
Sun Ganlu: No one is satisfied with the "universal book list", and the difference hides the wonderful taste of reading

Sun Ganlu sent a message to the Shanghai Book Fair and the Power of Reading

Sun Ganlu: No one is satisfied with the "universal book list", and the difference hides the wonderful taste of reading

With the "Shanghai Book Fair • The Power of Reading" 2020 special network gathering gradually into a better situation, tonight's "Happy Reading Moment" ushered in the writer, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Writers Association Sun Ganlu online to talk about "personal daily reading", b station, Himalayas and other live broadcast platforms Hundreds of thousands of people watched and participated online. "On this different holiday, the mood is a little heavy. In addition to taking care of the elderly at home, more time is spent on reading. Sun Ganlu said frankly that some netizens are keen on "one-click collection" of various book lists, but it is difficult to list the "universal book list" that everyone is satisfied with, "The most interesting place in literary reading may lie in differences and differences." ”

Over the years, in Sun Ganlu's life and work, reading has been a key word. As one of the behind-the-scenes promoters of public reading activities and spaces such as Shanghai Book Fair, Shanghai International Literature Week, Sinan Book Club, Sinan Bookstore Pop-up Store, etc., his figure is active in many corners of the book city. Dealing with books frequently, he insists on a point of view: don't easily believe in "celebrity recommendations" or "best-selling rankings", the value of reading lies in emotional resonance, but also in breaking stereotypes and eliminating dependence on a single voice.

Sun Ganlu: No one is satisfied with the "universal book list", and the difference hides the wonderful taste of reading

◆ There is no "universal book list"

It is easier to agree on beautiful cuisine than to choose restaurants and travel around the world; but appreciating literary works such as novels, poems, and plays often provokes strong debates among different readerships, sometimes even diametrically opposed views. Sun Ganlu believes that the most interesting thing about literary reading is that it is difficult to list the "universal list" that everyone is satisfied with.

Therefore, literary reading has both a public side, such as in the classroom or lecture, recommended by experts and scholars; but it is also an extremely private topic, closely related to each reader's experience, cultivation, preferences, and habits. He posed the question: When we say a novel is very "easy to read," what exactly are we talking about?

For example, some readers are addicted to wonderful stories, some are fascinated by character shaping and social background, and some are good at "examining" the utensils and food in the works. Just as a war novel, military fans may relish the various weapons and equipment in it, spend a lot of time studying the balance of forces of the troops, etc.

In other words, talking about a literary work in general is difficult to resonate with different groups. Reading a book evokes a wide range of reactions. This is a troubling question derived from reading – is it just content to read it yourself, or is it the enthusiasm and impulse to share it with others after reading it? Sun Ganlu believes that an opinion on the evaluation of a work of art can often immediately attract countless rebuttals and intricate voices, but it is precisely the arguments, differences, and differences themselves that constitute an interesting part of reading.

◆ Maintain a vigilant mindset

What do you think of scholars, experts, and insiders' interpretation of a literary work? Sun Ganlu believes that professional critics often rely on their training, experience, and insight, but how to judge works does not need to be too superstitious about authority. "Some ordinary readers who are not professional writers or researchers also have a high sense of appreciation and good taste, and the insights published on the Internet platform are wonderful."

Sun Ganlu: No one is satisfied with the "universal book list", and the difference hides the wonderful taste of reading

He reminded that with the convenience of printing and publishing, coupled with the convenient dissemination of the Internet, a large number of works continue to be produced and promoted, but are many new books worth spending time and money to buy? This should be paid attention to today, especially in daily reading life, and the distinction and screening of works need to be vigilant. "Sometimes we are easily affected by some fancy slogans, celebrity recommendations, best-selling rankings and other factors to influence the choice of reading, especially for popular readings, or to maintain a certain degree of independent thinking." 」

◆ Language carries the DNA of writers

After the erosion of time, the classic works that have really been preserved are rare, and most of the writing is only working in that direction. In Sun Ganlu's view, whether reading novels or prose or poetry, the texture of language is our "first impression" when we come into contact with literary works, carrying the DNA of writers with their own characteristics. Language is both a reflection of a writer's writing style and a reflection of historical forces that transcend the writer.

He said that the clear recognition of language is extremely sensitive and diligent for countless writers. For example, the same is the Beijing flavor, Lao She and Wang Shuo style is very different but far-reaching, there are many writers in addition to the standard written language writing, absorb a large number of spoken, slang, dialect, so that the literary language becomes vivid and rich, the meaning of the transmission is more and more subtle. Sometimes when you hear the sound of the countryside, the sound contains details and touch, and a precious moment awakens the depths of memory in an instant. In the written language, the language of great personal characteristics is polished by countless writers throughout their lives. The information carried by language is as precious as the message conveyed by the content.

Even if they all use written language, different writers use different styles. It can be said that language itself has become a very important object of study in the field of literature. Language carries the personal characteristics of the writer and conveys the aesthetic styles of different translations.

◆ When reading foreign classics, you may wish to compare a few more translations

Near the end of the event, Sun Ganlu picked up Pasternak's long "Doctor Zhivago" in his hand, and slowly read the scene of the conversation between two friends in his youth in the last section of the novel. He recalled visiting the famous writers' village on the outskirts of Moscow many years ago, "Oleg, director of the outreach department of the Moscow Writers Association, drove us, and the car drove into the quiet village in the dark of night, and went around to the porch of Pasternak's former residence, and the dim light and scenes have always been haunting our minds." ”

Sun Ganlu: No one is satisfied with the "universal book list", and the difference hides the wonderful taste of reading

In front of the camera, he showed the old version of the "Nobel Prize-winning Writers Series" of Lijiang Publishing House, translated by Li Gang and Ji Gang, "Zheng Tiwu, an expert in Russian literature research at that time, recommended it to me, and in recent years, there is also a translation that is a joint translation of Lan Yingnian and Gu Yu, and the two translations have their own strengths." When reading foreign classic novels, literature lovers may wish to look at different versions, and reading one more translation may bring double gains. ”

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