. Because the "concentration" of that discussion was quite high, all the staff involved in the shooting were unforgettable.

Cover parlor 丨 Director Dapeng: Shoot "Auspicious Ruyi", so that we who can't go home are reunited in the movie

Dapeng, who has not returned home for several years to celebrate the New Year with his family, relived his family affection during the filming of this movie. During the filming, no one regarded him as a director, he was still the child in everyone's heart, which was the most comfortable mode of getting along with them. In his view, "family is like this, can withstand tearing, can also quickly condense, is a long time through one difficulty after another, and then woven together a flexible relationship."

Cover dialogue

Don't be afraid of controversy, just face it

Cover News: If Grandma were alive, what would the story of "Auspicious Ruyi" look like?

Dapeng: Actually, I can't make such a hypothesis, but the current presentation of "Auspicious Ruyi" is definitely not what I wanted to shoot at the beginning.

Cover News: How do you give Liu Lu a play on the spot?

Dapeng: I would tell her what the purpose of the next shoot was, what the tasks she needed to complete, and leave the rest to her to play, which was a kind of "immersion" performance. She did a lot of preparatory work for this, and went to the countryside early to spend some time with everyone.

Cover News: "Auspicious Ruyi" is very different from your previous films, how will you deal with the controversy that may be suffered?

Dapeng: I didn't think so far, every work came out, no matter which creator will face back to all kinds of discussions, just face it.

Cover News: Is it possible to shoot stories of family members (such as Li li) in the future?

Dapeng: Future events are unknown, but I don't reject them.

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