
"Suburban Poet" Sun Ganlu: The "Slow Pioneer" of the Fast Age

author:Shangguan News

"Shanghai Time of a Suburban Poet", the reading sharing meeting held at the Drama Shop of Duoyun Academy, the title of which collected the keywords of Sun Ganlu's newly published two works: "I Hear the Voice of the Suburb Again: Poetry and Thoughts" published by East China Normal University Publishing House, is a collection of literary criticism and poetry; "The Two Sides of the Time Coin" launched by Century Wenjing includes the writer's essay masterpieces on daily life, literary and artistic memory and Shanghai time in different periods.

"Suburban Poet" Sun Ganlu: The "Slow Pioneer" of the Fast Age

"In the 'fast age' reading 'Slow Pioneer', regaining the elegance of slowness", the publishers of the two new books invariably distilled "slow" as a slogan. For Sun Ganlu, "slow" has a cause of life, a reason for personality, and his understanding of the essence of writing.

"Suburban Poet" Sun Ganlu: The "Slow Pioneer" of the Fast Age
"Suburban Poet" Sun Ganlu: The "Slow Pioneer" of the Fast Age

"For many years, my writing has actually been concerned with central and marginal issues, urban and rural issues. Of course, this 'village' does not refer to the expression of rural life, but a sense of edge, a sense of cruising, or a feeling of not being able to keep up and slow. Sun Ganlu, who has entered the literary world as a pioneer novelist, explains, "Some people have said that a writer should be a stranger to his own language, that is, to explore the heterogeneity of language. Heterogeneity is where vitality lies, the part that can creatively move language forward. These ideas influenced me, and emotionally, I was more inclined to poets like Pessoa of Portugal than Pound and Eliot. ”

"Suburban Poet" Sun Ganlu: The "Slow Pioneer" of the Fast Age

"In the era of writing traffic, everyone is pursuing obvious blockbuster articles, 'slow' is just rare, and the value of 'slow pioneer' may be here." In the view of Luo Gang, a professor at East China Normal University, these two collections of works return to the essay tradition of modern Chinese literature, combining articles scattered everywhere to form a complete image of a writer and a new coordinate in literary history. In particular, there is an important connection between the poems written in the 1980s and Sun Ganlu's novel writing. In the past, when we told students about his works, such as Visiting Dreams, we often encountered the question: Why did he write such language? His language exploration in novels, whether it is avant-garde or new wave novels, where does the context come from? Re-combing the text in these two collections, the context becomes clear. ”

"Suburban Poet" Sun Ganlu: The "Slow Pioneer" of the Fast Age

Sun Ganlu said, "I hope that my books will arouse the desire to read and collect, make people intimately aware of their inner connection with the wider world, and even in a gap in this era of images, we are happy to see ourselves have a contemplative image." Xiang Jing, a young critic and associate professor at East China Normal University, believes that under Sun Ganlu's pen, it is an "encyclopedia" of Shanghai's literary and artistic life, from which we can open up the way of viewing the literary and artistic life of young people in different eras.

"Suburban Poet" Sun Ganlu: The "Slow Pioneer" of the Fast Age

"Since the new century, many cultural landmarks and cultural brands in Shanghai have sun ganlu behind it. There is a story-like contrast between his writing and his work in recent years. Luo Gang said that Sun Ganlu's "sense of suburb" comes from his identity as a city wanderer, "He is not only a wanderer of the city, but also eventually inscribed himself into the city, not only writing about the city, but also becoming an integral part of the city." ”

"The world literature of the future will compete in urban literature." Another of Sun Ganlu's old friends, Mao Jian, who is also a professor at China Normal University, summed up Sun Ganlu's "four great inventions"—strangeness, love, time and space, and Shanghai. "Through these two books, we can see that he has recreated a style and written about Shanghai's particularly stunning urban experience."

"Suburban Poet" Sun Ganlu: The "Slow Pioneer" of the Fast Age

In Mao Jian's view, Sun Ganlu has the ability to cut into life from the edges, and can summon ordinary words from the dinner table to people's spiritual lives, "Over the years, the number of his novels has declined somewhat, but in many corners of the city there is space for him to write." From this point of view, he is a real 'body writer' in the city. ”

Source: Author: Shi Chenlu

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